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Archangel Raphael
The Angel of Healing

The word "Archangel" is comes from the Greek words "Arche," which means Chief or Principal and "Angelos" meaning Messenger or Representative.

Raphael's name is a combination of two Hebrew words: “Rapha” (physician, healer) and “el” (God), and when combined Raphael means "God heals."

Raphael is "one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him," (Tobit 12:15), and he is the Principle healer in the angelic realm.

Archangels carry out important tasks for the Sovereign LORD of the universe, the LORD Almighty, the triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The Roman Catholic Church identifies Raphael as "Saint Raphael, the Archangel."  However, unlike most saints, Raphael has never been a human; although he once disguised himself as human in the Book of Tobit, he has been declared a saint in honor of helping humanity.

To receive assistance from Archangel Raphael or any angel, one must pray to Jesus Christ for healing and request Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing, to deliver it.

Outside of receiving healing through the Grace of Jesus Christ, seeing green, the color associated with the Archangel Raphael, in odd, unordinary ways is the only way of knowing that Jesus Christ heard your prayer and sent Raphael to answer it.

Below are examples of God's blessings delivered through Raphael recorded in different religious scriptures.

The Book of Tobit

In the Catholic and Orthodox 'Book of Tobit,' a book of scripture that is part of the biblical canon, God sends the Archangel Raphael, disguised as a human, to answer the prayers of two faithful souls: Tobit and Sara.

Tobit prayed to the LORD to reattain his sight because he lost it in a freak accident.

Sara prayed for God's help in finding love because of a curse that was upon her by a demon who killed all of her husbands on their wedding night, seven in total.

The day after his prayer, Tobit sent his son Tobias and his dog out to collect silver coins he had loaned to someone.

Before Tobias set out on his journey, God sent Raphael, disguised as a human, a helpful traveling companion for the young man.

(People often pray to the LORD for the Archangel Raphael's help and protection while traveling because of how God sent his Archangel Raphael to help and protect Tobias in his travels.)

On their journey, Tobias and Raphael caught a large fish in the waters of the river Tigris that tried to attack Tobias.

Tobias ate his portion of the fish, and Raphael pretended to eat his; after Tobias finished eating, Raphael told Tobias to keep the organs of the fish for later use.

As they continue their journey, Raphael tells Tobias about a good woman named Sara and that they should meet.

Tobias is first excited about meeting Sara but then becomes discouraged about her after he finds out about the curse against her and that all her husbands died on their wedding night.

Raphael encourages Tobias to trust the LORD and convinces him to meet Sara. 

After they meet and fall in love, Sara worries that Tobias will have the same fate as her previous husbands after they wed.

The Archangel Raphael, still disguised as a human, tells Tobias to throw the heart and liver of the fish they killed into a fire and that the smell would drive the demon cursing Sara away.

So, Tobias threw the organs into the fire, and then Sara walked through the smoke, causing the demon to leave her alone.

The truth to all the healing came from the LORD's divine power delivered through his angelic messenger Raphael.

Raphael gave Tobias the knowledge of how to drive the demon out of Sara using the heart and liver of the fish.

(The LORD will send the Archangel Raphael to give individuals the knowledge to help themselves heal as an answer to their prayers.)

Furthermore, after Tobias threw the fish's organs into the fire to drive the demon out of Sara, Raphael bound the demon, not the fish's organs, as in the book of Tobit's excerpt below.

1) When they had finished the meal, and it was time to go to bed, Sarah's parents led young Tobias to the bedroom.

2) He remembered Raphael's instructions, so he took the fish's liver and heart out of the bag where he had been keeping them.  Then he placed them on the burning incense.

3) The smell drove the demon away from them, and he fled to Egypt.  Raphael chased after him and caught him there. At once he bound him hand and foot

The Prayer of Tobias

4) When Tobias and Sarah were alone behind closed doors, Tobias got up from the bed and said to his wife,
Get up, dear. Let's pray for the Lord to be merciful and to protect us.

5) Sarah got up so that they could pray together and ask God for his protection. Then Tobias prayed: God of our ancestors, you are worthy of praise. May your name be honored forever and ever by all your creatures in heaven and on earth.

6) You created Adam and gave him his wife Eve to be his helper and support.  They became the parents of the whole human race.  You said, It is not good for man to live alone.  I will make a suitable helper for him.

7) Lord, I have chosen Sarah because it is right, not because I lusted for her. Please be merciful to us and grant that we may grow old together.

8 Then they both said Amen

- Tobit 8: 1-8

As seen in the painting above by Jan Steen, titled: 'Tobias and Sarah in Prayer with the Angel Raphael and the Demon,' it's revealed that the Archangel Raphael is the one who binds the demon after the smell of the burning organs drove it out of Sara.

In addition, it was Raphael who told Tobias how to heal his father's eyesight using the fish's gallbladder.

Raphael shows Tobias how to make the ointment with the fish's gallbladder that heals his father Tobit's eyesight.

When these acts of healing were taking place, Raphael could not disclose his true identity to keep from frightening his companions.

Near the end of the story, the Archangel Raphael reveals himself to Tobit as One of the Seven Angels who stand before the Lord.

12) Tobit, when you and Sarah prayed to the Lord, I was the one who brought your prayers into his glorious presence. I did the same thing each time you buried the dead.

13) On the day you got up from the table without eating your meal in order to bury that corpse, God sent me to test you. 14) But he also sent me to cure you and to rescue your daughter-in-law, Sarah, from her troubles.

15) I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of the Lord, ready to serve him.

16) Tobit and Tobias were terrified and fell to the ground, trembling with fear.

17) But Raphael said to them;

Don't be afraid; everything is all right. Always remember to praise God.

18) He wanted me to come and help you; I did not come on my own. So sing God's praises as long as you live.

19) When you thought you saw me eating, I did not really eat anything; it only seemed so.

20) While you are on this earth, you must praise the Lord God and give him thanks. Now I must go back to him who sent me. Write down everything that has happened to you.

21) Then Raphael disappeared into the sky. Tobit and Tobias stood up, but they could no longer see him.

22) They began to sing hymns of praise, giving thanks for all the mighty deeds God had done while his angel Raphael had been with them.

- Tobit 12:12-22

John 5:4

In the New Testament's Book, the Gospel of John, although it does not name the Archangel Raphael by name, he is believed to be the angel who healed by stirring the waters at the Pool of Bethesda:

For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water; then whoever stepped in first, after the stirring of the water, was made well of whatever disease he had.

                                                    - John 5:4

Book of Enoch

In the ancient Jewish 'Book of Enoch,' the Archangel Raphael is mentioned by name several times with the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Phanuel. 

8. After this I besought the angel of peace, who proceeded with me, to explain all that was concealed. I said to him, Who are those whom I have seen on the four sides, and whose words I have heard and written down? He replied, The first is the merciful, the patient, the holy Michael.

9. The second is he who presides over every suffering and every affliction of the sons of men, the holy Raphael. The third, who presides over all that is powerful, is Gabriel. And the fourth, who presides over repentance, and the hope of those who will inherit eternal life, is Phanuel. These are the four angels of the most high God, and their four voices, which at that time I heard.

-  Book of Enoch 40:8-9

The Talmud

Three Archangels Help Abraham

The names of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are also found in the fourth order of the Mishna, called the Nezikin, which is part of the Talmud, a central text of mainstream Judaism.

Found in the volume of Bava Metzia, the three archangels appear to Abraham on the plains of Mamre.

According to the Jerusalem Talmud, Raphael is one of the three angels that appeared to Abraham in the oak grove of Mamre, in the region of Hebron. (Bava Metzia 86b).

The Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael were sent to carry out a specific mission.

Gabriel's mission was to destroy Sodom. Michael's mission was to inform Sarah that she would give birth to a son, and both were to save Lot from Sodom's destruction.  Raphael's mission was to heal Abraham (from his recent circumcision).

The Archangel Raphael is
the Patron Saint of...

The Archangel Raphael is the Patron Saint of doctors, nurses, health care workers, pharmacists, the blind, the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill, people suffering from nightmares, travelers, couples who need their relationship to be healed, and anyone needing guidance or protection.

What does this mean?

If you are having issues with one of these matters, pray to the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ for help and ask Jesus to send the Archangel Raphael - the (Chief) Angel of Healing to deliver the response to your prayer.

About Prayer

Prayer comes from the heart; there is no script. Just remember to always finish your prayer, saying, "In Jesus name, Amen," because there is power in Jesus's name.

woman praying

Jesus said the following:

"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."

- John 14:13-14 (NIV)

Jesus goes on to say the following in the next chapter of John:

"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you" 

- John 15:7 (NIV)

for Non-Christians...

To those who may not be a Christian, give Jesus a chance to help you.

Before you give up on this course of healing, with an honest heart, ask Jesus Christ for help and ask Jesus to send the Archangel Raphael, the principal angel of healing, to deliver the response to your prayer. 

Have Faith and Expect and Answer!

If you do this, you will most likely be surprised with the results if you open your heart and mind to Jesus for the blessing you seek. 

Also, you can consider the answer to your prayer as an invitation into the Kingdom of God, and when/if you are ready, ask Jesus into your heart by accepting him as your Lord and Savior, ask him to forgive your sins and repent of them.

If you do this, you will receive the Holy Spirit as a gift to support you and help you in faith for the rest of your life.

The truth is the Good News. When you heard the truth, you put your trust in (Jesus) Christ. Then God marked you by giving you His Holy Spirit as a promise. 

The Holy Spirit was given to us as a promise that we will receive everything God has for us. God’s Spirit will be with us until God finishes His work of making us complete. God does this to show His shining-greatness.

- Ephesians 1:13-14

Jesus Christ as Your Lord & Savior

Jesus Christ shed his perfect blood and died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice to free those who believe in him from sin. Then, after he was entombed for three days, Jesus Christ was resurrected from the grave, giving those who believe in these truths eternal life in heaven with Jesus and his Father.

  • If you believe these truths, Ask Jesus to forgive you for your sins and repent from them.  To believe and do these things is to be "Born Again" and start submitting your worries to Jesus Christ through prayer to take care of them.
  • End your prayer with "in Jesus's name, Amen" because there is power in his name.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." John 14:1-6

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen .                                                       Matthew 28:18-20

I encourage you to learn more about Jesus Christ by reading the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

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Archangel Raphael - The Angel of Healing

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