First off, I apologize for getting this newsletter out a day late.
I hope you and your family had a good March, and I hope you will have a Great Easter, and that you are staying well and safe.
Thank you for subscribing to receive the latest newsletter from the Free Bullion Investment Guide.
Updates to the Guide...
In last month's newsletter, I told you I intended to have the Australian bullion coin pages on the guide fully updated in the "next week or so." It's a good thing I added the "or so"
because that's how long it took after several speed bumps that rose
along the way of finishing the pages; I finally updated them all at the
end of last month.
I posted a blog post about the Updated Australian bullion coins, seen here, and the updates were posted under the "Recent Guide Updates" found on the guide. Below are the updates found in the blog post.
Australian Bullion Coins Images & Mintage Figures Update
Australian Silver, Gold, and Platinum Kangaroo Bullion Coins
1 oz. Silver Kangaroo Bullion Coin
1/10 oz. Gold Kangaroo Bullion Coin
1/4 oz. Gold Kangaroo Bullion Coin
1/2 oz. Gold Kangaroo Bullion Coin
1oz. Gold Kangaroo Bullion Coin
1 kilo. Gold Kangaroo Bullion Coin
1 oz. Platinum Kangaroo Bullion Coin
Australian Silver, Gold, and Platinum Lunar Bullion Coins
Australian Silver Kookaburra Bullion Coins
Australian Silver Koala Bullion Coins
1/2 oz. Lunar Silver Bullion Coin
1 oz. Lunar Silver Bullion Coin
2 oz. Lunar Silver Bullion Coin
5 oz. Lunar Silver Bullion Coin
1 kilo. Lunar Silver Bullion Coin
1/20oz. Lunar Gold Bullion Coin
1/10oz. Lunar Gold Bullion Coin
1/4 oz. Lunar Gold Bullion Coin
1/2 oz. Lunar Gold Bullion Coin
10 oz. Lunar Gold Bullion Coin
1 oz. Lunar Platinum Bullion Coin
Australian Silver Kookaburra Bullion Coins
1oz. Silver Kookaburra Bullion Coin
10 oz. Silver Kookaburra Bullion Coin
1 kilo. Silver Kookaburra Bullion Coin
Australian Silver Koala Bullion Coins
1 oz. Silver Koala Bullion Coin
In my last two newsletters (February & March) I stated that "You
can expect Gold and Silver to continue to move up in price as long as
rates continue to be high but stay below the rate of inflation." High rates are a bull market killer, and inflation hurts us all, sounds like the perfect recipe for gold and silver to me.
now we have a new problem, and we can blame it on the strength of the
U.S. Dollar, also known as the PetroDollar. As much as climate change
individuals want to take oil away from us to supposedly "Save the
World," what they fail to see (or maybe they do) is that the PetroDollar
will be the ultimate loser, and all our debt will come home to roost.
Here are a few articles that were posted on the homepage of the Free Bullion Investment Guide that should shed some light on the subject for you.
In addition, I will continue to
post articles that pertain to this issue if/when they arise; however,
for the sake of argument, you want to keep an eye on the U.S. Dollar (DXY) and precious metals and invest or accumulate according to your best judgment.
I try to make sure that the affiliates that I do business with are reputable and offer good products and services.
The Royal Mint has been an affiliate for several years with the
Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide, and I have at least a dozen pages devoted
to the Royal Mint and it's bullion coins.
Since I have had them as an affiliate, I believed they had impeccable service seen in their "feefo Customer Reviews;" here (except for their most recent reviews).
Furthermore, recently I saw their Trust Pilot Customer Reviews seen here.
The customer reviews show that since October 2022, the Royal Mint has
had less than stellar reviews, plus I didn't even know about the Trust
Pilot reviews until recently.
I like the Royal Mint, and I like their history and their products, but I
cannot advertise for them as long as their services to their customers
are this poor, so I am not dropping them as an affiliate.
I am going to keep my account open with them; however, I'll be removing all their links on the guide over the next month, and when they improve their service, I will re-post their links, and I'll let you know when that happens (here) in the newsletter first.
No matter what age you are, no matter where you are in life, the best thing you can do is get your heart and soul right with the Son of God - Jesus Christ. If you question that Jesus is God, pray to him (in his name).
If you did this, I know he answered you or will, depending on the goodness(edit) of the prayer. Thank him when the prayer is answered, and keep talking to him, he wants to have a relationship with you. One thing to remember, sometimes no answer, is the answer, you just have to figure out why you didn't receive an answer.
We all know that this life will not last forever, but your spirit does, Jesus will give you eternal life all you have to do is believe. Learn about Jesus Christ and how his death and resurrection(edit) defeated eternal death so that you could have eternal life - here.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father [God] except through me. John 14:6
Until next month, Thank you for your time and for your support.
Take Care & God Bless,
Steven Warrenfeltz
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All Articles were Originally Posted on the Homepage