Homepage / Archived News or Quarterly News / 2nd Quarter 2012

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2nd Quarter - 2012
Charts, Bullion News & Commentary

When investing in any market, a good way to judge price movement in the future is to learn from the past.

The charts and bullion news links on this page are largely devoted to the precious metals market during the 2nd Quarter of 2012.

However, there are also articles about the general direction of the financial markets and current events that affected the market during the quarter.

Below the precious metals spot price charts, there is also, Commentary from the Professionals in the Precious Metals and Currency Markets

All of the news links posted below were originally posted on the homepage, during the 2nd quarter of 2012.

Tiger King - TIGERKING Flip Up Small Safe with Biometric Lock $99.99

The charts below are provided courtesy

of www.stockcharts.com.

Gold Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2012

Gold Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - June 30th, 2012)

gold chart

Bullion News

Gold Prices

The Death Cross that formed in gold's price chart early in the 2nd quarter of 2012 was a helpful indicator to help investors deciding which direction the price of gold was heading. 

The price of gold bottomed in mid-May at $1526.70 and started to
indicate a new direction for the price of gold indicating that bottom
resistance was increasing in price.

Gold Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2012 - June. 30th, 2012)

gold chart

Bullion News

Tiger King - TIGERKING Flip Up Small Safe with Biometric Lock $99.99

Silver Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2012

Silver Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - June. 30th, 2012)

Bullion News

Silver Prices

Silver's spot price for much of the 2nd quarter was trading sideways or
finding a new bottom. 

However each time the silver price tested a new low, it was creating a bottom support spot price resistance level at $26. 

Silver Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2012 - June. 30th, 2012)

silver chart

Bullion News

Platinum Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2012

Platinum Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - June. 30th, 2012)

platinum 2011n2012

Bullion News

Platinum Prices

Platinum's 2nd quarter spot price was falling on low volume during the
first month of the quarter. 

In early May of 2012, the 50MA fell below the 200MA creating a death cross which is usually a good indicator of lower prices in the future.

Platinum's spot price consolidates for the rest of the quarter and tests
two new lows first at $1387.10 in late May and $1385.30 at the end of
the 2nd quarter of 2012.

Platinum Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2012 - June. 30th, 2012)

platinum chart

Bullion News

Palladium Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2012

Palladium Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2011 - June. 30th, 2012)

palladium 2011n2012

Bullion News

Palladium Prices

Palladium's spot price chart for the majority of the quarter was in
consolidation and testing lower prices for support. 

In the 2nd quarter of 2012 palladium's spot price saw two lower highs and three lower lows in price.

Palladium Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2012 - June. 30th, 2012)

palladium chart

Bullion News

The charts above are provided by the courtesy of www.stockcharts.com.

2nd Quarter - 2012
Bullion News & Commentary

The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.

The Headlines without links, had the link removed from its original source; the Headlines was kept on the page due to relevancy.

06/30/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO (27:43) - Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan and Paul Mladjenovic--Obamacare and the New Amerika

Silver Coins Today - Silver Ends First Half of 2012 Lower; Eagle Coins Top 17M

MineWeb - Gold down to $700 - or up to $7,000? - Diametrically opposed viewpoints

Financial Sense - Jim’s Big Picture: The Supreme Court Has Dropped the Healthcare Hammer-What does it mean to you personally?

Examiner - Metal prices surged copper and silver demand is expected to pick up

MoneyNews - St. Louis Fed’s Bullard: More Easing Would Risk Inflation Surge

06/29/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO (35:53) : TFMetals Report - Econ 101 with John Williams

Profit Confidential - Largest U.S. City So Far to Declare Bankruptcy

CNBC - Here Are Four Good Reasons Not to Trust Today's Rally

VIDEO (06:44) : CNBC - EU Debt Deal Only Making Problems Worse: Jim Rogers

Numismaster - Cracking Down on Fake Chinese Coins

Resource Investor - How to Buy Silver Online


VIDEO (28:05) : Capital Account - Nigel Farage on the Failings of the EU Summit and an Antidemocratic Europe

MoneyNews - Reuters Poll: Wall Street Boosts Odds Fed Will Have to Ease Again

06/28/12 - Bullion News

Business Insider - Regulators Are Looking Into Labeling Gold A Tier 1 Asset

AUDIO (48:11) : Ricochet - Gold Buggery

CMI Gold and Silver - The Keynesian endgame

Wealth Daily - Invest in Silver not Gold

Arabian Money - How much deflation before we get to the hyperinflation of money printing?

Market Watch - Inflation lobby is about to win the argument

Bullion Street - Sudan considers Gold as a currency and reserve

azizonomics - Fiat Money Kills Productivity

Silver Coins Today - Demand Rises for US Silver Coins, Led by Silver Eagle Products

Casey Research - Doug Casey on the Coming Eurocrash

GoldSeek - Gold Bullion Coin - 1 Tonne Australian Kangaroo - Enters Guinness Book of Records

Silver Investing News - Silver: How to Call It and Play It

06/27/12 - Bullion News

Perth Mint Bullion - Snake Strikes Underway For Smooth Lunar Launch

Silver Coins Today - 2012 Chaco Culture 5 Ounce Silver Bullion Coin Sales Begin

MineWeb - India's Reserve Bank considering banning banks from selling gold coins

Daily Echo - Man allegedly sent fake gold sovereigns abroad

VIDEO (33:29) : USA Watchdog - One on One with John Williams

CNBC - Does the Global Economy Need More Money Printing?

POLL : Gallup - Americans' Confidence in Banks Falls to Record Low

AUDIO : MineWeb - Mitsui and Co Precious Metal's David Jollie looks at the current state of the platinum sector and where it is likely heading

US Funds - An Ending Made For Gold

VIDEO (28:05) : Capital Account - Chris Martenson on Shadow Bank Runs and how Central Banks are Missing the Boat!

azizonomics - Liquidation is Vital

Resource Investor - China & Russia Buy Bullion as Protection

06/26/12 - Bullion News

Political Metals - My Last Forecast on Silver and Gold Prices

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: Modern World Coin Collecting Strategies: Low Mintage Sleepers

Minyanville - What Are The Most Popular Silver Bullion Coins?

Perth Mint Bullion - Perth Mint Certificates Are Not Classed As 'Paper Gold' - GoldCore

Numismaster - How Do Coin Dealers Earn Their Income?

AUDIO : FSN - Peter Grandich Is Back With Encouraging Words About Precious Metals

Reuters - Gold coin sales from national Mints fall in Q1

VIDEO (04:43) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - Charles Nenner; Short Stocks and Bonds, Buy Gold

321gold - Deflation Inflation Debate

The Real Asset - The Golden Revolution – book review

The Gold Report - Platinum Outlook Remains Volatile: Erica Rannestad

AUDIO (66:07) : Financial Sense - Post-FOMC Macro Update with Chris Martenson

06/25/12 - Bullion News

CoinWeek - Defining The Line Between Precious Metals and Numismatics

VIDEO(s) (30:33) : Political Metals - Silver Bomb

Chicago Tribune - Nearly half of Americans -- 49 percent -- Don't have enough Emergency Savings

Bloomberg - Central Banks Commit to Ease as Threat of Lost Decades Rises

ZeroHedge - The Consequences Of The Unthinkable: Here Is What Happens When The Euro Breaks Up

VIDEO (26:58) : Rolling Stone - Taibbi Joins Yves Smith on Moyers

American Thinker - Euro Crisis and the Twilight of Sovereignty

msnbc - Anxiety rises and wealthy rush to Swiss banks

06/24/12 - Bullion News

Smart Money - The Economic Police State - Hoenig: Government intervention in the economy destroys wealth -- and freedom.

VIDEO (16:57) : Physical Precious Metals Vs. Mining Shares

ChicoER - Antique appraiser shares some tips

06/23/12 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Plunge on Week, US Mint Coin Sales Soar

Sprott Asset Mgmt - Ministry of [Un]Truth

The Gold Report - Gold and Silver Are on the Verge of Something Huge

The Golden Truth - A Quick Primer On Why Operation Twist Is QE

The Ledger - Bad Checks from Gold Buying Company Hit Local Customers

Palm Beach Post - Storage Wars: Finding gold (or silver) in those unclaimed units

NY Post - Judge likens Goldman logic to Orwell’s ‘1984’

Nasdaq - JP Morgan: Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

AUDIO (20:55) : Future Money Trends - Precious Metals Update with Ranting Andy Hoffman

06/22/12 - Bullion News

Summary & VIDEO (09:58) : ZeroHedge - Gold As A Store Of Value

ABC News - The Truth About Buying Gold

SafeHaven - Surprise Strength in Gold

Ahead of the Herd - Six Percent Can Draw Gold From The Moon

Summary & VIDEO (05:18) : Wealth Wire - 80% of the Gold the World Owns Doesn't Exist

CoinWeek - Liquidation Could Send Silver Down to $18

06/21/12 - Bullion News

Munknee - Eventual Rise in Interest Rates Will Be Downfall of U.S. – Here’s Why

Article & VIDEO (03:59) : The Cosumerist - Former Gold Buyers Say They Were Pushed To Lie To Customers

VIDEO (05:40) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - Monetary & Fiscal Policies of the Last 4 Years Have Failed: Jim Rogers

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - Just 16% Say Today's Children Will Be Better Off Than Their Parents

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - 66% Say Government Should Cut Spending To Help Economy

Perth Mint Bullion - The Land Down Under Could Be A Safe Place To Keep Your Gold - FSN

azizonomics - Skyscraper Index Indicates Next Global Crash in 2013

BreitBart - Fed Cuts Growth Estimate Again

VIDEO (02:44) : Clarke and Dawe - The European Crisis

Business Insider - Russia's Central Bank Just Bought 500k Ounces Of Gold

Bullion Street - Ghana may withdraw Gold reserves from euro zone banks

VIDEO (27:53) : Capital Account - Jim Rickards on the latest Federal Reserve Rate Decision and Operation Twist 2.0

06/20/12 - Bullion News

Perth Mint Bullion - Silver Seasonality

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: Gold’s New Role in the Global Monetary System and the Euro Zone Crisis

VIDEO (06:33) : Nigel Farage: "Listen! The Whole Thing's a Giant Ponzi Scheme!"

Safe Haven - Gold Becomes a Tier 1 Asset Class for Banks

CNBC - Fed 'Prepared to Take Further Action' If Economy Slows

Bullion Street - Turkey-Iran annual trade involves Gold up to 82 tons

Acting Man - Gold, A Quick Take

AUDIO (09:50) : MineWeb - Copper risks still biased to the down side - Standard Chartered

06/19/12 - Bullion News

Financial Sense - Does Gold Keep Up In Hyperinflation?

NuWire Investor - How to Collect Coins as an Investment

MoneyWeek - The US will print more money this year – here’s how to profit Arabian Money - Higher gold, silver and interest rates to result from the euro crisis

Silver Investing News - Will Congress Aggravate Silver Manipulation?

Coin Update - Perth Mint Gold and Silver Bullion Sales Rose in May

Numismaster - Do You Know What You Are Buying?

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - 52% Think Economy Will Be Unchanged or Weaker A Year From Now

06/18/12 - Bullion News

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Will Europe Provide the Final Catalyst for Gold and Silver?


CMI Gold and Silver - QE3 is a given

VIDEO (05:01) : CNBC - Will Central Banks 'Inflate' Their Way Out of Debt?

Seeking Alpha - Western Central Banks Print Money, Emerging Market Central Banks Buy Gold

321gold - Monthly Gold Pattern Remains Bullish

Wealth Daily - How to Avoid the Global Debt Debacle; World to Europe: Print More Money!

VIDEO (14:16) : USA Watchdog - One on One with Karl Denninger

American Thinker - Shrinking Local Governments

Seeking Alpha - Physical Precious Metals Versus Their ETFs: Which Is Best For You?

Fox News - Decision clears way for Gold Rush-era ship recovery mission

06/17/12 - Bullion News

CNBC - Short-Term Gold Options Get Physical

Smart Money - Bond Rates May Not Go Up for Years

The Southern - Gold — Making an All-Time High?

Wealth Wire - Revisiting the First Silver Bubble

Commodity Online - Increasing easing hopes, disruptive political climate should boost Gold: HSBC

Huffington Post - Super-Rich Investing More In Treasure, Report Finds

06/16/12 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver, Metals Up on Week, Solid Sales of US Bullion Coins

Arabian Money - Back to the fundamentals of investing in silver

Seeking Alpha - The Silver Myth: Industrial Demand Isn't What's Driving Prices

SilverSeek - Is Silver Currently Riskier Than Gold?

ZeroHedge - Volatility Is Not Risk

AUDIO : FSN - Walter Williams – Government Can’t Always Give You What You Want

Summary & VIDEO (21:30) : Political Metals - Coming Soon! New 1:1 silver exchange that will suck metal away from the LBMA

New York Times - Hong Kong Exchange to Buy London Metal Exchange for $2.1 Billion

06/15/12 - Bullion News

SilverSeek - A Few Questions; One Answer by Ted Butler

Forbes - Gold As An Investment Vehicle? Here's How to Buy It

Free Gold Money Report - Fiat Currency in a Kondratieff Winter

AUDIO (14:32) : David Morgan: Silver to Gain Gradually in the Near-Term

Ahead of the Herd – Sweat of the Sun A Gift From the Magi

AUDIO (25:01) : FSN – Alasdair Macleod – Quiet Bank Runs Taking Place in Europe Now

Silver Doctors – Rick Santelli Interviews Bart Chilton on CFTC Incompetence

Rolling Stone – Senators Grovel, Embarrass Themselves at Dimon Hearing

VIDEO (05:33) : How Europe is assuring its own doom. Nigel Farage and Peter Schiff break it down.

Article & VIDEO (03:25) : Credit Writedowns – America’s slowdown is not about Europe, it’s about the debt

Arabian Money – Another Black Monday coming for global financial markets?

The Boston Globe – The Silver Institute: Silver is for Champions - Silver is Representative of the Best in Many Sports

VIDEO (04:33) & CNBC – A 'Golden' Opportunity Ahead of Greek Elections; Interview with Frank Holmes

06/14/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (04:39) : Popular Video – If I Wanted America to Fail

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - 78% Remain Concerned About Inflation

ZeroHedge - Tony Robbins Bullish On Gold - Faber and Bass His Financial Gurus

MoneyWeek - Has the gold price bottomed out?

AUDIO (69:31) : Stansberry Radio - Why Uncertainty Leads to Great Opportunities, Interview with Jeff Clark

Perth Mint Bullion - Update: Central Bank Gold Holdings

Financial Sense - What Will It Take?

Bullion Street - Olympic medals are from biggest man-made hole on Earth

MoneyShow - Paul Krugman’s Rusty Chains

VIDEO (20:06) : Hugo Price and Max Keiser can save Greece, edited for English

06/13/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO : FSN - Jeff Clark – Precious Metals Are Your Savings

AUDIO (17:34) : James Turk-It All Comes Down To A Golden Education

Fox Business - Gold and Silver Are Your Hedge Against Centrally-Planned Economies

VIDEO (01:12) : ZeroHedge - Hannan: "The Euro Is The Problem, Not The Solution"

Fast Markets - Technical Analysis - Dollar Index - Despite all the turmoil in Europe, the dollar is drifting

CoinWeek - Gold: Foreign Central Banks Versus The US Government

AUDIO (13:11) : MineWeb - Recent moves signal change in market perception to gold

ZeroHedge - Retail Sales Miss Ex-Autos, PPI Misses; Gold Soars On More QE Expectations

VIDEO (04:27) : The Daily Caller - MILTON WOLF: Free market capitalism ‘doesn’t work.’ Oh, really?

azizonomics - Inflationeering

VIDEO (02:27) : CME Group - Copper Futures w/ George Gero

Bullion Street - Supplies of Platinum may decline this year: Johnson Matthey

Supply Management - Pressure on platinum prices halts mining activity

Acting Man - Pleas for More Spending and Money From Thin Air, Stimulus Failure Unearthed

BreitBart - Detroit City Council Refuses To Drop Lawsuit That Will Bankrupt Detroit in Four Days

06/12/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO : FSN - Charles Biderman – Gold & Silver For the Long Haul – Short Term Trends Aside

CoinWeek - Perth Mint Excludes U.S. Customers From Direct Dragon Proof Coin Sales

VIDEO (28:15) : Capital Account - From Crowd Funding Europe's Future to the Future of Gold and the US Dollar!

VIDEO (08:27) : CNBC - Jim Rogers: Let Spain, Greece Go Bankrupt

Investment Rarities - CONTAGION by Jim Cook

VIDEO (01:46) & Article : WJLA (Washington, DC) - Coin thefts on the rise

Liberty Blitz Krieg - Spain’s Bailout in One Photo

VIDEO (21:24) : The Real Asset - Interview with John Butler

ZeroHedge - The US "Budget Surplus" Miracle Is Over: $125 Billion Deficit In May

GoldSeek - Inflation-Adjusted Prices

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - New High: 42% Worried They’ll Lose Their Money Due To Bank Failure

my budget 360 - How to lose 40% of your net worth in 3 years

06/11/12 - Bullion News

SilverSeek - Silver Could Preserve More Value Than Gold

Silver Doctors - Ned Naylor-Leyland Reveals Actual Owner of Bob Pisani’s GLD Gold Bar!!

VIDEO (15:01) : David Morgan Explains Why You Invest In SILVER

VIDEO (14:44) : Jim Rogers Greece Should have never joined the Euro

AUDIO (37:19) : Financial Sense - Eric Janszen on Hyperinflation vs. High Inflation

VIDEO (22:29) : USA Watchdog - One on One with Paul Craig Roberts

Profit Confidential - Why the “Only Way Out” Offered Won’t Work This Time

VIDEO (03:51) : CNBC - Why It Makes Sense to Buy Gold & Oil Now

azizonomics - Spreading the Wealth Around

The Money Show - Tear Up Your Paper Money

06/10/12 - Bullion News

The Southern - Gold vs. Silver — Who wins?

VIDEO (07:38) : YouTube - Pawn Stars: Silver Linings

Smart Money - Why Everyone Still Wants Dollars

VIDEO (08:36) : Metals react with VOLATILITY on QE3 Speculation (David Morgan/Butler On Business)?

Bloomberg - Tall Tales About China’s Banks Hide Economy’s Problems

VIDEO (04:31) : Yahoo - BreakOut - Central Banks Will Fuel Gold to $2,000 This Year Says Kilburg

06/09/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (06:21) : Why Silver is Money

Money Morning - Why Lower Gold Prices Won’t Last

VIDEO (48:53) : Chris Martenson interviews Steve Keen: Why 2012 is Shaping Up to be a Particularly Ugly Year

Profit Confidential - U.S. Economy Following Path of Greece & Spain?

VIDEO (15:31) : Eric Sprott with Silver Doctors - Part I : THE SILVER CARTELS HAVE CHANGED THEIR M.O.

VIDEO (14:55) : Eric Sprott With Silver Doctors - Part II : There's No Gold to Buy!

06/08/12 - Bullion News

Fox Business - Week Ahead: Inflation Data and Earnings

Jesse's Café Américain - Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Monkey Shines

Daily Reckoning - Keynesian Policies: Half a Century of Failure

VIDEO (28:07) : Gonzalo Lira on a Eurozone Marriage turned Orgy and a Latin American Divorce!

Ahead of the Herd - Ignorance Is A Temporary Condition

VIDEO (13:50) : David Morgan SILVER Economic INTERVIEW @ ?Cambridge House?

ZeroHedge - "Material Banknote Order Reinstated"

Paper Money Collapse - Prozac-craving markets

VIDEO (13:00) : Keiser Report Paper Money Collapse

SafeHaven - Strong-Dollar Fallacy

321 gold - What is Money?

Mish's Blog - Key Words of the Day: "Nothing", "Fiscal Cliff", "Later"; Bernanke Speech Template; U.S. Fiscal Cliff and What to Do About It

06/07/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (28:03) : Capital Account - Mike Maloney on Gold's Checkmate and Ben Bernanke's role as the Pawn!

Contrary Investing - Ray Dalio: US Has Done a “Beautiful” Job De-leveraging

SafeHaven - Gold and Silver Update - Looking Ahead

VIDEO (23:58) : Casey Research - James Rickards: The US Is the Biggest Currency Manipulator

The Real Asset - Gold bullion versus silver bars

Seeking Alpha - Jim Rogers: Buy Commodities Now, Or You'll Hate Yourself Later

GoldSeek - Does Any Clear Picture Emerge From Gold And Crude Oil Charts?

VIDEO (12:25) : CNBC - Bernanke's view of the U.S. Ecomony

Total Investor - Inflation WARNING: A surprising country could be on the verge of a "stealth" default

Dollar Collapse - Central Banks Dither Today, Panic Tomorrow

Bullion Street - Silver nano-particles can check minute water contamination

Azizonomics - The World Before Central Banking

American Thinker - A Balanced Approach: Tax like Bush, Spend like Clinton

Commodity Online - The Silver Institute adds four new members to its roster

06/06/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (04:06) : CNBC - Chief Economist at Degussa Goldhandel - Thorsten Polleit; A Depression Is an Inevitable Outcome

Perth Mint Bullion - Interesting Sales Trend Emerges - What’s Your View?

The Real Asset - “Monetary Easing” fixes nothing

Mish's Blog - Merkel Bends, Equity Markets and Precious Metals Cheer, Bond Market Yawns; Lending to Peter so Peter Can Lend to Paul

Seeking Alpha - The Case For The Dollar: Nothing Has Changed

Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Danger of External Debts

Total Investor - BOB CHAPMAN PASSES AWAY JUNE 4, 2012

Bloomberg - Fed Presidents Clash Over Need to Provide More Stimulus

Merk Funds - What’s next for the U.S. Dollar? QE3?

AUDIO (53:00) : Stansberry Radio - Biggest Beneficiary of QE3: Gold

GoldSeek - In a Gold Standard, How Are Interest Rates Set?

06/05/12 - Bullion News

Whiskey and Gunpowder - 70's, 80's, 90's and Today's Gold Market

VIDEO (09:34) : Have we just seen the SILVER bottom? (David Morgan/Butler On Business)

VIDEO (25:46) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Paper Money Collapse

Money Morning - The Banking Plan That Could Be A Game-Changer for Gold

Numismaster - Bullion Demand Soars; Avoid Bars

Real Clear Politics - Playing With Words by Thomas Sowell

TF Metals Report - Dot Connecting

The Jerusalem Post - Archeologists uncover 2,000-year-old coins, jewelry

Silver Doctors - WSJ Takes Gold Bashing to Unseen Heights- Calls Gold ‘TOXIC’

The Telegraph - Spain makes plea for EU aid for troubled banks

ZeroHedge - Iran Gold Imports Surge - 1.2 Billion USD Of Precious Metals From Turkey in April Alone

Winnipeg Free Press - Royal Canadian Mint builds major addition

VIDEO (12:46) : Bill Murphy - Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) - Cambridge House Live

Casey Research - The Table Is Set for a Mania

06/04/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (03:24) : Fox Business - Schiff; "The Dollar will be the Facebook of SafeHavens"

Silver Coins Today - American Silver Eagle and 5 Oz Bullion Coin Sales Surge in May 2012

MoneyNews - Hussman: More Fed Easing Will Trigger Economic Disaster

Financial Post - Sprott: ‘Perfect environment for gold’

azizonomics - Debt is Not Wealth

VIDEO (23:34) : Future Money Trends - David Morgan Interview

CoinWeek - An Old-Fashioned Way To Invest In Silver

VIDEO(s) : Political Metals - From Canada to NZ, and everywhere in between, people are waking up!

06/03/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (14:10) : Future Money Trends - John Williams of ShadowStats.com Interview

PDF : Gresham's Law - Deconstructing Stocks & The Mathematical Case for Contrarianism – (Sample Newsletter)

Mish's Blog - Wells Fargo Seizes Stockton California City Hall, Parking Garages; City Prepares Bankruptcy Contingency Plans; Bondholder Mediation Underway

Profit Confidential - Helping Thy Neighbor; Germany Demands Gold

Munknee - Your purchasing power as a median household went down in real terms by about 17%, from 2000 - 2010

NewsMax - Mikhailovich: Be Safe — Buy Physical Gold and Stash It

CNBC - Time Bomb? Banks Pressured to Buy Government Debt

06/02/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (02:28) : Learn Liberty - Are Low Interest Rates Good?

Bloomberg - U.S. Mint’s American Eagle Gold-Coin Sales Double in May

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - 43% Are Very Worried Federal Government Will Run Out of Cash

VIDEO (25:45) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: With Hugo Salinas Price

VIDEO (23:59) : Total Investor - Jim Rogers: Global Economic Shocks Coming in 2013-2014

ZeroHedge - US Debt Soars By $54 Billion Overnight, Closes May At Record $15,770,685,085,364.10

The Gold Report - The Ultimate Gold Bull Peter Grandich vs. The Muted Bear Steve Palmer

AUDIO (11:54) : FSN - David Morgan – Precious Metals Special Rally Report

06/01/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (03:30) : CNBC - Santelli on Weak Jobs & the US Dollar

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: What Ever Happened to the New Golden Age of American Coin Design?

AUDIO (80:30) : Stansberry Radio Interviews Chris Martenson on Science & the Economy

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - David Einhorn Mocks Warren Buffett’s Stance on Gold

Smart Money - Behind the Gold Boom (excerpt from Michael J. Casey's book; The Unfair Trade: How Our Broken Global Financial System Destroys the Middle Class

VIDEO (25:09) : Capital Account - Mike Shedlock on the Spexit, the Grexit and Running for the Eurozone Exit!!

05/31/12 - Bullion News

Minyanville - Let's Get Physical: Top 10 Most Popular Gold Bullion Coins

VIDEO (08:11) : Silver Round Minting Process

CoinWeek - Modern U.S. Coin News Round-Up: New Releases from the U.S. Mint

AUDIO : Korelin Economics Report - James Turk discusses Gold

VIDEO (20:34) : Political Metals - Very Bullish Signals from the COT Report

POLL : Gallup - Americans Not Highly Focused on European Financial Crisis

VIDEO (19:54) : Casey Research - Greg Weldon: Turbulence Is Coming

Silver Coins Today – Sales Improve for US Mint Silver Coins

VIDEO (05:29) : Fox Business – Marc Faber on the Potential for a Market Crash in the Fall

ZeroHedge – Bill Gross: The Global Monetary System Is Reaching Its Breaking Point

05/30/12 - Bullion News

Hard Assets INVESTOR – Larry Baer's Technicals: Monthly Charts Don't Confirm Gold & Silver's Downtrends, Offering Opportunity

VIDEO (04:50) & Article : CBS This Morning – Major gold buyer cheating consumers?

AUDIO : MineWeb – Current gold price action counter-intuitive - Embry

The Gold Standard Now – Edgar Allen Poe's - The Gold Bug

Jesse's Café Américain – The Death of the Gold Bull May Be Greatly Exaggerated -- Miner / Bullion Ratio at an Extreme Low

CoinWeek – Dillon Gage Offering New, One-Ounce Johnson Matthey Silver Bars

Bullion Bulls Canada - The Three Trends Which Rule The Precious Metals Market, Part II

05/29/12 - Bullion News

CoinWeek - The Right Time to Buy Gold

VIDEO (28:07) : Capital Account - John Butler on the Dollar Liability and Gold's role as Insurance

Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Bernanke Bust

VIDEO (25:45) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Asymmetric Accounting

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - 38% View Federal Reserve Favorably, 49% Do Not

VIDEO (03:34) : CNBC - Santelli on MF Customers vs. JPM Shareholders

Financial Post - China’s ICBC has big dreams for bullion business

Bloomberg - Dollar Scarce as Top-Quality Assets Shrink 42%

CNBC - Yoshikami: Four Things You Need to Know About Gold Now

Perth Mint Blog - Sales of 2012 Kookaburra Coin With Dragon Privy Mark To Start 1 June

MineWeb - Platinum surplus diminishing as bear market approaches

Bullion Bulls Canada - The Three Trends Which Rule The Precious Metals Market, Part I

05/28/12 - Bullion News

Bullion Street - Haiti pins hopes on newly found Gold

VIDEO (07:43) : Future Money Trends - Interview with Jim Rogers

Max Keiser - Bad debt banks ‘should go bankrupt’ – Mr Keiser

Daily Reckoning - The Demise of the Cult of Equities

ZeroHedge - Gold Bar Demand in China Surged 51% to 213.9 Tons In 2011

Disciplined Investor - The Global Economic Read (Welllllll, we have trouble my friends…..)

AUDIO (42:27) : TF Metals Report - John Butler, author of "The Golden Revolution"

05/27/12 - Bullion News

SafeHaven - Are We to Blame Nixon?

Total Investor - A Gigantic Pennant forming on the Gold Chart...

CHARTS & ANALYSIS : Munknee - Deflation is Starting to Show Up; Can Hyperinflation Be Far Behind?

American Thinker - New Greek polls show bailout party in the lead

Summary & VIDEO (11:55) : Arabian Money - Will silver provide protection against the coming monetary inflation?

05/26/12 - Bullion News


Dollar Collapse - Welcome to the Currency War, Part 1: Iceland and the Tragedy of the Commons

VIDEOs : Future Money Trends - Gold and Silver Update with Bill Murphy

Paper Money Collapse - Thoughts on the Greek crisis and the politicization of economics

VIDEO (26:22) : Irredeemable Currency Session vs Gold, Part 1/2

VIDEO (38:10) : Irredeemable Currency Session vs Gold, Part 2/2

AUDIO (45:55) : Stansberry Radio Interviews Jim Rogers (recorded 11/22/11)

SilverSeek - Illegalities by Ted Butler

05/25/12 - Bullion News

Daily Reckoning - Investing in Gold as World Economies Falter

CMI Gold & Silver - Another bullish technical indicator for silver?

VIDEO (06:58) : GoldSeek - James Rickards: Currency Wars – The Making of the next Global Crisis

VIDEO (04:01) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - Stimulus Is the Worst Option for Euro Zone: Schiff

Commodity Online - Shanghai Gold Exchange Silver volume hits 6 month high: UBS

Credit Writedowns - Chart of the Day: Euro Zone Government Debt

Contrary Investing - Platinum Chart Quite Foreboding for Global Economy

GATA - Wall Street Journal says Comex has been classified as 'too big to fail'

VIDEO (10:52) : CNBC - What's the 'Real' Deficit?

05/24/12 - Bullion News

Silver Doctors - CME Slashes Gold Margins 10%

VIDEO (03:27) : Before You Get The Clever Idea Of Leaving the Country With Your Physical Gold.....

Coin Update - 2012 America the Beautiful Five Ounce Silver Coins

AUDIO (14:08) : SILVER MARKET UPDATE - David Morgan

The Real Asset - The canary in the gold mine

Money Morning - Good News for Gold Prices: Commodities are Wounded, But Far From Dead

MineWeb - Gold - an investment for the long term. Ignore the bumps and peaks.

Azizonomics - Is China Really Liquidating Treasuries?

VIDEO (28:05) : Capital Account - The US Treasury prize, the Euro's demise, and Facebook lies w/Paul Craig Roberts

05/23/12 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - Will 'Peak Gold' Exploration Continue to Grow?: USGS' Micheal George

AUDIO : FSN - Interview with Peter Grandich; Check your emotions at the Golden Door

SilverSeek - Julian Phillips: Silver Price Falls with Euro; in hands of traders

Liberty Blitz Krieg - I’m Buying Silver

Market Watch - Why crash risk remains very real

Daily Mail - 'Money printing has not harmed pensions' claims Bank as it warns eurozone crisis could spark more QE

SafeHaven - Gold and Silver Are the Answer in the Long-Term

The Real Asset - Is the world ready for gold Turkey?

VIDEO (01:04) : Mike Maloney on fiat currencies

ZeroHedge - Will China Make the Yuan a Gold-Backed Currency?

SilverSeek - Hold on for eurobonds, JP Morgan and euro money printing to boost gold and silver prices

Seeking Alpha - Industrial Demand For Silver Declining

Paul Craig Roberts - Recovery or Collapse? Bet on Collapse

05/22/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (12:38) : SGT Report - UNCLE SAM BULLYING BROKERS OVER SILVER? [Plus, JPM's $7 Billion Blunder] – Woody O’Brien

Investopedia - A Silver Primer

Daily Reckoning - Doug Casey on Taxes and Freedom, Part II

CoinWeek - Modern Coin News Round-Up: News from Major World Mints

AUDIO (18:53) : MineWeb - Silver a great business to be in for the next 50 years - Phil Baker

Real Clear Politics - Promises from Liars (commentary from Thomas Sowell)

MoneyNews - Commodities Broker Streible: Facebook Flop Is Good for Gold

Resource Investor - Swiss Parliament Examines ‘Gold Franc’ Currency Today

US Funds - Gold: The World’s Friend for 5,000 Years

VIDEO (01:18) : Peter Schiff on Gold

05/21/12 - Bullion News

Forbes - Herman Cain's Path To A 21st Century Gold Standard

VIDEO (02:45) : Liberty Blitz Krieg - Best SNL Parody of Wall Street…

The Gold Report - The People Have Spoken and Precious Metals Will Soar: Leonard Melman

VIDEO (12:43) : CoinWeek - The Jim Kingsland Show with an expert on Gold and Silver

MineWeb - Sprott sees great things for gold and silver

Mish's Blog - Full-Fledged European Bank Run; ECB Deposit Insurance is Not the Answer; How FDIC Played a Part in the US Real Estate Bust; Monetarist Fools are Everywhere; Believe in Gold

Rick Ackerman - At CMRE Dinner, Talk of a Looming Disaster

ZeroHedge - Why Has Gold Fallen In Price And What Is The Outlook?

Commodity Online - Bullish outlook for Gold on possibility of Eurozone breakup

SilverSeek - Poll: Is the Silver Price Manipulated?

SilverSeek - Poll Results: Where will Silver End 2012?

VIDEO (05:24) : CNBC - Gold Negatives Offset by Positives: Expert

05/20/12 - Bullion News

Coin News Today - Sales of US Silver Coins at 4-Month High as Silver Prices Hit 2012 Lows

AUDIO (48:07) : Chris Martenson interviews Alasdair Macleod: All Roads in Europe Lead to Gold

AUDIO (06:28) : FSN - Eric Sprott interview at Hard Asset New York

Mish's Blog - Apparel Sales by Price and Volume Provide Interesting Viewpoint; Apparel Inflation

VIDEO (09:17) : Future Money Trends - Silver Update with David Morgan

Jesse's Café Américain - Chris Powell Answers Doug Casey's Questions About Gold Manipulation

Ludwig von Mises Institute - How Should Prices Be Determined?

05/19/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO (13:12) : Alt Investors Hangout - Alasdair Macleod - "United States is already in a Debt Trap from which it cannot Escape"

The Gold Report - Shadow Stats - John Williams; The Recovery Is an Illusion

AUDIO (09:59) : Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan "Bottoms Up?"

AUDIO (29:49) : Silver Guru - David Morgan explains "What the Heck is with Metals?"

Investment U - 2012 Gold Price Forecast: Where We Are and Where We’re Going

Business Insider - ROBERT REICH TO NEW COLLEGE GRADS: 'You're F*cked'

VIDEO (01:43) : CoinWeek - ANACS Intends to be Included on eBay

VIDEO (05:20) : CNBC - Marc Faber: Looming Global Catastrophe?

Seeking Alpha - The 1 Investment Everyone Should Own

05/18/12 - Bullion News

Daily Reckoning - The Physical Gold Market – From the Weak to the Strong

Financial Sense - Steve Forbes: The Only Way Out Is a Return to Free Markets and Capitalism

Bloomberg - Fed May Prefer Another Twist to Adding Assets

Perth Mint Bullion - World Gold Council: Gold Demand Trends First Quarter 2012

Paper Money Collapse - By abandoning the gold standard we embraced monetary central planning, chaos

VIDEO (04:38) : CNBC - Marc Faber: Correction Could Be Something More Serious


MoneyWeek - Gold is near a critical turning point – where will it go next?

GoldSeek - Whales in the gold market

Inside Futures - The Daily Gold Report

The Daily Caller - Senate confirms two pro-bailout governors to Fed board

Bullion Bulls Canada - Central Bank Gold-Buying Increases by 500%

CMI Gold & Silver - There is no free market in gold

05/17/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:46) : Keiser Report - Max talks to Mike Maloney about gold, silver and Hollywood accounting

Fast Markets - Precious metals bounce on QE3 speculation

Liberty Blitz Krieg - Herman Cain Backs the Gold Standard? – Op Ed

CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - With the gold price now flat for 2012 – time to compare this sell-off with the 2008 vintage

Gold and Silver Blog - Are Gold And Silver Bullion Sales Reported To The IRS? Tips For Keeping Bullion Sales Private

Commodities Now - CPM Group Releases Silver Yearbook 2012

Perth Mint Bullion - One Million Mintage For 2013 Kookaburra Silver Bullion Coin

Commodity Online - US Silver production declines sharply in Feb: USGS

VIDEO (15:00) : David Morgan's SILVER PRESENTATION at The Las Vegas MoneyShow

VIDEO (15:00) : Bill Murphy of GATA @ Las Vegas MoneyShow

VIDEO (12:45) : SGT Report - The JP Morgan Derivatives Book is Blowing Up - Bix Weir

ZeroHedge - Chris Martenson: "We Are About To Have Another 2008-Style Crisis"

VIDEO (28:03) : Capital Account - Jim Rickards on Europe's Bank Run and why JP Morgan was late to "Puke the Trade"

VIDEO (26:08) : Casey Research - Lacy Hunt: Curing Debt with Debt – Bad Things Will Happen

05/16/12 - Bullion News

Liberty Blitz Krieg - Silver Plunges Below Marginal Cost: Commentary from a Retired Geologist

Rolling Stone - Documents Show How Banks Screw Investors through 'Naked Short Selling'

Gold Investing News - Bear Market or Bull Opportunity?

VIDEO (06:44) : 12-Year Old Girl Reveals One of the Best Kept Secrets in the World

Resource Investor - ‘Crowded’ Gold Trade Needs to Lose ‘Weak Hands’ Investors

Market Watch - Gold drops ahead of Greek meetings

Article & VIDEO (09:42) : MoneyNews - Wiedemer: Fed to Print More Money If Stock Market Drops 15%-20%

SilverSeek - Gold and silver still the best protection against the derivatives blow up that started with JP Morgan’s loss

AUDIO : Korelin Economics Report - Big Al, Carter and Peter Grandich from the New York Hard Assets Conference

Express & Star - Roman coins haul dug up

Munknee - ALL There Is to Know About Gold Is HERE!

05/15/12 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Prices Dip while US Bullion Coins Notch Gains

Dollar Collapse - Another Signpost On The Road To Inflation

PDF : US Funds - GoldWatcher - $2,400/oz?, $5,479/oz?, $46,000/oz? by Frank Holmes

VIDEO (10:31) : CNBC - Jim Rogers on JPMorgan, the Dollar & More

AUDIO : Korelin Economics Report - Rick Rule explains gold’s latest trend and the European variables

The Globe and Mail - Buy bullion, not gold stocks: top hedge fund manager

Business Insider - It Would Appear That The European Economy Is Going To Get Worse

Jim Sinclair's MindSet - Your Greatest Enemy Is Your Emotions

05/14/12 - Bullion News

Gresham's Law - Is Gold a Good Investment?

AUDIO : FSN - LEGENDARY INVESTOR - Jim Rogers says to Follow Your Passion

Money Control - Gold, Silver may trade lower on strength in US dollar

AUDIO (13:51) : MineWeb - Platinum, palladium market trends 2012 - Johnson Matthey

Silver Vigilante - For Silver, The New World Order is the Old World Order

Rick Ackerman - Buy Gold Below $3000? ‘You Can’t Lose’

VIDEO (02:47) : HyperReport - Home Safes Show Mistrust of Banks

Political Metals - JP Morgan Chase for Dummies

VIDEO (44:54) : Interview with the Golden Jackass - Jim Willie - on the TF Metals Report

05/12/12 - Bullion News

Elliot Wave - Gold and Silver: Hedges Against a Financial Downturn? - You might be surprised by the answer

Ahead of the Herd - Money Slow Down

The Gold Report - Gold Is Not a Growth Industry—It Can Just Pay Investors Big: John Hathaway

Casey Research - Quest for Confidence

AUDIO (03:23) : BBC Radio; Investor Jim Rogers tells it like it is...

05/11/12 - Bullion News

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: The Euro Crisis, Currency Wars, and the Outlook for Precious Metals

AUDIO (24:04) : Trading Talk Interviews David Morgan from The Morgan Report

Rick Ackerman - What We Really Think About Gold

SilverSeek - The Power of Relative Value & the Silver Market! WOW!

Commodity Online - Chinese Copper production declines in April as consumption remains weak

Money Morning - Everything You Need to Know About Gold Prices

VIDEO (05:10) : CNBC - Precious Metals Still Shining?

American Thinker - In Search of the Dreaded Austerity

Daily Reckoning - Funny Money From The Feds

Index Universe - Merk Gold ETF To Be Redeemable In Bullion

Summary & VIDEO (07:12) : ZeroHedge - To Jim Grant The World Of Finance Is Nothing But The "Truman Show"

US Funds - Gold Takes It On the Chin…What’s Next?

05/10/12 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SafeHaven - Gold Questioning Fed's Effectiveness

VIDEO (03:54) : Whiskey and Gunpowder - How Much Is Your Coin Worth?

Paper Money Collapse - Europe’s voters say ‘No’ to economic reality

CMI Gold and Silver (Bill's Blog) - Gold: a problem of perception

VIDEO (09:23) : Casey Research - John Hathaway Calls a Market Bottom

Silver Coins Today - Sales of America the Beautiful 5 Ounce Silver Coins Fairly Steady

SilverSeek - Knowing the Game by Ted Butler

The Real Asset - Is gold in your permanent portfolio?

VIDEO (07:40): CNBC - Gold Safe-Haven or Risk Asset?

VIDEO (27:53) Capital Account - Nigel Farage on the "EU Titanic" and the "Rebirth of National Socialism in Europe"

05/09/12 - Bullion News

arabian money - Watch for QE3 as the bottom to this drop in oil, gold, silver and stocks

VIDEO (15:49) : Steve Forbes interviews Jim Rogers: Don't Give Up On The U.S.

Profit Confidential - Another Key Stock Market Indicator Flashes Red

MoneyWeek - Why a Greek exit could be great news for markets

Rolling Stone - Austerity Can't Be Just for Regular People

Bloomberg - When Entrepreneurs Privatized the Penny

Coin Update - US Mint Sales: Silver Numismatic Products Slower

Perth Mint Bullion Blog - Gold Demand Not Broad Based

AUDIO : The Korelin Economics Report - Al Korelin Interviews Retail Gold Investor

MoneyNews - Fed’s Fisher: More Monetary Easing Won’t Fix Economy

GoldSeek - Gold Cover Clause Guidance

Political Metals - Can you spot the Bubble(s)?

Money Guru India - Gold to be bought into at every sell-off points; Gold still remains favorable as an effective portfolio diversifier

VIDEO (04:26) : Trims Tabs - Sell in May and Go Away for Third Straight Year

05/08/12 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - The End of the Debt Supercycle Draws Near: John Mauldin

Deseret News - Gold frenzy: Is Glenn Beck's favorite metal a good investment? Rush for precious metal shines, dims on investors

VIDEO 04:52) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - Buffett Is Wrong, Gold Prices Will Soar as European Austerity Dies

SafeHaven - Gold and Financial Preparedness


VIDEO (12:50) : The Gold Standard - Interview with Jim Rogers

arabian money - Why do investors always take such a short-term view on gold?

Bloomberg - China’s Gold Imports Jump as Country May Become Biggest User

VIDEO (02:48) : Learn Liberty - Are Corporations People?

VIDEO (06:20) : CNBC - Commodities to Move Sideways this Year

05/07/12 - Bullion News

PDF : Royal Canadian Mint - 2011 Annual Report – "From Main Street to Bay Street and Beyond"

Commodity Online - Demand for Gold ETF’s falling, not Gold bullion: Michael Lombardi

Article & VIDEO (05:37) : ZeroHedge - Do What Buffett Says, Not What He Does

VIDEO (28:02) : Capital Account - Matina Stevis on Greek Elections, the Golden Dawn, and the End of an Era

CMI Gold & Silver (Bill's Blog) - Why is gold getting hammered?

MineWeb - All the gold and silver roads now leading to China

ZeroHedge - India Folds On Gold Excise Tax: Indian Gold Restocking Imminent

Money Morning - The Commodities Bull Market: Insights on Gold, Energy and Agriculture (Interview with Rick Rule of Sprott Global Companies)

Gold Eagle - Update For The Silver To Gold Ratio

VIDEO (15:41) : James Grant with Bloomberg on Fed Bailout

Azizonomics - The Treasury Bubble in One Graph

The Street - 10 Forces Conspiring Against Your Savings

05/06/12 - Bullion News

SafeHaven - The Dollar and Gold Have Eyes on Europe

Daily Mail - The curse of Brink's Mat: UK's largest bullion heist

StarTribune - Sale, theft of customer lists fuel coin fraud

Gold Money Report - From Government to ‘Robberment’

Reuters - India's FMC hikes position limits in gold contracts

05/05/12 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - The Emperor is Naked: David Stockman

VIDEO (38:49) : Alasdair Macleod: Why The Europe Situation is Certain to Get Worse

Arabian Money - Black Monday for global financial markets?

IBTimes - Palladium Supply Worldwide To Remain In Deficit This Year: Survey

Metal Miner - Precious Metals Update: US Platinum Bars Still Down

Wealth Daily - "Individuality, liberty and property: This is man."

Guelph Mercury - Mineral collector loves “thrill of the chase” at old silver mine properties

ZeroHedge - Dr. Lacy Hunt On Debt Disequilibrium, Deleveraging, And Depression

05/04/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO (13:53) : FSN - David Morgan - The Silver Suppression scheme is Ending

CoinWeek - Former Central Banker Confirms US Government Gold Price Suppression Efforts

Casey Research - Is an Ounce of Gold Worth $10,000?

INO - Poll: Is Gold the best investment?

MoneyWeek - What’s the point of gold?

The Real Asset - Keynes, the closet gold bug

VIDEO(s) (30:48) : Future Money Trends - Mike Krieger Interview - A White Knight for the Liberty Movement

Commodity Online - Rising resource nationalism is bullish for Gold: HSBC

VIDEO (12:30) : Part II: Gold Standard in Next 5 Years, China First - John Butler's "The Golden Revolution"

Rick Ackerman - A Wickedly Bumpy Ride for Gold Bulls

Summary & VIDEO (11:02) : Modern Day Prospector finds Gold Pocket

05/03/12 - Bullion News

Summary & VIDEO (09:34) : ZeroHedge - Jim Grant: "The Federal Reserve Is The Vampire Squid Of Vampire Squids"

Smart Money - More Americans Stashing Cash in Home Safes

SafeHaven - Central Bank Demand to Change Gold, Silver Markets and Prices

Fast Markets - Precious metals slide further ahead of ECB rate decision

MoneyNews - Faber: Gold Prices Aren’t a Bubble

Seeking Alpha - Gold Stocks Will Continue To Under-perform Gold Bullion

Perth Mint Bullion Blog - Demand for 2011 Koala Coin Sets Record

Minyanville - Guess Who's Gold's Best Friend?

VIDEO (04:44) : Jim Rogers The Next Economic Slowdown Is Going To Be Much Worse

CoinNews - American Eagle Silver, Gold Bullion Coin Sales Slide in April

AUDIO (14:05) : MineWeb - Jeff Nichols, looks at why central bank buying is so important and the potential impact of a breakup of the euro zone on the gold market

ZeroHedge - Swiss Gold Stored At “Decentralised Locations” – SNB Does Not Disclose Where

VIDEO (04:35) : Learn Liberty - Social Security vs. Private Retirement

iol - Other ways to go for gold

05/02/12 - Bullion News

DOCUMENTARY : VIDEO : FRONTLINE - MONEY, POWER & WALLSTREET - Part II [Episode III (57:25) & Episode IV (56:20)]


Business Insider - Gold and Silver Monthly Outlook for May

The International News (Blog) - Is Capialism the Culprit?

MineWeb - Patterns in gold price puzzling - but understandable

VIDEO (28:05) : Capital Account - Mike Shedlock tackles Paul Krugman and the Greenspan Contrarian Indicator (GCI)

American Thinker - The Real Cost of a College Education

VIDEO (05:00) : CNBC - Peter Schiff; The US Is Coming Off Stimulus Induced High

Coin Update - Online Coin Buyers Should Read Terms of Service

Daily Reckoning - Time to Accumulate Gold and Silver

ZeroHedge - Total US Debt Soars To 101.5% Of GDP

Summary & VIDEO (15:05) : USA Watchdog - Charles Biderman: EU Debt Crisis Going to Get Worse

Daily Wealth - I'll Refer to This Book for the Rest of My Life

Silver Doctors - Barron’s Releases Massive Silver Propaganda Hit Piece

CoinNews - US Mint Commemorative, Gold Coins Poised for Price Increases

VIDEO (04:25) : Fox Business - Government Debt Growing Twice As Fast as Economy

05/01/12 - Bullion News

Mish's Blog - I'm Swapping Some Gold for Silver

Business Insider - Details Of This Morning's Massive $1.24 Billion 'Gold Finger' Trade

VIDEO (22:56) : Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman on The Fed & interview Bloomberg TV

Seeking Alpha - Is George Soros Wrong About Gold?

Commodity Online - David Morgan: Silver, the single greatest investment in past 100 years

VIDEO (28:05) : GATA's Bill Murphy exposes how the Gold Cartel is Bombing the Market for Precious Metals

Wall Street Journal - A ‘Gold’ Finger Behind Bullion’s Morning Tumble?

Gold and Silver Blog - Gold And Silver Bullion Coin Sales Plunge In April – What Is John Q Public Thinking?

VIDEO 02:33) : Business Insider - JIM ROGERS: The One Thing Investors Need To Consider Before Diving Into Commodities

Investment Rarities - Wipe Out! by Jim Cook

Article & VIDEO (12:38) : CNBC - Two Fed Presidents Differ on Need for More Stimulus

VIDEO (04:45) : TrimTabs - Biderman’s Daily Edge: QE to Infinity and Beyond!

CoinWeek - Where Bullion Investing And Coin Collecting Merge – PART 2

04/30/12 - Bullion News

CHARTS : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Inside Futures - Silver - A Question Of When

SilverSeek - Critical Factors that will Impact Silver

Bloomberg - Gold May Decline on Concerns About Physical Purchases

Seeking Alpha - Gold 'Buying Opportunity' - Gold Analysts More Bullish On Central Bank Demand

Acting Man - Growth versus Austerity – A Phony Debate

Metal Miner - Copper: A Disconnect on What the Future Holds

Arabian Money - Investors dumped equities in April fastest in 17 years, will they now turn to gold and silver?

MoneyNews - Yale’s Shiller: World in a 'Late Great Depression'


Business Insider - GOLDMAN: The Economy Is Slowing, And This Weeks Jobs Report Will Be Worse Than What People Expect

04/29/12 - Bullion News

NZ Herald - Eurozone woes keep everyone guessing over gold (New Zealand Mint has New Owner)

arizonomics - Gold’s Value Today

Wealth Daily - Gold: The Bargain of a Lifetime

VIDEO(s) (21:68) : Future Money Trends - Interview with Marc Faber

NZ Herald - Eurozone woes keep everyone guessing over gold (New Zealand Mint has New Owner)

arizonomics - Gold’s Value Today

Wealth Daily - Gold: The Bargain of a Lifetime

Money Morning - How "Nano Gold" Could Revolutionize Biotech

Wealth Wire - 9 Implications of China Paying in Gold

MoneyNews - Inflation: The Slow, Inexorable Erosion of the Dollar’s Buying Power

4/28/12 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Gains 1.3% on Week but Silver Sheds 0.8%, Eagle Coins Struggle

VIDEO (58:29) : Chris Martenson Interview's Bill Black: Our System is So Flawed That Fraud is Mathematically Guaranteed

Ahead of the Herd - A Return To Real Money

VIDEO (23:27) : Max Keiser - On the Edge with Zeus Yiamouyiannis

Futures Magazine - Q & A : Jim Sinclair has something to say

Financial Sense - Topping Dollar: Good News for Commodities Now, Bad News for Economy Later

04/27/12 - Bullion News

Silver Doctors - JP Morgan Increases Registered Silver Inventories 500% OVERNIGHT

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: There’s More to Gold’s Future Than Quantitative Easing

Article & VIDEO (03:58) : Market Watch - Gold gains on weaker dollar, euro-zone fears

BBC - Bullion theft plan admitted by four men from Essex

Article & VIDEO (43:36) : Gold Made Simple - The gold meme continues – this time courtesy of Ron Paul

VIDEO (13:17) : David Morgan joins Ellis Martin for an impromptu discussion on the boondoggling being done to the American public visa vi obese congressional bills

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Gold & Silver: Ben Bernanke Overshadows FOMC Minutes

CoinNews - 2012 American Silver Eagle San Francisco Two-Coin Proof Set

Rick Ackerman - What Gold Lacks Is Short-Covering Panics

BusinessWeek - Gold Traders Get More Bullish as Central Banks Hoard More

Paper Money Collapse - The separation of money and state

VIDEO (04:27) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - The Federal Reserve QE Debate

Daily Reckoning - US Bonds – An IOU From the World’s Biggest Debtor by Bill Bonner

courant - Who Pays More For Your Gold, A Pawn Shop Or Jewelry Store?

04/26/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (28:04) : Capital Account - Jim Grant explains how Central Banks are Waging War on Supply and Demand

China Daily - The Shanghai Futures Exchange received regulatory approval on Wednesday to start trading in silver contracts

Business Insider - BILL GROSS: I Don't See QE Happening At This Point

DOCUMENTARY : VIDEO : FRONTLINE - MONEY, POWER & WALLSTREET - Part I [Episode I (59:10) & Episode II (54:30)]

Ahead of the Herd - Nixon, Gold and Oil

MoneyControl - Expect Gold, Silver prices to trade higher today: Angel

VIDEO (06:35) : Jim Rogers on Markets, Economy and China

Financial Sense - Charles Biderman of TrimTabs: Ignorance is Bliss Regarding Government Economic Data

MoneyWeek - Could the gold standard be making a comeback?

MoneyNews - Rogers: Loose Fed Policy Is Bad for US Economy

AUDIO : FSN - Trace Mayer; becoming an invisible man could save your wealth

USA Watchdog - Gold Will Win Money War

VIDEO (08:44) : TrimTabs: A Conversation with Chris Martenson

VIDEO (02:48) : Learn Liberty - Does Government Have a Revenue or Spending Problem?

IBTimes - Palladium Bounces On Demand For Industrial Metals Exposure

Metal Miner - Selling the Family Silver: How Melters, Smelters Profit From Antiques

SHFTplan - 22 Red Flags That Indicate That Very Serious Doom Is Coming For Global Financial Markets

04/25/12 - Bullion News

Ludwig Von Mises Institute - Not Enough Inflation?

Article & VIDEO (03:15) : Wealth Wire - Space Mining: The Gold Rush of the Future?

Jesse's Café Américain - Tavakoli: Another Financial Crisis Looming, And You're On Your Own

Article & VIDEO (19:40) : USA Watchdog - Tony Robbins’ Dire Wake-Up Warning


The Gold Report - Indicators Predict Gold Trend to Continue: John LaForge

321gold - Is gold still cheap?

Hard Assets INVESTOR - Precious Metals Monitor: Russia & Mexico Buy More Gold, Central Banks Now Hold 1 Billion Ozs.

American Thinker - Is the austerity consensus falling apart in Europe?

MineWeb - Investors buying sovereign debt rather than gold

04/24/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (28:02) : Capital Account - GoldMoney's James Turk gives his timeline on the Dollar's Collapse and Gold's role as the messenger!


Minyanville - The Silver Reverse Bubble of 2012

VIDEO (06:28) & Article : Mish's Blog - Marc Faber Discusses Imminent Market Crash, a Recession in China, Says Fiscal Condition of US a "Catastrophe"

CMI Gold & Silver - $46 silver on its way?

moneynews - Gundlach: Fed Can’t 'Pre-emptively' Hike Rates on Inflation

Perth Mint Bullion Blog - India Splurges On Gold

MineWeb - Twelve countries increase their gold reserves in March - some significantly

Article & VIDEO (04:29) : Wealth Wire - Sound Money Takes Hold in Utah, Missouri and South Carolina

04/23/12 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Prices Drop to 2-Week Low, US Bullion Coin Sales Rebound

Forbes - The Best Reason in the World to Buy Gold

Fast Markets - Gold softens on weak euro, debt crisis woes resurface

Daily Wealth - Stop Worrying about Gold... We'll See New Highs Within 12 Months

ZeroHedge - The Exter Inverted Pyramid - A Refresher

Seeking Alpha - Gold: The Fate That Awaits Once Fed Stimulus Ends

Daily Reckoning - How Not to Fix A Debt Problem

VIDEO (01:58) : Fox News - Gold rush: California's weekend warriors discover prospecting

Bloomberg - Bullish, Bearish Forecasters Agree on Strong Dollar

Resource Investor - This is What a Lost Decade Gets You

The Gold Report - How to Speculate Your Way to Success: Doug Casey

04/22/12 - Bullion News

Sydney Morning Herald - Gold: the asset that keeps defying the pundits

Summary & VIDEO(s) (29:18) : Future Money Trends - James Rickards on Central Banks Obsession with Gold and Why more QE is Imminent! : Parts I & II

MineWeb - As investors lose faith in dollar gold will win out

VIDEO (23:09) : French economy & Presidential elections-On the Edge with Max Keiser Interview's Gonzalo Lira

Business Insider - MICHAEL PENTO: Decoupling Is An Illusion And Europe's Demise Will Crush Global Markets THIS SUMMER

Commodity Online - Gold/Platinum ratio points to higher Gold prices

04/21/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (32:37) : Chris Martenson Interview's Harvey Organ: Get Physical Gold & Silver!

CoinNews - Gold Prices Fall on Week as Silver Gains, US Bullion Coin Sales Lower

VIDEO (07:53) : David Morgan "Myths in Silver" Interview California Resource Investment Conference 2012

CoinWeek - Gold “Needs to Reclaim $1700? for Renewed Buying

Paper Money Collapse - Why gold is my favorite asset

NewsChief - Coins may be valuable hidden treasures in your home

Article & VIDEO (76:46) : Zero Hedge - Money As Debt

AUDIO : FSN - Jeff Berwick getting your Gold out of Dodge

Yahoo Finance - Gold ETFs: Miners vs. Bullion

INFO-GRAPHIC(s) : ZeroHedge - Presenting The US Government’s Infographic Of Its Own Insolvency

04/20/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:44) : Rolling Stone - Talking Gangster Banks with Max Keiser

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Gold and Silver Miners Put Real Money Where Their Mouth Is

Bloomberg - Gold May Gain a Second Day as Weaker Dollar Spurs Demand

Gold Made Simple - First Deflation then Inflation, Phase One and Two

Wealth Wire - Chimps Throwing Poop and 29 Other Mind Blowing Ways That the Government is Wasting Your Money

Article & VIDEO (19:42) : CMI Gold and Silver Blog - QE, or not QE, that is the question

Numismaster - Opportunity Knocks in Gold Eagles

Max Keiser - The Wile E. Coyote Economy

SilverSeek - COMEX Reduces Silver Margins Yet Again

Hard Assets INVESTOR - Jim Rogers On When To Buy Gold, Chinese Bubbles And Fake Good News

VIDEO (28:05) : Capital Account - Are Central Bankers just Economic Make-up Artists, Sexing-up Prices?

04/19/12 - Bullion News

Seeking Alpha - A Historical Buying Opportunity In Silver

SafeHaven - Inflation and Hidden Gold Taxation: 3 Historical Case Studies

Silver Coins Today - 2012 Australian Koala Silver Coin Minted to 1/10 Ounce

ZeroHedge - The Risk Of 'Hot' Inflation

My Budget 360 - The Long-Term Debt Emergency has Arrived

Wealth Wire - Stocks Vs. Gold Vs. Real Estate

Metal Miner - US Palladium Bar Price Rises 4.4% for the Week; Platinum Falls

Investment Rarities - JPMORGANON TV by Ted Butler

AUDIO (16:12) : GoldSeek (Nuggets) - Interview with Silver Guru - Eric Sprott

04/18/12 - Bullion News

"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
"See more at the link below this Video"

Across the Street - Elmo Tries to Explain The National Debt (Again)

VIDEO (07:27) : Market Watch - The Future of Gold and Money

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Are Taxi Drivers Buying Gold or Apple?

CoinWeek - Major Gold And Silver Price Suppression Now A Weekly Occurrence. So What?

SafeHaven - Salvaging Your Savings

The Street - Cramer: Why Gold Remains Compelling

Reuters - Syria selling gold reserves as sanctions bite: sources

Rick Ackerman - Why the Global Banking System Is a Scam

AUDIO : Korelin Economics Report - Manipulation? You bet, says John Embry

AUDIO (10:40) : MineWeb - The likelihood of QE and a long-cycle correction for gold – Murenbeeld

04/17/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (43:24) : Silver Guru; David Morgan UNCUT Lecture at the Texas Precious Metals Conference 3/16/2011

Chris Martenson - The Trouble with Money

Gold and Silver Blog - Gold/Platinum Ratio Suggests Much Higher Gold Prices Are Coming

VIDEO (04:10) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - Easy Money + Low Rates = Gold at $2000 by Year End

American Thinker - Keynesian Economics is a Beach!

Commodity Online - Silver: The top performing Precious Metal since 2008

AUDIO (23:00) : Jim Rogers puts his money where his mouth is

321gold - Sprott Will Signal Silver Bottom

04/16/12 - Bullion News

Casey Research - Rick Rule: Why I'm Excited About This Market

Financial Sense - Physical vs. Paper: The Real War

AUDIO (31:32) : FSN - Rick Ackerman Thinks the Dollar is Heading to $90

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: What’s the Best Way to Invest in Silver?

PDF : drschoon - GOLD FIRE SALE

Resource Investor - Does Gold Investing Pay?

Ahead of the Herd - Of Debt, Gold and Okun's Law

CHARTS : Business Insider - AWESOME: Brand New Richard Koo Presentation On The Global Economic Crisis

VIDEO (02:00) : Peter Schiff: Ben Bernanke completely clueless!

iol - Scandal of underweight gold Krugerrands

SafeHaven - Sell Signals Across The Board

BusinessWeek - A History Lesson as Canada Tries to Digitize Coins

Business Insider - Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Says Spain Is Worse Off Than It Was Before The LTRO

Minyanville - Spain: Too Big to Fail and Too Big to Save

Numismaster - Gold Eagle Mintages Reduced

VIDEO (02:19) : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Chain of Insolvency

04/15/12 - Bullion News

AUDIO (57:01) : Interview with Silver Guru David Morgan about today's Precious Metals Markets and more...

CoinNews -Gold Logs Weekly Increase as Silver Retreats, US Bullion Coins Improve

Business Line - What drives silver prices

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Here’s How Inflation Affects YOU

VIDEO (19:16) : Brother JohnF - Silver Update 4/14/12 James Turk Interview

Dollar Vigilante - Getting Your Gold Out Of Dodge

The Real Asset - Titanic: The ship that sank the gold standard

VIDEO (28:04) : Capital Account - Shark-infested Equity Waters, Metals Manipulation and Energy Depletion; Lauren Lyster Interview's Chris Martension

GoldSeek - Bullish Gold Technicals

VIDEO (08:09) : Watch for SILVER to SPIKE low and buy...Interview w/ Silver Guru David Morgan

Daily Weatlh - The Sensible, Low-Stress Way to Own Gold and Silver

CHARTS & ANALYSIS : The Acting Man - Gold and HUI Revisited

04/13/12 - Bullion News

The Street - Morgan Stanley: Precious Metals Déjà Vu

Financial Sense - Golden Eye of Hurricane

Wealth Wire - 50 Surprising Facts You Never Knew About Gold

Reuters - Inflation outpaces earnings, threatens spending

VIDEO (04:26) : LearnLiberty - Does the Minimum Wage Hurt Workers?

SilverSeek - CME says to cut silver, copper, palladium margins

Whiskey and Gunpowder - Healthcare Solution: Go Back to Cash

The Telegraph & Argus - Hoard of Roman coins found in Dales

AUDIO : Korelin Economics Report - James Turk discusses gold with Big Al

04/12/12 - Bullion News

The Source (WSJ) - Gold Shines On

PDF : Pimco - The Great Escape; Delivering in a Delevering World

AUDIO : Korelin Economics Report - Frank Holmes discusses gold

ETF Daily - We Are Not In An Economic Recovery; We Are In A Weak-Dollar-Fueled Market Rally

Summary & VIDEO (03:29) : ZeroHedge - Biderman Short Of Euros In Gold Terms

AUDIO : FSN - Ed Steer's looking Forward to a Golden Retirement

Resource Investor - IMF: Bullion is a Scarce ‘Safe Asset’

The Real Asset - Vietnam goes nuclear on gold

Wealth Daily - The Cost of Debt

Market Watch - China buying gold?

Moneynews - Jim Chanos: I'm Shorting Chinese Banks

VIDEO (28:01) : Capital Account - Lauren Lyster Interview's Lew Rockwell; A Look at where Central Banks are Steering Society

04/11/12 - Bullion News

Moneycontrol - Why you should buy your wife a silver spoon than a gold bar

VIDEO (03:22) : 5min - Bullion Investor iPad App Review

AUDIO (10:06) : MineWeb - Short term, silver's risks are to the downside - David Jollie; Mitsui and Co. Precious Metals strategist

SLIDESHOW : Bloomberg - Most & Least Taxing States 2012

INFO-GRAPHIC : Trustable Gold - Vaulted Gold – Facts and Figures

AUDIO : Korelin Econmomics Report - Simon Mikhailovich discusses “safe haven trades” and “safe havens”

VIDEO (08:02) : In Gold We Trust?

IndyStar - Masked man ties up woman, steals $90K in gold, coins from Southwestside dealer

Real Clear Politics - Random Thoughts by Thomas Sowell

321gold - The Key to Reading the Gold Bull

Bloomberg - Gold May Fall as Some Investors Sell Amid Europe Concerns

Business Insider - Are Market Events A Cover For Silver Manipulation?

VIDEO (04:41) : Yahoo (Break Out) - Ease Up on Stocks, Gradually Accumulate Gold: Marc Faber

04/10/12 - Bullion News

Market Watch - Gold’s sentiment foundation bullish

Mish's Blog - Lollipops and Tantrums

Investment U - Graded Coins

VIDEO (25:45) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Return of the Silver Liberation Army

VIDEO (03:55) : Silver Guru - David Morgan - Silver, Gold, Platinum, Electronics & Bulk Seeking Alpha - Silver Bullion: The Most Affordable Way To Protect Your Wealth

Merk Funds - Recovery – Who are We Kidding?

MineWeb - For gold to rise physical buyers must return

MoneyNews - Hussman: Bernanke Creating ‘Bubble’ to Make Americans Feel Better

Minyanville - The Dollar Index Winning by Default

The Golden Truth - More on Housing, Gold, Etc...

Article & VIDEO (14:05) : USA Watchdog - Confiscation of Gold and Silver Coins Will Not Happen

VIDEO (03:37) : Yahoo (BreakOut) - Fed Needs a Sympathy Sell-Off Before Doing QE3: Marc Faber

Commodity Online - Silver prices set to remain volatile: Barclays

Summary & VIDEO (24:31) : Future Money Trends - An Alternative to Protecting Yourself from Inflation

Oregon Live - Thieves steal $75,000 in gold, silver coins from home near Kelso

US Funds - Managing Expectations: Why Gold Should Thrive by Frank Holmes

The Real Asset - A case of cult envy

AUDIO : FSN - GATA’s Bill Murphy Sees Non-Stop Government Gold/Silver Manipulation

04/09/12 - Bullion News

CHARTS & ANALYSIS : Resource Investor - Gold & Silver Look to US Dollar, QE3 Outlook

Reuters - Gold firms on China inflation spike, U.S. jobs data

ETF Daily News - Silver Price Manipulation: Ted Butler On What’s Really Going On With Silver

Article & VIDEO (05:00) : Trading Nrg - Gold and Silver Prices Weekly Outlook for April 9-13

VIDEO (08:56) : Jim Sinclair - interviewed by Lars Schall

Weekly Standard - $73,000 Debt Per American Under President's Budget Plan

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Munknee - Gold and Gold Stocks Going Even Lower! Here’s Why

arabian money - Gold sometimes rises and sometimes falls in a recession don’t risk being out of this market

DNA - The age of gold is not over

ZeroHedge - 150 Years Of US Fiat

Silver Doctors - If gold isn’t money, why did Vietnam just outlaw using it as such?

Whiskey and Gunpowder - The Market That Really Matters

AZ Central - IRAs are wise investments; what to know

04/07/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (28:00) : Capital Account - Lauren Lyster Interview's Mike Maloney; He breaks down Price Manipulation in the Gold and Silver Market

The Daily Caller - Federal Reserve, SEC balk at FOIA requests

Silver Vigilante - Reuters Bamboozles the public, dedicates hit piece to silver


VIDEO (23:01) : Max Keiser - Max Interview's Dan Collins about China's Economic Outlook

Financial Sense - Silver’s Trend & the Death of Technical Analysis

AUDIO (15:27) : FSN - Bix Weir – European Derivatives Are Blowing Up and The JP Morgan Rogue Trader Cover Story

The New York Times - Penny Wise, or 2.4 Cents Foolish?

Commodity Online - India jeweller strike ends but gold imports not to rise as inventory piles up

04/06/12 - Bullion News

Summary & VIDEO (05:47) : ZeroHedge - What Is Capitalism?

AUDIO : Koreline Economics Report - Big Al and Rick Ackerman discuss economics and precious metals

Rick Ackerman - With Gold Prices Falling, We’ll Take the Odds

The Real Asset - Killing the golden goose that lays the golden egg

The Hindu - Jewellers suspend strike after meeting Pranab

Business Insider - FROM PARTICLES TO BULLION: The Complete Story Of How Gold Is Mined And Refined

321gold - Don't Catch Recovery Fever by Peter Schiff

Commodity Online - Palladium to outpeform Gold, Silver, Platinium in medium term

Moneynews - Gold Edges Up as Dull US Jobs Data Revive Easing Talk

Mish's Blog - Nonfarm Payroll +120,000, Unemployment Rate Fell .1 to 8.2%, Record 87,897,000 "Not in Labor Force"

Future Money Trends - Central Planning for Dummies: There Will Be QE

The Globe and Mail - Three commodities with promise

Click on Detroit - Birmingham police investigating jewelry theft

GoldSeek - Groundhog Day

04/05/12 - Bullion News

Perth Mint Bullion Blog - The Perth Mint will announce total ounces of gold and silver it sells every month as minted products

MineWeb - U.S. Mint sees uneven gold and silver coin sales as prices fluctuate

VIDEO (25:46) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Angel Dust for Ponzi-Addicts

GoldSeek - Jim Rogers “I Will Buy More” Gold – Still Long Term Bullish

The Daily Caller - An impossible 57% of Spain’s budget is devoted to pensions, unemployment benefits and interest

VIDEO (24:26) : Chris Martenson Interview's Mike "Mish" Shedlock

Summary & VIDEO (13:53) : arabian money - Silver bugs point out that silver prices should have fallen far further on the recent sell-off

Wealth Wire - Silver's Trend and the Death of Technical Analysis

VIDEO (03:17) : Learn Liberty - Why Not Print More Money?

AUDIO (11:17) : FSN - David Morgan Says No QE3 For You

AUDIO (04:17) : FSN - Peter Grandich – We Told You So – Gold and Silver Get Raided


Casey Research - Where (and When) to Place Your Investment Bets?

Minyanville - Reflections on the Financial Crisis

Seeking Alpha - Precious Metals In A Tough Situation

VIDEO (05:13) : Global Collapse Explained

04/04/12 - Bullion News

MineWeb - U.S. economic prospects and the price of gold - an appraisal

Seeking Alpha - Fed's Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Kitco - The 2012 Copper & Gold Conundrum

VIDEO (28:00) - Capital Account; Marc Faber, "The Ego of Mr. Bernanke has been Badly Inflated"


GoldSeek - Exactly Why This Time IS Different And the Fed Will Be Powerless to Stop What's Coming

04/03/12 - Bullion News

CoinNews - American Eagle Gold, Silver Bullion Sales Bounce in March but Down from 2011

Casey Research - The Critical Number for Gold (When is it time to Sell...)

CoinWeek - Gold Market “To See Little Business” This Week with India Striking and China Closed

VIDEO (12:26) : 'US next Greece if debt is not dealt with'

Yahoo News - Recovery threatened by runaway student loan debt

Bullion Bulls Canada - U.S. Standard of Living Has Fallen More Than 50%

VIDEO (20:23) : Ellis Martin Report with Sprott Money's CEO Eric Sprott

The Gold Report – Gold and silver-the ultimate anti-fiat currency vs Fed's ‘sophisticated swindle'

MineWeb – India's imports of gold and silver tumble in Q1

04/02/12 - Bullion News

VIDEO (15:01) : GoldSeek – Eric Sprott and Rick Rule Skewer the U.S. with James West on Midas Letter Money

SafeHaven – Gold - Is It About 'Price' or About 'Value' - Balanced Article!

Article & VIDEO (06:35) : CNBC – 'Massive Wealth Destruction' Is About to Hit Investors: Marc Faber

Dollar Collapse – We Owe How Much??

Financial Sense – The Problem with the Fed’s Zero Rate Policy; Jim Rickards’ submitted testimony to the Senate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Policy

Coin Update – Perth Mint 2012 Year of the Dragon Silver 10 Coin Set

Gold & Silver Blog – Gold and Silver Bullion Coin Sales Rise In March

VIDEO (16:40) : Money Talks INTERVIEWS David Morgan

ZeroHedge – BRICs Bank To Rival World Bank And IMF And Challenge Dollar Dominance

Perth Mint Bullion Blog – Perth Mint Strikes Gold And Silver 10 Kilo Dragon Coins

eCoronado – Lifetime Local Finds $410,000 in Silver Coins from S.S. Monte Carlo Wreckage

CoinWeek – The Coin Analyst: Canadian Mint Plans to Stop Making Cents, and the U.S. Should Do the Same

VIDEO (06:19) : Got Gold Report – Jim Grant – Will Open Office of Unintended Consequences

04/01/12 - Bullion News

The Real Asset – Olympic gold mine discovered in UK

Wall St. Cheat Sheet – Should Investors Activate Gold and Silver Airbags?

Inside Futures – The Euro Currency And Federal Reserve Policy

Business Insider – The Next 24 Hours Will Be Critical For The Global Economy

VIDEO (05:13) : China Makes Fake Silver For U.S. Markets

Total Investor – Fantastic op-ed: These four numbers will bankrupt America

AUDIO (03:16) : 1965 Flashback – Paul Harvey - If I Were The Devil

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