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2nd Quarter - 2013
Charts, Bullion News & Commentary

When investing in any market, a good way to judge price movement in the future is to learn from the past. 

Investing Guru - Peter Lynch was quoted saying, "Investing without research is like playing stud poker and never looking at the cards."

The charts and bullion news links on this page are largely devoted to the precious metals market during the 2nd Quarter of 2013.

However, there are also articles about the general direction of the financial markets and current events that affected the market during the quarter.

Below the precious metals spot price charts, there is also, Commentary from the Professionals in the Precious Metals and Currency Markets.

The financial news links and videos posted below the Palladium Spot Price Charts were posted on the homepage, during the 2nd quarter of 2013.

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The charts below are provided courtesy of


Gold Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2013

Gold Price Chart (July. 1st, 2011 - June 30th, 2013)

gold 2013 3year qtr 2 chart

Bullion News

Gold Prices

In the 2nd Quarter of 2013, Gold's spot price chart saw nothing but new lows.  Shortly after the 2nd Quarter began, Gold's price fell below its  support level, falling $200 below the $1520.00 level.

Once Gold's price fell below this key support level, it became a key resistance level.  

What was once a price level that helped keep the price of gold above a certain price, now serves as a major resistance level for Gold's price, to break.

At the end of the quarter Gold's price hit a 3 year low of $1179.40.

This may be a signal that a bottom was finally reached after two years of peaks and valleys in the gold price chart.  

Furthermore, the upper indicator, the RSI, and the bottom indicator, the MACD, are both bottoming out. 

Gold Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2013 - June 30th, 2013)

gold 2013 qtr 2 chart

Gold Price Chart (July. 1st, 2012 - June 30th, 2013)

gold 2013 fullyear chart

Historical Gold Chart  - 25 Years

This last Gold Chart below, is a 25year historical gold chart from barcharts.com

For those of you who follow the Guide's News Updates on the homepage, you are aware that the guide daily posts different chart technicians analysis of the precious metals.

In the chart below, I drew two trend lines.  The bottom green line represents a line that some chart technicians are currently commenting on. 

Some of these chart technicians are expecting gold's price to still meet this line before it heads upwards and truly starts its bull market again, for example, see the following article: One Thing Needs to Happen Before Precious Metals Start to Rally Again.

However, I drew the upper blue line to show that the current price drop matches directly with the very start of the gold bull market in back in late 1999.  

The blue trend line also touches gold's peak price in 2006, and it's consolidation periods in 2008 & 2009.

Gold Price Chart (1988 - 2013 - 25year gold chart)

gold 25 year chart

Currently, Gold is still in a corrective, down trend, so I have drawn two red lines to represent the absolute bottoms that many chart technicians are paying attention to.

The top red line represents the retracement price that many technicians expected gold to hit before the price turns bullish again.  The bottom red line represents the March 2008 high.  It touched this price just before the banking crises of 2008.  Here is a good definition of a "Retracement from Investopedia.com.

Unfortunately, only time will tell which trend line gold's price will stop at before it starts into its next bull market.  Which the fundamentals behind the precious metals markets tell us is only inevitable.

Bullion News

Silver Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2013

Silver Price Chart (July. 1st, 2011 - June, 30th, 2013)

silver 2013 3year qtr 2 chart

Bullion News

Silver Prices

Like Gold, Silver also price fell after the 2nd quarter of 2013 started. 

Silver like gold fell through it's more than 2year support price of $26.00. 

Furthermore, once the silver price fell through this support level, this level became a major resistance that may be hard for silver to overcome.

During the quarter silver's price cascaded down, with limited buying.

The one positive note to make about silver price happened on the second to last day of the quarter, when its price touched $18.17 on light volume. 

The price popped up more than $1.00 on the last day of trading, on positive volume.  In addition, the upper indicator, the RSI, was starting to indicate that the silver price was climbing out of its oversold region.

Silver Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2013 - June 30th, 2013)

silver 2013 qtr 2 chart

Bullion News

Silver Price Chart (July 1st, 2012 - June 30th, 2013)

silver 2013 fullyear qtr 2 chart

Bullion News

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

Platinum Price Chart - 2nd qtr. 2013

Platinum Price Chart (July 1st, 2011 - June 30th, 2013)

platinum 2013 3year qtr 2 chart

Bullion News

Platinum Prices

Platinum, like silver and gold, broke its longtime support level in the 2nd qtr of 2013, however, platinum didn't cross its support line until late in quarter unlike Gold and Silver which did it early in the quarter.

Also like silver and gold, platinum's price has been generally tracking sideways for the past two years until it broke below it support level.

But like silver, at the very end of the quarter, Platinum's upper indicator, RSI, and lower indicator, MACD, both were showing signs that the precious metal was oversold and its price would be turning in a positive direction.

Platinum Price Chart (Apr. 1st, 2013 - June 30th, 2013)

platinum 2013 qtr 1

Bullion News

Platinum Price Chart (July. 1st, 2012 - June 30th, 2013)

platinum 2013 chart

Bullion News

Palladium Price - 2nd qtr. 2013

Palladium Price Chart (June 1st, 2011 - June 30th, 2013)

palladium 2013 3year chart

Bullion News

Palladium Price

Palladium price was the one precious metal anomaly in the 2nd quarter of 2013, but not because it didn't hit a low by the end of the quarter, it did.

It was an anomaly because it came nowhere near breaking below its support price level, at $535.00.

Palladium's price swung low early in the month, then swung upward and came close to breaking its 2013 high of $788.45. 

But it too plummeted, at the end of the quarter, below its prior 2nd quarter of 2013 low of 647.50.

In addition, like Platinum and Silver, Palladium's RSI (upper indicator) was also showing the precious metal was oversold indicating a possible positive future.

Palladium Price Chart (Apr 1st, 2013 - June 30th, 2013)

palladium 2013 qtr 1

Palladium Price Chart (July 1st, 2012 - June 30th, 2013)

palladium 2013 chart

Bullion News

The charts above are provided courtesy of www.stockcharts.com.

2nd Quarter - 2013
Bullion News & Commentary

The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.

The Headlines without links, had the link removed from its original source; the Headlines was kept on the page due to relevancy.

06/30/13 - Bullion News

VIDEO (06:45) : MINING - Precious 'The washout is nearly complete': Jim Cramer

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - The Case for Buying Precious Metals

CPI Financial - Precious Metals Report: Outlook for gold bleak?

The Telegraph - Gold price falls fuel 'record' bullion sales

Armstrong Economics - The Fed is so Short they need a High-Chair

AUDIO (39:50) : Peak Prosperity - Nick Barisheff: The Case for (Much) Higher Gold Prices

RT - Moscow exchange launches first precious metals trading

PrimeValues - France Officially Slips Into Recession

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SolorCycles - Deflationary Demographics

06/29/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Gold And Silver – Purely A Mental Game Right Now. Do Not Blink

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Fall in 2nd Quarter, US Bullion Coins Slow in June

PDF : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Wizzen Trading - Roadmap

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Seeking Alpha - Chinese Physical Gold Demand Matches World Gold Production

INFO~GRAPHIC : ZeroHedge - Presenting Inflation...

Armstrong Economics - Why Banks ALWAYS Fail

Article & VIDEO (01:20) : MINING - Researchers make carbon wire that could replace copper

06/28/13 - Bullion News

Cato Institute - Don’t be Fooled: Uncle Sam Is Still Bankrupt

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - A comparison between the 1970s 46% gold correction and today’s

Summary & VIDEO (05:57) : ZeroHedge - Even A Pawn Star Knows "Governments Can Screw Up The Currency"

Money and Markets - ‘Don’t Follow the Fed’ Will Be the Smart Money’s New Slogan

Wyatt Research - As Good as Gold, But Is Gold Still Good?

VIDEO (21:19) : Future Money Trends - Expert Analysis of Gold & Silver Drop and QE - Rick Rule Interview

Investment U - Are Gold & Silver Zombie Metals?

VIDEO (06:29) : Bloomberg - Gold Rebounding From 34-Month Low

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insights - Gold Correction Declines at Unsustainable Rate

CMI Gold & Silver - Krugman’s recipe for economic prosperity: Print more food stamps

Article & VIDEO(s) : CNBC - Gold Crashes Through Production Cost Levels

Business Insider - The Cost Of Mining An Ounce Of Gold (Barrick Gold's Stat Sheet)

VIDEO (12:28) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Market Forecasts for the Precious Metals Market & more...

Online Business School - 10 Wealthiest Entrepreneurs of All Time

06/27/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHART : MoneyBeat (WSJ) - ‘Gold Bears Beware’

Armstrong Economics - Gold in Currencies

VIDEO (05:19) : CNBC - Bull vs. Bear on Gold with Jim Rickards

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : McClellan Financial - Gold is Following in Stock Market’s 2009 Footsteps

Profit Confidential - Gold: Words of Wisdom from the Most Knowledgeable Gold Bug I Know

GoldMadeSimple - Disconnect between ‘paper’ gold and ‘physical’ gold markets continues as premiums DOUBLE in India

KATU (Oregon) - Collectible coins or a bag of lies?

PDF : Acting Man - In Gold We Trust - 2013

GoldSeek - A stock market addicted to stimulus

VIDEO (01:01) : Kanzius Foundation - President Nixon's War on Cancer

CoinWeek - Changes in the Silver Market, Part 1

GoldSilverWorlds - Silver – An Opportunity Reset by Ted Butler

MineWeb - New WGC gold cost guide should have investors dancing in the streets

VIDEO (02:36) : CNBC - Who's Going for Gold?

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Got Gold Report - GLD Metal Holdings

Business Insider - It's The 30-Year Anniversary Of The Greatest Wall Street Movie Ever Made: "Trading Places" Here's The Story Behind It

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

06/26/13 - Bullion News

Edge Trader Plus - The Federal Reserve – A Study In Fraud

Silver Investing News - David Morgan on Drutter’s Divergence and the Silver Price

VIDEO (41:17) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Interview with James Rickards author of the national bestseller, Currency Wars

SafeHaven - Why I Own Gold

Deviant Investor - Going Dark! Economic Cycles Point Downward

VIDEO (04:39) : Bloomberg - Gold at $1,200 Around the Corner? / $2000 - 2016?

GoldSilverWorlds - Gold Tests Support At $1,200/oz

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - Lightning Crashes

MineWeb - Sprott's John Embry, discusses the potential in gold stocks and manner in which gold is likely to move higher in the future

The Golden Truth - The Precious Metals Sector

GoldMadeSimple - Gold price ‘round-trips’ to flat for the day after huge drop in US GDP revision

Money and Markets - Place Your Bets on More Central-Bank Money-Printing

VIDEO (07:42) : CNBC - Marc Faber: Treasurys & Gold Are Very Oversold

Business Standard - India's Silver imports shoot up as prices drift to multi-year lows

TouitreNews - Vietnamese gold market - against all odds

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : ZeroHedge - Gold Drops Below Its Average Cash Cost

News10 (California) - Coin dealer thwarts thief's plan to steal small fortune

06/25/13 - Bullion News

CSInvesting - An Experienced Businessman, Money Manager and Investor Discusses His Views about Gold

Money and Markets - Gold’s Drop Begs the Question: When Is it Time to Buy?

Silver Coins Today - 2013 Great Basin ATB 5 Ounce Silver Bullion Coin Sales Begin Strong

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - The Gold COPS Have Arrived

Arabian Money - Why the Fed can’t possibly end QE and gold’s not dead

The Gold Report - After Labor Strikes, What's Next for Platinum?

INFO~GRAPHIC : SaxoMarkets - Currency Wars: Who is Winning the Race to the Bottom?

Numismaster - Gold Drop: An Opportunity?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sharps Pixley - Gold & Silver; Permabulls Era?

VIDEO (11:26) : ABC News (Australia) - Wall Street veteran Jim Rickards believes any problems the Reserve Bank has in trying to stave off a recession are its own fault

The Daily Mail - Negative interest rates could kill off savings returns, encourage cash hoarding and spell end of free banking... but Bank admits they're still an option

The Telegraph - Italy could need EU rescue within six months, warns Mediobanca

MINING - What’s an investor to do in markets like these?

Ludwig von Mises Institute - Who Says the Market Cannot Supply Its Own Money?

VIDEO (20:54) : Gordon T Long - Under The - Lens Bond Crisis

06/24/13 - Bullion News

Gold-Eagle - Gold And Silver - The Best Protection Against Modern Alchemy

MineWeb - Platinum prices to rebound on demand - CPM

The Prospector Site - PM FREEFALL: What should you do?

VIDEO (02:06) : CNBC - Cramer's Mad Dash: Allergan & Gold, Jim Cramer "I Buy Gold Coins"

Business 2 Community - Why Gold Bears Will Soon Find out They Are Wrong

VIDEO (07:10) : Charles Biderman - Biderman’s Daily Edge: Investors Bailing Since Taper Time Started, US Economy Nowhere Near Recovery

TF Metals Report - Losing Control

Dollar Collapse - The Nightmare Scenario

Money and Markets - Most Investors Are About to Learn This Lesson the Hard Way

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Why the Markets Are Freaking Out

Business Insider - BUSTED: Bankers Caught On Tape, Joking About Bailout, And How They'd Never Pay It Back

AUDIO 60:26) : Peak Prosperity - Neil Howe: The Fourth Turning Has Arrived

The Gold Report - Ben Bernanke's Real Message for Gold Investors, Translated by John Williams

Money Morning - Why Silver Prices Are Down Today – and What's Next

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SRSrocco Report - Step Aside India, China will Buy that Gold

GoldMoney - If the Fed has an exit plan then I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you

GoldSeek - BIS warns banks dangerously exposed to $10tn bond market crash, so buy gold!

06/23/13 - Bullion News

ZeroHedge - The Bank Of International Settlements Warns The Monetary Kool-Aid Party Is Over

PDF : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Wizzen Trading - Things Just Got Ugly

MINING - China to overtake India in gold consumption thanks to 6.6 million bridal gifts

India Today - Spike in customs duty on gold import triggers innovative ways of smuggling with people risking their necks

06/22/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Markets and Money - The Wrong and Right Way to Buy Gold, Part III

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Gold Loses A Battle, But War Continues

VIDEO (09:01) & Transcript : SafeHaven - Marc Faber: Believing in Bernanke is Like Believing in Father Christmas

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Prices Plunge for Week; US Gold Bullion Coins Jump

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Gold And Silver – The End Is Near; Just Not In Sight

Numismaster - Platinum Eagles on Sale

The Prudent Bear - Latent Market Bubble Risks by Doug Noland

MINING - South Africa’s mining sector watchful: gold wage talks coming up

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Casey Research (Ed Steer) - Gold’s 6% Fall Leads to Surge in Chinese and Asian Physical Demand Again

VIDEO (07:00) & Article : TF Metals Report - A Run on The Building & Loan

06/21/13 - Bullion News


ZeroHedge - What Lies Ahead for Gold?

AUDIO : FSN - John Rubino – 2008 Is Back Again… Can You Spell Lehman Brothers

INFO~GRAPHIC : MINING - Is deep sea mining worth the risk?

Resource Investor - Bullion's day in sun is long gone as CME hikes gold margin

CHART : Visualizing Economics - Real Rolling Gold Returns compared to Stocks

Hard Assets Investor - Jim Rogers: I Bought More Gold Today; Bull Market Far From Over

Business Standard - India's top private banks are mulling an exit from the gold coins business

Business Wire - Findings Indicate Increase in Physical Gold Demand, Price Among Potential Effects of Fed Scaling Back Stimulus

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Will Rising rates Ruin The Recovery?

06/20/13 - Bullion News

Trader Dan's Market Views - Gold Cost of Production

VIDEO (02:56) : Bloomberg - USAA Investment Portfolio manager Dan Denbow discusses the gold meltdown

VIDEO (07:12) : Kitco News - James Grant Speaks on Gold & Silver's Latest Sell-Off

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : My Budget 360 - How the Fed is running out of economic curtains to hide behind when it comes to monetary policy

AUDIO (55:41) : Voice America - Hour 2: Jay Taylor Interviews Chris Martenson

MineWeb - Gold and Silver Fundamentals and a Much-Needed Dose of Reality Interview with David Morgan

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Gold Déjà Vu, Sort Of

Market-Ticker - How Low Can It Go? by Karl Denninger

MineWeb - 122,000 jobs at risk in SA's platinum sector in 2015 - Nomura

Jesse's Café Américain - Pictures From a Monetization

Market Watch - The Fed is Wrong

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Washington Post - This graph shows how bad the Fed is at predicting the future

06/19/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Silver And Gold Ratios

AUDIO : FSN - Bill Holter – The Debt To Gold Ratio Is Frightening

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - "Silver"...Building Out a Foundation

GoldSilverWorlds - Own Physical Gold as Governments Destroy Wealth and Squander Tax Payers’ Money

VIDEO (08:35) : Kitco News - Tapering Could Be Good For Gold: Vince Lanci

GoldSeek - U.S. Mint Sales of Silver Coins Reach Record in 2013 First Half

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Alhambra Partners - Sunday Gold Fix - The Gold Crash of 1975 - Evaluating the Gold Market of the 70's with Today's Gold Market

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - The Federal Reserve has Dug a Deep Hole

ANALYSIS : CHART : Profit Confidential - Why Investors Should Be Worried About the Sharp Rise in Bond Yields

Market-Ticker - Ben: My Ass Hurts by Karl Denninger

Wealth Daily - What Happens When Bernanke Quits? - 212% from the End of QE3

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - A Long-Term Look at Inflation

Daily Reckoning - “Out of Thin Air” by Ron Paul

Summary & AUDIO (16:47) : USA Watchdog - More than 100 Years of Money Printing Next Year - Wiedemer

Cato Institute - How Much Does Your State Government Depend on Federal Funds?

AUDIO (43:19) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - This Week's Show: Emerging markets triggering next global recession, Trade surplus countries are inflation factories Gold charts firming, FED dictates short course

Edge Trader Plus - What Happens When You Continually "Kick the Can Down the Road"...Detroit: America’s Not So Bright Future

MineWeb - Silver: an important weapon against ‘superbugs’— Silver Institute

06/18/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Hits 4-Week Low as US Inflation Subdued

VIDEO (01:56) : GoldSilver - Michael Maloney On Drutter's Divergence (Silver Demand)

VIDEO (01:18) : CNBC - Ron Paul's Thoughts on Gold

Seeking Alpha - The Gold Clock Goes TIC-Tock On SE Asia

UnCommon Wisdom - Gold’s Stretched-Out Rope

Econ Blog - Venezuela on the Brink of Hyperinflation

Numismaster - Bullion Premium, Delivery Near Normal

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Pieces Of The Puzzle!

GoldSilverWorlds - Three Current Themes Precious Metals Investors Need to Consider

Money and Markets - The Truth About Inflation

Deviant Investor - All the Gold in Fort What’s-Its-Name

VIDEO (03:42) : CoinWeek - Gold Price and the Effect on the Coin Market

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Rick Ackerman - A Simple Look at Gold’s ‘Technicals’

Bloomberg - U.S. Mint Sales of Silver Coins Reach Record in First Half

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Is Crude Oil Ready for a Breakout? What Impact Could it Have on Gold?

VIDEO (04:22) : Fox Business - Stockman: Fed Created a Bubble Machine

06/17/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Gold and Silver

VIDEO (05:32) : Charles Biderman - Bernanke Said Taper & Free Money Addicts Felt Withdrawal Symptoms

The Gold Report - Jay Taylor: In Precious Metals, Cash Flow Is King

VIDEO (25:14) : Ellis Martin Report - Interview with Silver Guru - David Morgan

GoldSeek - Chart of the Week: India Declares War on Gold

VIDEO (03:33) : Bloomberg - Is Silver Lost in the Gold Market?

Article & VIDEO(s) : CSInvesting - A Contrarian’s Dream (CEF); The Buffetts’ Thoughts on Money

Armstrong Economics - Why Government Should be Prohibited from Borrowing Money

INFO~GRAPHIC : MINING - Gold is from space

Daily Resource Hunter - Metals Prices Are Down? Tell That To These Guys…

MineWeb - Platinum market deficit to hit 844,000oz in 2013 - HSBC

ForexLive - Australia’s gold output down 5 pct in Q1

ZeroHedge - 222 Years Of Gold, Wars, Inflation, Economies, And Presidents

VIDEO (17:51) : USA Watchdog - Bail-ins-The Ultimate Win for Precious Metals-Eric Sprott

06/15/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : McClellan Oscillator - Gold COT Data Show Bottoming Condition

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : GoldSilverWorlds - Gold And Silver – Greater Certainty Is Found In Charts

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Advance on Week; US Silver Bullion Coins Stronger

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Gold: Will it Drop to $500/ounce?

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SRSrocco Report - Silver Price to Rise as Top Miner’s Production Evaporates

INFO~GRAPHIC : Canadian Coin - Canadian Junk Silver Coins - See if You Can Strike Silver

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Business Line - Platinum testing key short-term support

The New York Times - Suddenly, Retiree Nest Eggs Look More Fragile

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Have Gold and Silver Stopped Responding to Dollar’s Price Action?

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Jesse's Café Américain - Physical vs. Paper: The Shanghai Gold Exchange vs. the COMEX

Mish's Blog - Do You Trust Banks? Country by County Comparison

FirstPost - Jewellers’ fraternity disgraced after tax raid on RiddiSiddhi Bullions

INFO~GRAPHIC : ZeroHedge - Then And Now: What 100 Years Of Change Looks Like, In One Infographic

06/14/13 - Bullion News

AUDIO : FSN - David Morgan – Precious Metals Are Bottoming

Global Financial Inteligence - MEXICO? PREFER THE GOLD OR SILVER? (Google Translation Link)

Market Watch - Jim Rogers on bond bubbles, buying gold and the Japan disaster

Trader Dan's Market Views - Early Signs of Inflation?

VIDEO (02:16) : Bloomberg - Listen Closely: The Fed's Nowhere Near Tightening

247 Bull - If the Fed is going to begin taking away the punchbowl why is the dollar tanking?

ZeroHedge - Stunning Images From China: Ten Thousand People Waiting In Line To Buy Gold

Daily Mail - 'Stop buying gold!' Chidambaram begs gold-crazy Indians to ditch precious metal as imports send the rupee into decline

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Why is Gold Draining out of COMEX Warehouses?

Ludwig von Mises Institute - On This Day in 1933 (June 13, 1933)

The Big Picture - Succinct Summation of Week’s Events (June 14, 2013)

Kitco - Feature: Is It Sustainable To Mine Gold In This Current Price Environment?

MoneyWatch - Caterpillar to begin S. Milwaukee layoffs (Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) says it is placing about 260 production employees at its South Milwaukee plant on indefinite layoff because of weaker demand for mining equipment)

Pravda.ru - Why does USA need panic on gold market? (English Version)

GoldBroker - France : Public Deficits Getting Out Of Control

06/13/13 - Bullion News

Summary & VIDEO (06:27) : Got Gold Report - Frank Holmes - 'Non-Event if Gold Falls Another $100'

AUDIO (11:01) : Cato Institute - Robert A. Levy discusses capitalism, socialism, and the Constitution The Bob Harden Show

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Options Trading Signals - While the Fed Parties, Gold & Oil Have Left the Building

Casey Research - Are the Gold Bugs Wrong?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Peak Prosperity - Is Gold at a Turning Point?

The Epoch Times - Behind China’s Golden Curtain

Article & VIDEO (02:49) : CoinNews - West Point Mint Houses $2.3 Billion in Gold Bars

Gold Made Simple - Director at the Bank of England admits: “We’ve INTENTIONALLY blown the biggest government bond bubble in history”

Dollar Collapse - "More than $2.5 trillion has been erased since Ben Bernanke said…"

VIDEO (04:04) : Bloomberg - Traders Said to Manipulate Currency Rates

Wealth Wire - Silver Coin Sales Could Set Record High

SLIDESHOW : Economic Times - Sneak peek: US Mint's gold & silver coins production facility

Bullion Street - Alaska still holds cards for Gold prospectors

Bloomberg - Metalor Set to Complete Singapore Gold Refinery by Year-End

06/12/13 - Bullion News

Financial Post - Investors shy away from gold, buy palladium

Summary & VIDEO (30:01) : GoldSilverWorlds - First Glimpse Inside Fed’s Gold Vault – National Geographic Documentary

The Hindu - Gold has a firm demand in a fluctuating market

Perth Mint Bullion - Monthly Sales - May 2013

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : TheGoldandOilGuy - Tis the Season to Look At Gold & Oil Prices!

CHART : Armstrong Economics - Palladium – Not Gold?

CoinWeek - When Is A Dollar Not Worth A Dollar?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Golden Economics & Silver Surprise

AUDIO (45:33) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - This Week: Volker & Greenspan join ranks of the concerned - Speculative gold shorts signal a bottom? - Mountain biking and investment principles

Investment Week - 'Disorderly bond yield jump' now biggest global risk

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Acting Man - Gold and Gold Stocks Update

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Futures Magazine - Copper faces faux bullish fundamentals

CNBC - Big Dollars For a Silver Certificate

Business Insider - 10 Countries That Are Losing A Fortune On The Collapse In Gold

06/11/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Ends Near Three-Week Low; US Silver Bullion Coins Rise

VIDEO (02:23) : Money Morning - How to Invest in Gold: Tips from an Expert (Sprott's Rick Rule ) on the Yellow Metal

VIDEO (02:58) : CNBC - Santelli: All Stimulus Fungible

GoldSeek - The connection between quantitative easing and the gold price

MINING - Grim BRICs news pushes copper to 5-week lows

AUDIO (03:44) : Korelin Economics - Rick Ackerman and Technicals

Bloomberg - Falling New Orders Signal U.S. Stock Inflation: Chart

Perth Mint Bullion - Suspended Silver Bullion Coins Back In Production

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Bearish Picture for Gold from the Perspective of the Dollar and the Stock Market

Numismaster - Big Brother Knows You Have Gold?

The Guardian - Cash payments "In the UK" stage a comeback

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : CountingPips - The U.S. Dollar Under Pressure Again

Fed Watch - Bullard Holds His Ground

06/10/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Precious Metals Rebound, Silver Eagle Bullion Coins Top 23M


ANALYSIS : CHARTS : ZeroHedge - Charles Gave Warns: "Should The Fed Lose Control, The Downside Move In Markets May Be Terrifying"

Gold Made Simple - Indian government threatens more action to manipulate gold demand lower

Article & VIDEO (99:27) : GoldSilverWorlds - Gold Price Reflecting Mike Maloney’s “First Deflation Then Inflation”

Deviant Investor - Silver Cycles: What Next?

Dollar Collapse - The Number That Matters

Rick Ackerman - Let Gold Do Its Job!

ANALYSIS : CHART : Market Anthropology - What Lies Beneath

The Telegraph - Deutsche Bank to open 200-tonne gold storage vault in Singapore

06/09/13 - Bullion News

PDF : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Wizzen Trading - Some More Downside Needed

Business Insider - MAULDIN: I'm So Sure Japan Is Screwed That I'm Converting My Mortgage Into Yen

The Telegraph - The fact is markets had gone up too far and too fast

Article & VIDEO (33:25) : SafeHaven - Gordon T Long; Unsound Money Inevitably Means a Corrupt Society with Special Co-Host John Rubino

Central Bank News - Monetary Policy Week in Review – Jun 3-7, 2013: 3 cut, 6 hold rates, markets adjust to withdrawal of global liquidity

AUDIO (19:36) : Peak Prosperity - Ron Paul: It's Going to Get Much, Much Worse - Why self-reliance & less government are key to our future

Seeking Alpha - What Really Happened To Silver: A Different Perspective

06/08/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Drop for Week; US Bullion Coins Steady

Money and Markets - The Wrong and Right Way to Buy Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Gold And Silver – Reality Does Not Matter. Potemkin COMEX Does

VIDEO (15:18) : KitcoNews - Roubini Doesn't Understand Gold - James Rickards

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Ticker - Fed Z1: A SEVERE Storm Warning by Karl Denninger

The New York Times - Trying to Divine Intent of Fed, Wall St. Climbs

Money Observer - Did QE work?

Armstrong Economics - Wiemar Republic & Gresham’s Law

MINING - Pacific Ocean rich in gold, rare earths "Compared to on-land deposits they’re amongst the richest that we’ve seen"

06/07/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : CountingPips - Gold, Silver & Precious Metal Miners Signals By Chris Vermeulen

VIDEO (14:55) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Stock market to bottom today/tomorrow. metals will be under pressure

VIDEO (03:55) : CNBC - Chart Shows Mysterious Gold Move

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SRSrocco Report - Silver Investment Demand: The Ticking Time Bomb

Silver Coin Investor - Silver Prices: Paper, Physical and the Coin Dealer

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Zeal - Contrary Gold Futures 3 by Adam Hamilton

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - What Does the Lack of Gold’s Reaction to the USD’s Plunge Tell Us?

Bloomberg - Austrian Mint Expects Good Business on Gold in Coming Months

Wealth Daily - Silver Coin Investing

VIDEO (08:00) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : KitcoNews - Long-term Look at Gold Part 2 - "Chart This!" w/Gary Wagner

The Daily Business Post - France bans mail delivery of coins and precious metals

CoinWeek - Taxing Coin Sales: A Bureaucratic Nightmare In The Making?

POLL : Rasmussen Reports - 28% of Investors Say Their Finances Are Improving

GoldSilverWorlds - IMF Admits Lying About Greek Debt Crisis

AUDIO (13:35) : CATO Institute - Steve H. Hanke discusses the Money Supply on Bloomberg Surveillance w/ Tom Keene

Los Angeles Times - Greenspan says Federal Reserve should start tapering stimulus

Gains, Pains, Capital - Japan Just Gave Us a Warning of What’s Coming Our Way

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - The Fed Balance Sheet: What is Uncle Sam's Largest Asset?

VIDEO (25:45) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Osborne’s Schlub, Schnook, Yahoo & Yo-Yo

Money Morning - The Incredible World of Graphene

06/06/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Ends at Three-Week High, Silver Gains 1.1%

AUDIO (32:00) : Ellis Martin Report - Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan--A Currency Showdown-East VS West

Seeking Alpha - U.S. And Canadian Mint Sales: All Of Domestic Silver Supply Used Solely For Bullion

UnCommon Wisdom - The Hidden Fed Meeting that Rocked the Markets

VIDEO (03:47) : YouTube - What is Fiat Money - Visual Explanation

Mish's Blog - Nouriel Roubini Seriously Misguided on Gold, on Equities, on Economic Growth, on Money

GoldSilverWorlds - Indian Government Desperately Tries To Discourage Gold Demand

Market Watch - When should you melt down gold?

AUDIO (53:46) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - This weeks show: Gold in the ultimate form of cash, Gold is what you own when you’re not speculating, Change your mind about how you value everything

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Easy-Money Addiction Could Hurt Performance

CNBC - Fed's Fisher: We Cannot Live in Fear of 'Monetary Cocaine'

Article & VIDEO (29:42) : Of Two Minds - Why Serial Asset Bubbles Are Now The New Normal

Investing - Gold gains as ECB hikes growth forecasts, U.S. jobs data support

Trader Dan's Market Views - Refer to Monday's Headline Post

ANALYSIS : CHART : The Real Asset Co. - COMEX revealed: Investigating the paper gold market

The Telegraph - Bank of England says no to more QE

MINING - CEO of London Metal Exchange quits

Casey Research - Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation

06/05/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold gains as U.S. jobs data falls short of market expectations

VIDEO (09:36) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Kitco News - Long-term Look at Gold - "Chart This!" w/Gary Wagner

Investment Week - Why you should not write off gold...

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price back above $1400 and above the 20DMA – will it be 8th time lucky?

UnCommon Wisdom - Is It Time to Start Freaking Out About the Gold Supply?

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : ZeroHedge - The Debt Of Nations

SafeHaven - Precious Metals Leasing Explained

Perth Mint Bullion - A Question Of Purity

CNN Money - Are gold and silver close to bottoming?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - Still Golden

Daily Mail - Novice treasure hunter found £100,000 hoard of Roman coins 20 minutes into his first metal detecting venture

SilverSeek - David Morgan Interviews Nick Barisheff

Silver Coins Today - 2013 America the Beautiful 5 Ounce Silver Coin On-Sale Dates

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sprott Asset Mgmt - Redemptions in the GLD are, oddly enough, Bullish for Gold

06/04/13 - Bullion News

The Southwest Times - BBB warns of misleading free silver coin advertisement

AUDIO : FSN - Bill Murphy – Breaking News: Comex Admits Its Reports Are For Informational Purposes Only

Silver Lunar - 2014 Year of the Horse Coins (Lunar Series) from Perth Mint (Gold/Silver)

Seeking Alpha - Biggest Gold Mine In The World Shutdown: Is This The Catalyst Gold Has Been Awaiting?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Recent Moves in Gold and Silver - Temporary Strength or the End of Correction?

Peak Prosperity - Housing Prices Are Being Dangerously Distorted by Big Institutional Money

Barron's - Pimco’s Gross: QE Is ‘New Age Chemotherapy’ That Isn’t Working Well

The Big Picture - U.S. 10 Year Bond Yields in Perspective (1790-Present)

Deviant Investor - This Crazy Extend & Pretend Economic World

Merk Investments - Sell the Dollar? Case for Hard Currencies

VIDEO (03:10) CNBC - Santelli: Inflation is Baked in the Cake

Silver Coins Today - 2013 American Silver Eagle Bullion Coins Notch Strong May Sales

Bullion Street - Can Texas become 1st tax free Gold state?

06/03/13 - Bullion News

Money and Markets - GOLD: Four Secret Signals - How to Know When It’s Time to Buy or Sell - Interview transcript: Larry Edelson with John Browne

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology- Creative Seasonings

VIDEO (20:46) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Analysis of the S&P, Precious Metals and other Markets

VIDEO (02:26) & Article : CNBC - Sprott's Rick Rule explains why he likes Physical Platinum and Palladium

Numismaster - New Bullion Law in Minnesota

INFO~GRAPHIC : The Royal Mint - The Changing Face of British Coins

MarketWatch - Silver shorts play a dangerous game, Commentary: The shorts could get caught here

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - What If Monetary Policy Doesn’t Work?

MineWeb - U.S. gold bullion coins headed for record despite sluggish May

Business Insider - One Of The Tightest Correlations To Gold Continues To Hold Strong

247 Bull - Speculators speculate about Gold's Future

ANALYSIS : CHART : TheGoldandOilGuy - Seven Keys in Timing Stock Market Tops – Part II

Seeking Alpha - Is It Time To Buy Platinum?

VIDEO (02:12) : PressTV - US dollar losing hold as world's currency

Trader Dan's Market Views - Gold ETF, GLD, Bleeding Inventory

Ludwig von Mises Institute - Japan's Easy Money Tsunami

06/02/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold/Silver/Copper futures - Weekly outlook: June 3 - 7

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Gold and Silver - Recent Past and Near Future Possible Forcast

Seeking Alpha - The 3 Lessons Stock Investors Could Learn From Gold Investors

SRSrocco Report - Warren Buffett and the Investment Value of Gold

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - CFTC: Net Dollar Long Position Largest Since at Least 2007

Jesse's Café Américain - Financial Sector: Bigger and More Profitable Than Ever

GoldSilverWorlds - Gold Bear Or Bull? Mainstream Media Really Don’t Get It

VIDEO (07:08) : ZeroHedge - Peak Gold

Central Bank News - Monetary Policy Week in Review – May 27-31, 2013: 2 banks raise rates, 3 cut as focus shifts to end of U.S. QE


VIDEO (23:10) : MINING - Sprott's David Franklin: Platinum and palladium's year to shine

Coin Update - The Royal Mint Returns to the Tower in Style!

05/31/13 - Bullion News

247 Bull - The Big Picture: From banking crisis to sovereign debt crisis to currency crisis

Casey Research - Three Reasons the Case for Gold Remains Intact

Acting Man - A Novel Idea: Money Printing Creates ‘Wealth’

The Telegraph - No saviour in sight as world credit cycle rolls over

ZeroHedge - All Time Record Gold Transactions Reported By LBMA

The Epoch Times - Buyers Willing to Pay Premium for US Gold Coins

Fox Business (Stossel) - Keynes vs. Hayek - Econstories co-founders Russ Robert and John Papola discuss how the greatest economists of the past generation would deal with current economic problem VIDEO (06:52)

GoldSilverWorlds - High Premiums Reflect Strong Global Demand For Physical Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Gold Attempts to Form Intermediate-term Low

Gold Chat - Gold and silver market status update

Perth Mint Bullion - Asian Demand For Gold To Keep Rising - WGC

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - The Long Wait (nearly 21 months) is Almost Over

AUDIO (05:30) : Korelin Report - Rick Ackerman and Technicals

Profit Confidential - Japan Stock Bubble Built on Money Printing Bursts; And Our Turn Is

05/30/13 - Bullion News

VIDEO (12:16) : CNBC - Doug Kass Goes For Gold

Summary & VIDEO (05:12) : ZeroHedge - David Stockman: "The Error Of Central Banking Has Become Universal"

Wealth Daily - South Africa's Gold and Platinum Industry - Supply and Demand Struggle

Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Rise and Fall of the Dollar

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : GoldSilverWorlds - 5 Signs Of An Imminent Gold & Silver Price Rally

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Acting Man - More Signs That a Giant Bubble is Underway

VIDEO (48:43) Gordon T Long - Macro Analytics - Mr. Global & GOLD w/ Catherine Austin Fitts & Ty

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sharps Pixley - Gold & Silver; Physically Dependant!

WFMY News2 - The Not-So-Silver-Lining Of A (Dishonest) Silver Coin Newspaper Ad

ZeroHedge - Volcker On Bernanke's Grand Monetary Experiment: "Good Luck In That"

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Gold Hits 8-Day High as Insecurity Grows

INFO~GRAPHIC : The Austrian Insider - The Bond Bubble Infographic: Visualizing Overvalued Treasuries

Gold Made Simple - Gold price trading back above $1400… but will it stick?

Bloomberg - Premiums on U.S. Mint Silver Coins Drop From 4-Year High

05/29/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Advance; US Mint Bullion Coin Sales Surge

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SRSRocco Report - Gold & Silver Maple Leaf Sales Increase in a Big Way

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Take on the Economic Challenge. Play the Federator

Forbes - Somebody Is Messing With The Gold Market

CNBC - Is the Dollar Dying? Why US Currency Is in Danger

Profit Confidential - The Four Big Risks Massive Money Has Brought to the U.S. Economy

Trader Dan's Market Views - Month End Positioning Underway

Mish's Blog - Speculative Gold Bets at 5-Year Low; Metal Will Get “Crushed” Says Credit Suisse

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : GotGoldReport - Huge Rally Fuel in Place for Gold Futures

CoinNews - $5 Gold Eagle Sales Resume, Allocation Ends for 5 Oz Bullion Coins

VIDEO (08:14) : Cambridge House - David Morgan: "...we haven't found a bottom yet..." in gold & silver

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : My Budget 360- Why inflation matters: How the Fed is creating real estate inflation and hiding behind inflation data to continue their expansionary ways. OER and Case Shiller divergence

Wealth Daily - Inflation Fear - Real Interest Rates and Gold

AUDIO (39:56) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Retirees forced to be the new hot money gamblers - Bank of Japan losing control - Banking crises & currency crises are inseparable

The New York Times - Central Banks Act With a New Boldness to Revitalize Economies

Seeking Alpha - Gold Price And GLD Holdings Signal A Big Change Ahead

The Hindu - Reserve Bank of India not to ban sale of gold coins by banks

05/28/13 - Bullion News

AUDIO : FSN - Jeffrey Christian – Economy Will Be Much Worse Than Thought In 2013-2014

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - A Golden Opportunity

ZeroHedge - US Mint Resumes Selling One-Tenth Ounce Gold Coins... At A 40% Premium To Spot

Numismaster - The Other Run on Physical Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Can 1976 Give Us Insight Into Gold's Price Behavior?

Resource Clips - What's Next for Gold...Eric Coffin, Jay Taylor, Mickey Fulp, Mark Leibovit and Chris Berry discuss gold’s wayward ways

ToTheTick - Top Ten Most Expensive Cities and the Economics of Why!

VIDEO (48:45) : Grant Williams - Do the Math

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sharps Pixley - Gold & Silver; Directionless

Kitco - Exclusive Interview: Gold's Volatility, Part of Its Tradition: Former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul


Deviant Investor - Back to Basics – Gold, Silver, and the Economy

PDF : 321gold - Gold is Different. What Next?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : TheGoldandOilGuy - Precious Metals & Miners Start Bottoming Process

VIDEO (07:12) : CNBC - Why Abenomics is Bonkers

05/26/13 - Bullion News

Seeking Alpha - Are There Any Gold Bulls Left In The U.S.?

AUDIO : FSN - Chuck Butler – The Dollar Is Going Down: Open Your Eyes

INFO~GRAPHIC : MINING - Explaining gold's big drop

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Wall Street Pit - The Love Trade for Gold is Still On! by Frank Holmes

VIDEO (25:44) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Drowning In Central Banking Abyss

Trader Dan's Market Views - Speculators continue to Sell gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : CEO.CA - The Most Important Level for Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Investing - Silver: Bullish Divergence

05/25/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Advance on Week; US Silver Coins Higher

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The TSI Trader - S&P 500 - 20 Year Study of Buy and Sell Signals

AUDIO (58:29) : Peak Prosperity - Chris Martenson Interviews Bill Black: Our System is So Flawed That Fraud is Mathematically Guaranteed

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Dow Swoons And Gold Consolidates

VIDEO (06:02) : Sound Money Campaign - The Fiat End Game: Preparing For A Way Forward

Daily Reckoning - Bubbles for Bubbles’ Sake

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Gold And Silver – Markets Provide Us The Best Information

VIDEO (06:44) : GoldSilver - Bitcoin vs. Gold & Silver - Mike Maloney & Chris Martenson

AUDIO (18:19) : Silver-Investor - Interview with David Morgan; Something BIG Is Occurring in the Physical Market for Gold & Silver

Inflation Data - Highest Grossing Movies Adjusted for Inflation

05/24/13 - Bullion News

Analysis : Charts : McClellan Financial - Gold Coins Can Bring a Message

GoldSilverWorlds - Rick Rule – 10 Questions For Precious Metals Investors

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts Sunshine Profits - Timing the Final Bottom in Silver


AUDIO : FSN - Chris Vermulen – Gold And Stocks Getting Ready To Trade Positions?

Business Insider - CITI: Gold Has Never Stayed Below The 'Stairway To Hell' For Very Long

London Evening Standard - Royal Mint is accused over £5 coin ‘that’s not worth a penny’ - Asked how the Royal Mint assesses their £5 value, Mr Lobel said: “They put the word £5 on it.”

SilverSeek - Busting the Perfect Crime by Ted Butler

TIME - Japan Market Crash: A Slow Leak in the “Central Bank Bubble”

Casey Research - The FOMC Minutes in Review

Financial Sense - Marc Faber: Central Banks Should Be Manipulating Gold Higher, Not Lower

GoldBroker - Bernanke’s Federal Reserve and other central banks will continue their superb productivity

AUDIO (58:29) : Peak Prosperity - Chris Martenson Interviews Bill Black: Our System is So Flawed That Fraud is Mathematically Guaranteed

05/23/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Prices Rally, Silver Gains for Second Day

247 Bull - Examining the global crack-up boom: Part I

247 Bull - Examining the global crack-up boom: Part II

Arabian Money - Jim Sinclair predicts physical gold will soon replace paper gold to fix prices

Jesse's Café Américain - Gold Supply and Short Positions on the Comex: Option Expiration Next Week

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts : SafeHaven - Gold and Silver

VIDEO (03:14) : Yahoo Finance (BreakOut) - Gold Skeptics Have Peaked but Gold Prices Haven’t: Paul Schatz

Prometheus Market Insight - Looking Beyond Quantitative Easing

Deviant Investor - Scandals & Economic Disasters!

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts : Sunshine Profits - Gold Corrected on Weeks of Misconception

CoinWeek - Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange Defaults On Gold And Silver Paper Contracts

VIDEO (07:28) : GotGoldReport - Jim Grant – Fed Centric Markets Scary

MoneyNews - Central Bank Not 'That Close' to Winding Down Stimulus, Fed's Bullard Says

VIDEO (04:20) : FoxNews - What Will Happen When QE Ends?

CNBC - Kyle Bass Bets on Full-Blown Japan Crisis

Inside Investing Daily - Introducing the World's Best "Emergency Currency"

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts : Trading on the Mark - Every Trader and Investor Should be Watching the Dollar

GoldBroker - The New Great Wall of China : Gold

CoinNews - US Mint Sales: Proof Sets and Silver Coins Most Dominant

AUDIO 60:07) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Donald McAlvany: The Great Gold Robbery

Juggling Dynamite - Generation X: An inconvenient era by Danielle Parks

Market Ticker - Claims: +340k by Karl Denninger

Rolling Stone - The Mad Science of the National Debt

Financial Sense - Are Covert Operations Underway in the Global Currency Wars?

Chron - Texas could eliminate sales tax on silver and gold

Commentary : Analysis : Charts The Technical Traders - The Headline Data that Financial Media Ignored on Wednesday

VIDEO (04:18) : MoneyBeat (WSJ) - Looking Beyond Quantitative Easing

05/22/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Dips as Other Metals Gain, US Silver Coins Rise

Bloomberg - Gold Is Still Relevant as Insurance Policy, Franklin’s Land Says

VIDEO (05:52) : KitcoNews - Gold Should Be Bought To Maintain Purchasing Power - Rick Rule

GoldSeek - China Platinum Imports Rise – Bullish Platinum and Palladium Fundamentals

AUDIO(s) : Turning Hard Times into Good - Jay Taylor Interviews Ted Butler for the First Time - Hour 1: Regaining Liberty through Gold and Silver. Defying J.P. Morgan and the Federal Government it Controls Hour 2: Regaining Liberty through Gold and Silver. Defying J.P. Morgan and the Federal Government it Controls

The Guardian - Fed chairman Ben Bernanke: stimulus programme not creating 'bubbles'

Market Ticker - Bernanke: I Love Bubbles by Karl Denninger

Mish's Blog - Bernanke's Semi-Annual Tap-Dance of Distortions, Half-truths, Lies, and Hypocrisy to U.S. Congress

GoldMoney - Fed exit strategy: the mother of all head fakes

VIDEO (12:22) : CNBC - Fed Chairman Bernanke Opening Statement

Rick Ackerman - Why Even Talk of Tightening Could Be Fatal

CNBC - How Gold Rallied for Years on a 'Misunderstanding'

MoneyNews - Jim Rogers: Yen's 'Collapse Very Dangerous'

ToTheTic - Hyperinflation – 10 Worst Cases

PrimeValues - How and What Bullion Dealers Sold Out this April and May

INFO~GRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - What is the Cost of Mining Gold?

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

05/21/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Retreat; US Mint Gold, Silver Bullion Coins Gain

VIDEO (23:37) : GoldSilver - Silver & Gold - The BIG Picture - Mike Maloney

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts : Sunshine Profits - Important Breakout in the Dow to Gold Ratio and Its Implications for Gold

Numismaster - Implications of Extreme Gold, Silver Price Volatility

AUDIO (21:41) : Ellis Martin - Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan-Gold and Silver Paper Shorting-Collusion

Merk Investments - Crash Proof Your Portfolio

Commentary : Analysis : Charts : Seeking Alpha - The Great Disconnect Between Paper And Physical Precious Metals Prices

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts : 321gold - Buy Gold On QE Exit News

Global Times - Latent demand expected to take tarnish off gold

UnCommon Wisdom - A Good Business to be (and Invest) in

CoinWeek - EBay sellers—One More Scam To Watch Out For

VIDEO (02:02) : CoinInfo - Coin Shop Armed Robbery by Man In UPS Uniform (Video of Robbery)

BullionVault - Gresham's Law

HedgeWeek - Lowest price in two years accelerates demand for physical gold

Peak Prosperity - Are the Predominant Macro Trends About to Reverse?

SilverSeek - Blockbuster in Gold by Ted Butler

VIDEO (02:25) : Bloomberg - Platinum and Palladium Shine as Gold Tumbles

MoneyWeb - Is the platinum sector imploding?

Commentary : Technical Analysis : Charts : Lido Isle Advisors - Platinum Pounced Today, Gold Back Down

Article & VIDEO (05:51) : CNBC - Copper and S&P Part Ways—Which Has It Wrong?

05/20/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Snaps 7-Session Fall, Silver Gains, US Mint Coins Advance

Inside Investing Daily - Rick Rule; Why I am Still a Gold Bug

VIDEO (14:24) : MoneyNews - David McAlvany to Moneynews: Gold Poised to Surge

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : SafeHaven - Is Gold's Bull Market Over? No

VIDEO (27:26) : USA Watchdog - Bank Run Happening in Bullion-Jim Willie

The Deviant Investor - Motive, Means, & Opportunity in the Gold Market

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Prometheus Market Insight- Gold Market Long-term Correction Continues

CoinInfo - Crime Alert: Coin Shop Break-In by Man In UPS Uniform

Market Watch - Gold, silver, and real estate will save you

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : MPtrader - Is Gold Attempting to Put In a Secondary Low?

VIDEO (05:45) : Bloomberg - Gold Council Says 2013 Will Be Good Year in Tonnage

ZeroHedge - Bank Balances And Gold

05/19/13 - Bullion News

The Columbus Dispatch - As gold prices slide, two experts weigh in

AUDIO : FSN - Ned W. Schmidt – Should You Buy Google Or Gold

Dollar Collapse - Velocity of Money and the Crack-Up Boom

VIDEO (24:06) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gary Wagner - The Gold Forecast Testing, Testing After the Fall

ANALYSIS : CHART : The Southern - Sell in May and go away? Part 3

Article & VIDEO (08:22) : MoneyNews - Jim Rogers to Moneynews: Fed's 'Artificial' Inflation Will 'End Badly'

The Telegraph - BIS and IMF attacks on quantitative easing deeply misguided warn monetarists

MoneyWeb - Why is SA importing tons of gold from the US?

Summary & VIDEO (01:44) : ZeroHedge - Jeff Gundlach: "We Are Drowning In Central Banking"

Mauldin Economics - All Japan, All the Time

VIDEO (13:17) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Inside Futures - GOLD Bearish Reversal in Progress, Could Hit 1300-Elliott Wave

05/18/13 - Bullion News

Trader Dan's Market Views - Bubble Views

Commodity Trade Mantra - Currency Wars: The Latest

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Gold and Silver – The True Story Is All About Time. Be Prepared

CHART : Jesse's Café Américain - Comparison of the 1976 Gold Bull Market and Today

VIDEO (02:32) : The Wall Street Journal - South Africa May Soon Be Producing Gold at a Loss

Wealth Wire - South Africa Imports $1 Billion of Unwrought Gold to Meet Global Demand

Gold Made Simple - Physical gold demand jumps 8% in a year according to the World Gold Council, whilst the price drops 5% – what gives?

UnCommon Wisdom - If You’re Selling Your Gold (or Thinking About it) …

Acting Man - It’s Official: Gold is Now the Most Hated Asset Class

Mish's Blog - Hollande Asks ECB to Engage in Japanese Style Currency Debasement

05/17/13 - Bullion News

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Bullish Picture for the USD and Stocks and Its Implications for Gold and Silver

VIDEO (05:41) & Article : BNN - Gold on longest losing streak in 4 years...Palladium Shines

Sharps Pixley - Bearish Analysts’ Sentiments and Realized Gold Outflows Weigh Down Prices

VIDEO (14:53) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Oil Trade Setup, Gold About To Bottom & SP500 Showing Weakness...

Gold-Eagle - When Central Banks Buy Stocks

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - Follow the Leader

MSN Money - Why gold won't stay down

My Budget 360 - The facts behind the mountain of student debt: 13 percent of students owe more than $50,000 and nearly 4 percent owe more than $100,000. Student debt grew by 284 percent from 2004 to 2013

VIDEO (02:47) : The Daily Ticker - Jim Rogers on Gold: Continues to Have a Long Overdue Correction

BullionBullsCanada - The World Paper Council


INFO~GRAPHIC : The Austrian Insider - The Silver Squeeze

MINING - Gold worth $625,000 stolen from Miami airport

DREAMIN' : BuzzFeed - 30 Places You’d Rather Be Sitting Right Now

05/16/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Off for Sixth Session as Inflation Falls, Gold Coins Jump


VIDEO (13:58) : CNBC - Schiff: Gold a Generational Buy

Dollar Collapse - Golden Bullseye

Deviant Investor - Gold & What I Know for Certain

Wealth Wire - The Hunt Brothers; The Greatest Silver Story Ever Told

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Hubert Moolman - Silver Price Forecast: Silver and the Dow

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Another look at the FTSE gold price ratio

Mish's Blog - Philly Fed Slips Into Contraction (Again); Current Conditions Recessionary, Future Expectations Far Too Optimistic

Article & VIDEO (10:38) : ZeroHedge - Bill Gross: "We See Bubbles Everywhere"

ZeroHedge - Gold Demand In One Chart: Physical vs ETF

Bullion Street - Central banks bought 109 tons of Gold during Q1-2013

PDF World Gold Council - Download Gold Demand Trends Q1 2013

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - What Inflation Means to You: Inside the Consumer Price Index

Seeking Alpha - The Future For Gold Supply Looks Grim: An Opportunity For Gold Investors

MoneyWatch - 15 homes that will help you survive a disaster

05/15/13 - Bullion News

CNBC - Central Banks Are Repeating Greenspan’s Mistake

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Gold~Prices - Gold Prices to Re-Test $1350/oz

Silver Coins Today - 2013 White Mountain ATB 5 Ounce Silver Bullion Coin Sales Begin

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Trader Dan's Market Views - Sell Stops Cascade Gold Down Below $1400

AUDIO (38:53) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - About this week’s show: 3000 tons of “paper” gold sold in two days, Physical buying of real gold hits records, We’ve seen this before - Similarities to the 70’s

Dollar Collapse - Preparing For Deflation

Metal Miner - Global Metal Markets Seeing Prevalent Decline in Price Trends

CoinWeek - The Nickel-Hoarding Billionaire

RT - Yuan Dynasty: The ‘sexy’ Chinese growth story and China’s convertibility plan

Money Morning - The Next Move in the Currency War

The Washington Post - In global currency war, a new front opens in the South Pacific

MineWeb - Ron Paul: Pessimistic on Washington, positive on gold

Arabian Money - Are rising stock markets an early sign of a coming hyperinflation?

05/14/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Falls, White Mountain 5 Oz Silver Bullion Coin Sales Start

247 Bull - This will end badly but not yet

Wyatt Research - Four Reasons I’m Buying Gold Today

ETF Daily News - The Best Has Yet To Come For Silver Investors

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Can Silver Shine Brighter Than Gold?

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Is Crude Oil Ready For A Breakout And Would It Help Gold?

CHART : Perth Mint Bullion - Monthly Sales - April 2013 A Record Month For Gold

Casey Research - Rick Rule: This Is Fun - Jeff Clark Interviews Sprott's Rick Rule

Bloomberg - U.S. Deficit to Fall to $642 Billion, Says Budget Agency

Forbes - What Gold Says About Interest Rates And Vice Versa

CFTC - CFTC Charges Global Precious Metals Trading Company and Michael Ghaemi of Coral Gables, Florida with Fraudulent Precious Metals Scheme

Sound Money Campaign - Fed’s Toolkit

LiveMint - Can’t stay invested? Lock in your money

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : TheGoldandOilGuy - How to Spot & Time Stock Market Tops

Gains, Pains & Capital - It’s Official: Stocks Are In a Bubble

Inquirer Business - Small euro coins may be dropped—EU

MINING - Workers strike at Lonmin's South African Platinum Mine

05/13/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Dollar gains on firming U.S. retail sales, soft Chinese data

VIDEO (05:20) : FoxNews - What Caused the Decline in Gold Prices? - Rangold Resources CEO D. Mark Bristow on the outlook for gold prices

The Gold Report - Why Peter Grandich Is Still Telling His Wife Gold Will Hit $2,000/oz

UnCommon Wisdom - Why Should You Invest in Gold?

Global Research - The Central Banks’ Gold: A Story of Silent Expropriation

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Rambus Chartology - Impulsive Precious Metals..The Game Plan

VIDEO (01:52) & Article : Bloomberg - Gold Bears Pull $20.8 Billion as BlackRock Says Buy: Commodities

Edge Trader Plus - 11 Reasons For Abolishing The Fed

Deviant Investor - Silver Lows: A Discernible Pattern

COMMENTARY : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Trader Dan's Market Views - Quick Overview of Gold

Business Standard - The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) creates new gold import hurdle

ElliotWave - If the Fed Stops Easing, Will Gold Start Wheezing?

Consumerist - Trading That Old Quarter For An Ice Cream Cone May Not Be Such A Good Idea

Personal Liberty - Are Coins Better Than Bars?

05/12/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Thoughts on Japan, the US Dollar and Gold

GoldSeek - The Hidden Crisis in the Gold Business

XinhuaNet - Gold rebound halted as fund outflows continue

Central Bank News - Monetary Policy Week in Review – 8 banks cut rates by 550 bps as BOJ easing ripples through world

The Southern - Eye on the Market: Sell in May and go away? — Part 1

The Southern - Sell in May and go away? — Part 2

05/11/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Options Trading Signals - Will Oil Futures Stop the Fed’s QE Program? (Good Read)

CHART : VIDEO (10:00) : ZeroHedge - Did "They" Ever Tell You To 'Buy Gold' Or 'Sell Stocks'?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Gold And Silver – It Could Get Uglier And Take Longer

Daily Resource Hunter - The Return of The Worldwide Crack Up Boom

USA TODAY - G7 Says Japan Playing by Currency Rules

GoldSeek - The Golden Answer to Chinese Import Data by Eric Sprott

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Margin Debt And The Next Stock Market Crash

VIDEO (03:47) : Fox News - Big Margin Is Back

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Why Buy Platinum, Palladium and Rare Earth Miners

Gulf News - Tourists pitch into UAE gold buying spree

Silver Coins Today - American Silver Eagle West Point Set Orders at 149,622 in 24 Hours

Mish's Blog - Read Between the Lines: IMF Admits Spain is Bankrupt; Get Your Money Out While You Can

05/10/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold nose dives as investors chase dollars ahead of G7 meet

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Gold Stocks Are Leading Gold Lower

Perth Mint Bullion - Extremely Low Mintage Gold Bullion Coins

VIDEO (07:20) : CNBC - Does Fed Have Put on All Asset Classes?

The Golden Truth - "They" Are Throwing Jokes At Us Daily Now

MoneyMorning - Has the Great Gold Crash Divorced Bullion from Futures Prices?

VIDEO (05:25) : YouTube - What are Solar Panels Made From?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : 321gold - Gold Hurts But Dow Is Toppy

Dollar Collapse - Welcome to the Currency War, Part 9: What’s Wrong With These Pictures?

MoneyMorning - What You Absolutely Need to Know About Money (Part 7)

Rick Ackerman - Free Money for the Masses

Article & VIDEO (05:56) : MoneyNews - Steve Forbes to Moneynews: Fed's QE Comparable to the Titanic

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Acting Man - Gold and the Yen

The Telegraph - G7: US warns Japan to stick to rules on currency

WBNG (NewYork) - Counterfeit Coin Suspects Arrested

05/09/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold slides as U.S. jobless claims beat expectations

Dollar Collapse - One More Drop, Then Silver Back Above $25

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : DailyFX - Almost Time to Sell Gold Again?

Wealth Management - Why Gold Is The Ultimate Alternative Currency

Money Morning - What You Absolutely Need to Know About Money (Part 6)

Reuters - U.S. Mint to limit purchases of 'America the Beautiful' silver coins

UnCommon Wisdom - The Real Value of Gold! (It’s not just an investment!)

Money Observer - How to invest in gold

VIDEO (06:06) : Bloomberg - BlackRock's Kapito, James Grant on Gold, Inflation

SilverSeek - The Worst Regulator Possible by Ted Butler

China Daily - Yuan reference rate hits high


VIDEO (01:42) : Sound Money Campaign - Is A US Dollar Collapse Possible?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Hubert Moolman - Silver Price Forecast: Silver Bull Market Is Following The Structure Of The 70s Bull Market

Bloomberg - Chinese Women Aren’t Taking Buffett’s Advice on Gold

Mish's Blog - Hugely Negative Real Interest Rates Fuel Yet Another Housing Bubble; A Word About "Inflation" and Treasury Yields

MineWeb - SA's gold wage talks sour before they begin

05/08/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold and Silver Rebound, US Mint Bullion Coins Gain

Silver Investing News - How to Avoid and Identify Fake Silver Products

AUDIO (31:10) : Mcalvany Weekly Commentary - The Great Divorce: Paper Gold vs Real Gold

Daily Reckoning - A Gold Number Literally Off the Charts

MorningStar - Jim Rogers' Gold Investment Philosophy - The maverick investor explains why he prefers to hold gold coins and his rationale for gold prices to continue to rise over the next decade

GoldMoney - Economic 'recovery' built on sand

VIDEO (09:16) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Trading Analysis Video for Gold, SPX and Oil

Casey Research - Why There May Be a Lot Less Gold than We Realize by Chris Martenson

Central Bank News - Currency Wars: Global central bank rates tumble 350 bps in 24 hours

GoldSeek - Currency Wars: Winners and Losers

Investment U - The Best-Performing Precious Metal Just Got Even Better

AUDIO(s) : Turning Hard Times into Good - Where is our Gold? When Can We Have It? - Jay Taylor interviews David Gurwitz & GATA's Bill Murphy

UnCommon Wisdom - Before Gold Investors Got a Soft Spot for This Hard Asset...

ZeroHedge - Visualizing The Collapse Of Fiat Currencies

VIDEO (02:41) : The Daily Bail - Steve Forbes: Why Gold Collapsed

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gains, Pains & Capital - The Market is Now the Most OverBought In Four Years

05/07/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Drops 1.3%, Silver Slips 0.6%

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Further Declines in Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price tests bottom of two week trading range as the 200 week moving average provides support again

Investing - Gold drops as German data sparks demand for U.S. equities

VIDEO (11:51) : Silver-Investor - Why Gold is Crashing, David Morgan

MarketWatch - The enduring glow of gold: Andy Xie - Despite ripple of skepticism, gold is the ultimate hedge on inflation

Silver Coins Today - 2013 Silver Eagle Bullion Coins Log Record April Sales

VIDEO (09:38) : CNBC - GoldCorp CEO: Gold is Still In a Bull Market

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : 321gold - Gold $1400 or $1550?

GoldSilver - 223.5 Metric Tons of Gold Imported into China in March

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : My Budget 360 - Inflation in the most important things: Inflation hitting housing, tuition, and medical services. Is the Fed reinventing another debt based bubble?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The TSI Trader - Gold and Silver: Sentiment Reversal is Inevitable

VIDEO (03:33) : Bloomberg - Steve Forbes: Bernanke Distorting Whole Market

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Stock Market Secular Trend Review

MoneyBeat (WSJ) - NYSE Margin Debt Raises Eyebrows

05/06/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Edges Higher, Silver Eagle Bullion Coins Top 19M

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : ZeroHedge - On The 3-Week Anniversary Of The Precious Metals Bear Raid

The Globe and Mail - Commodities: Be bullish, you're not buying at the peak

Market-Ticker - How Your Purchasing Power Was And Is Destroyed

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : TheGoldandOilGuy - How to Trade Gold, Silver & Precious Metal Miners

Dollar Collapse - Welcome to the Currency War, Part 8: US Issues Variable-Rate Debt

Deviant Investor - The Incredible Weight of Quantitative Easing

Sound Money Campaign - Fed Stays on Course

Kitco - CME Group Increasing Margins For Comex Copper

VIDEO (01:43) : Bloomberg - Can Copper Fall to $2.94 a Pound?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Gold and Silver

Wyatt Research - Analyst Links Military Strategy to Gold Crash

Peak Prosperity - Marking the 4-Year Reflationary Rally: How Much Better Off Are We Really?

CoinNews - 2013 American Eagle Bullion Coins Skyrocket in April Sales

VIDEO (04:25) : Learn Liberty - What Is a Gold Standard?

05/05/13 - Bullion News

Fortune - Buffett worries about Fed's 'Huge Experiment'

VIDEO (02:10) : Bloomberg - Gold Remains the Best Store of Value in an Uncertain Global Economy, Elliott Management Corp

TownHall - Suspended, Halted, Out of Stock: The New Gold and Silver Supply Crisis

Rough & Polished - Does falling gold mean rising jewelry market?

Inside Futures - Gold: Too Pricey Yet? Or, Cheap Enough For Now?

Central Bank News - Monetary Policy Week in Review – May 4, 2013: Europe, India cut rates, Fed assures QE depends on economy

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Street Talk Live - The Fallacy Of The Fed Model

Mauldin Economics - The QE Sandpile

VIDEO (01:06) : Perth Mint - How the Perth Mint Produces Minted Gold Bars

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

05/04/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Log Second Weekly Gain; US Bullion Coins Mixed

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - Are You A Lion Or A Gazelle? You Had Better Know!

AUDIO (20:22) : Ellis Martin Report - Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan-Counterfeit Silver Eagles

Seeking Alpha - Sprott's Rick Rule On Bullion... 'There Is A Global Shortage'


VIDEO (01:13) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : FXEmpire - Gold Prices May 6, 2013, Technical Analysis

MineWeb - Gold’s shift from weak to strong hands a good sign

AUDIO : FSN - Mickey Fulp’s Monthly Major Market Recap

PDF : The Royal Canadian Mint - "Breaking Tradition" 2012's Yearly Financial Report

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Trader Dan's Market Views - Fed Induced Stock Market Mania

The New York Times - Dow 15,000, and the Big Disconnect

PDF : Merk Investments - The Myth of the Rising Dollar

The Prudent Bear - Too Much Asset Inflation by Doug Noland

BullionBullsCanada - China’s Real Gold-Reserves At 4,000 Tonnes?

VIDEO (06:02) : BNN - The right way to buy bullion

05/03/13 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - James Dines Follows His Prediction of a Commodity Crash with Another One the Mainstream Media Is Ignoring

Perth Mint Bullion - 2013 Australian Kookaburra 1oz Silver Bullion Coin Sold Out

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Will the Breakout in the USD Index Hurt Gold?

Money Morning - Gold’s in an Uptrend, but for How Long?

Kitco - Copper Rises 6% On Short Covering, Data, Inventory Draw, Central-Bank Comments

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : UnCommon Wisdom - Are You a Gold Buyer or Seller?

Market Watch - What bullion dealers are saying about gold demand

CHART : ZeroHedge - Where The Jobs Were In April

AUDIO (17:33) : Silver-Investor - What's Next for the Metals, Miners, and Paper? - Interview with David Smith of the Morgan Report

AdvisorOne - One Major Reason to Include Real Assets in a Portfolio

VIDEO (15:04) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Stock Market Juicy Details For Today and Next Week - GOLD, SPX, BONDS

MINING - Gold coins a safer, more valuable investment: CME Group

Numismaster - Legislation Seeks All-Steel Coinage

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Financial Sense - Gentlemen, Start Your Printing Presses!

PrimeValues - Pick Gold Bottom for Investing

CoinNews - San Francisco Mint Coin Production Photos

VIDEO (02:56) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Disciplined Investor - Gold’s Recent Long Term Breakdown – Is the Dead Cat Bounce Over?

05/02/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Gains 1.5% and Silver Advances 2.1% After ECB Cuts Rates

Investing - Gold shoots up as Draghi says negative interests are possible

VIDEO (02:52) : CNBC - Gold is likely to head sideways for most of 2013, but deflation could force prices higher, Jim Rickards of Tangent Capital says

Midas Letter - Mainstream Financial Press Continues Campaign of Gold Disinformation

CPI Financial - Platinum, palladium outlook 2013 from Thomson Reuters GFMS

VIDEO (27:05) : ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gordon T Long - Macro Analytics - The Kondratieff Winter of Discontent - w/ John Rubino

Deviant Investor - What is YOUR Inflation Rate?

Casey Research - Bye-Bye, Bernanke… Hello Timmy?

VIDEO (13:23) : USA Watchdog - Fed Money Printing Games Out of Gas-Karl Denninger

Profit Confidential - Demand for Gold Bullion Coins Jumps Nine - Fold at U.S. Mint

05/01/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Close Lower but Rise After Fed Holds QE Steady

Article & VIDEO (14:55) : CNBC - Fed Keeps Interest Rates Low, Continues Bond Buying Program

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Gold Price in May 2013

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - The gold price ends up the month of April down 8% after being down more than 17% at one point

GoldSilverWorlds - Paper Money Has A Long History But Short Existence

Merk Investments - Rising Dollar Myth

FSN - Charles Hugh Smith – Debt Serfdom Is Alive And Well In The USA

CNBC - 'Real' Jobless Rate Still Above 10% In Most States

VIDEO (35:07) : ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gordon T Long - Macro Analytics - What's Happening With GOLD? -w/ John Rubino

Daily Resource Hunter - The Real Reason You Should Care About Japan

VIDEO (15:02) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Trader - Gold Traders and Investors Get Ready To Rumble!

Perth Mint Bullion - Perth – Australia’s Capital City Of Gold

04/30/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold jumps up on expectations for Fed to keep policy loose

VIDEO (16:11) : WhyGoldandSilver - Fake Silver Flooding Market - Mike Maloney & James Anderson

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Hubert Moolman - Silver Price Forecast 2013: Silver’s Bullish Cup Formation

Advisor Perspectives - Margin Debt Hitting Levels Only Seen ONE Other Time in History!

Perth Mint Bullion - 1oz Australian Kookaburra Mintage Declared At 500,000

Daily Resource Hunter - The Great Gold Train Robbery of 2013

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Peak Prosperity - Charting Gold


VIDEO (04:59) : CNBC - US Dollar Looks 'Weak'

Central Bank News - Currency Wars: Thailand to take action to curb rising baht

U.S. Global Investors - This Chart Answers a Classic Question about Gold

Deviant Investor - The Crash BEFORE the Climb

Summary & VIDEO (04:56) : Liberty Blitz Krieg - CME President on Gold: “They Don’t Want Certificates, They Want the Real Product”

Reuters - Dwindling U.S. gold stocks signal surge in physical demand

SilverSeek - What I’m saying on Facebook to get new people to consider silver...

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Historic Volatility In The Gold Market? Not Yet!

Detlev Schlichter - Book review: David A. Stockman – “The Great Deformation – The Corruption of Capitalism in America”

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : My Budget 360 - Where have all the workers gone? The real truth behind the drop in the labor participation rate

VIDEO (05:59) : The Daily Ticker - Niall Ferguson to Paul Krugman: You’re Still Wrong About Government Spending

Live Mint - Perth Mint works through weekend as gold demand surges on price

Bullion Street - Moscow Exchange plans to speed up Gold market plan

04/29/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold soars as sentiment builds that Fed will keep monetary policy loose

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: 2013 Gold Libertads a Great Choice for Buyers

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : UnCommon Wisdom - A Tale of Two Metals

INFO~GRAPHIC : Gold Made Simple - Gold vs. Bitcoin

Seeking Alpha - Why Gold Will Protect You From Sovereign Debt Defaults

The Real Asset Co. - Mints running dry and Asia keeps stocking up

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SilverSeek - Precious Metals Chartology Roadmap

VIDEO (06:33) : Sound Money Campaign - Silver Rush...May 1st?

Kitco - Platinum Hits Two-Week High; Market Eyes Upcoming South African Wage Talks

Future Money Trends - Rhodium: The Fifth Element

AUDIO (16:55) : VOX - The Battle of Bretton Woods

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Quartz - US pay growth is pathetic and expected to stay that way

247 Bull - Gold: A look at the fundamentals (supply & demand)

VIDEO (06:08) : Bloomberg - David Stockman, former Budget Director under President Reagan, and Josh Barro, Bloomberg View Columnist, discuss and debate U.S. monetary and fiscal policy

Acting Man - How to Make Austerity Work

Sovereign Man - Banking giant predicts gold price collapse

04/28/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold / Silver / Copper futures - Weekly outlook: April 29 - May 3

Seeking Alpha - Silver: Do Not Be Fooled - Lower Prices Ahead

Central Bank News - Monetary Policy Week in Review – Apr 27, 2013: One central bank cuts, pressure grows on Europe's politicians - "Last week nine central banks took policy decisions..."

Armstrong Economics - Hoarding Alternative Money & Reforming Banks

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Acting Man - The Gold Futures Open Interest Caper

Seeking Alpha - Currencies, Precious Metals And A Dark Future: Sprott's Rick Rule Weighs In

Bloomberg - SILVER DEMAND : Re-Newables Investment Seen Tripling Amid Supply Glut

04/27/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Futures Magazine - Where is the larger bubble: S&P500 index or U.S. treasuries? - Can central banks outsmart history?

CEO.CA - The Most Bullish Gold CoT Report in Recent History

VIDEO (09:59) : ZeroHedge - "If" - Reflections On The Precious Metals

FX Empire - Silver Weekly Fundamental Analysis Date April 29 – May 3, 2013 Forecast

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - The Gold Dust Settles

South China Morning Post - Sharp price fall triggers surge in China gold imports

MINING - Scramble for silver coins driven by bargain hunting, not fear

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : West Kentucky Star - Eye On The Market: Silver - Why The Selling?

Bullion Street - No reason for US Mint to stop selling Gold coins to American investors: Gold Coin

AUDIO (41:35) : Peak Prosperity - Robert Mish: Front-Line Observations from a Seasoned Gold & Silver Bullion Dealer

PDF : U.S. Global Investors - How a Landslide Shifts Copper Supply

MunKnee - Only Here! Authorized Excerpts from Nick Barisheff’s New Book “$10,000 Gold”

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Gold Market Oversold Reaction Continues

Dollar Collapse - First-Quarter GDP: Way Worse Than It Looks

The Motley Fool - Trending Now: A New Gold Rush?

VIDEO (04:42) : The Daily Ticker - The Bull Case for Gold Hasn’t Changed One Iota: Michael Pento

04/26/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Dollar dips as U.S. GDP growth rate disappoints

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Silver's Underperformance Against Gold

Forbes - Perth Mint: 'Our Business Has Doubled'

Midas Letter - Why Gold Is The Ultimate Alternative Currency

Kitco - WGC's Artigas: Gold Remains 'Under-Owned' Asset In Portfolios

Daily Reckoning - Gold Demand: The Great Disconnect Between Paper and Bullion

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : 4-traders - SILVER : Beware of perturbations

AUDIO (31:13) : Peak Prosperity - The Spot Price of Precious Metals Is Becoming Irrelevant

Ahead of the Herd - Chains of Fiscal Discipline

Xinhua Net - Gold's long-term investment value retained: WGC

VIDEO (03:09) : Bloomberg - Investors Want Physical Gold: Nessim

04/25/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold gains after U.S. jobs data fuels demand for risk

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Hubert Moolman - Gold Forecast 2013: On the Verge of a New Monetary Order and Gold’s Rise

Rick Ackerman - No Time for Gold Bulls to Throw in the Towel

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gains, Pains, Capital - The One Trendline To Watch For Gold

Ludwig von Mises Institute - Come Back to Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Gold Made Simple - Gold price breaks above the 200 week moving average – now 10% higher than last tuesday’s lows

CNBC - More Money Printing? Here's How It Could Happen

The Golden Truth - Is Your Gold Missing?

Deviant Investor - COT Data and Silver

Market Watch - Gold futures logs biggest one-day gain of the year

Money Morning - Jim Rogers Exclusive: Once Gold Bottoms, We’re Looking at ‘A Multi-Year Bull Market’

Rolling Stone - Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever

Daily Resource Hunter - The Dust Settles, A Deal Emerges (In Gold!)

Dr. Housing Bubble - The return of the prodigal interest only loan: The appearance of safety is bringing back our favorite mortgages

Bloomberg - Texas University Fund Sold $375 Million in Gold Bars

GoldSilverWorlds - The Misguided Case for Capital Controls

Wealth Daily - Silver Investing 2013 - Growing Supply and Demand

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Risk of Violent Stock Market Correction Remains High

04/24/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold gains on growing talk of ECB rate cut, soft German data

VIDEO (06:34) : The Daily Ticker - Use Silver as Currency: David Morgan

ANALYSIS : CHART : Mish's Blog - U.S. Mint Runs Out of Smallest American Eagle Gold Coin; Is There a Shortage of Physical Gold? Coordinated Smackdown by Naked Shorts?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Gold Price Is Stabilizing

Money Morning - Jim Rogers Exclusive: It's a "Race to Insanity"

The Washington Times - China gains another step to replace U.S. dollar with yuan in global markets

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : 247 Bull - How to profit from higher platinum prices

Bullion Street - Unusual surge in Russia's Palladium shipments to Switzerland: Barclays

The Silver Institute - Continued Strong Silver Investment Demand Drove Annual Average Price to Second Highest on Record

Perth Mint Bullion - Silver Coin Production Focussed On Three Key Products During Demand Surge

Seeking Alpha - Worldwide Silver Shortage As Premiums On Silver Eagles Reach 40%

Money Morning - Here’s Proof the Silver Bullion Market is Alive and Well

VIDEO (18:45) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gary Wagner - Gold & Silver Technical Forecast

MoneyNews - Paulson Says He's Staying the Course on Gold

eKantipur (Nepal) - Bullion traders defy govt inspection

The Washington Post - Turkey’s traditional gold trade comes under pressure

CoinWeek - Numismatic Consumer Alliance Recoveries Top $7 Million For Purchasers of Overpriced Coins

Business Insider - Here's How Many Tons Of Rock You Have To Mine Just For An Ounce Of Gold

04/23/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold falls on weak global factory gauges, U.S. home sales

The Golden Truth - Unintended Consequences - U.S. Mint Temporarily Suspends Sales of One Tenth Oz. American Eagle Gold Bullion Coins, Citing Strong Demand

Numismaster - Don't Fall for Gold Scams

CNBC - Gold Is Undervalued in Fiat Money Terms

My Budget 360 - Reinventing GDP: US GDP to be revised in July by adding “intangibles” to the tune of $500 billion. The make believe economy.

VIDEO (09:06) : USA Watchdog - These are Perilous Times - Jim Rogers

Deviant Investor - Falling into a Golden Twilight Zone

Market Watch - Goldman: It's time to close out those gold shorts

BoomBustBlog - As Forewarned, The Irish Savers Have Just Been "Cyprus'd", And There's MUCH MORE "Cyprusing" To Come by Reggie Middleton

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price being kept in check by the 200 week moving average as Arizona looks set to legalise gold

Wealth Wire - 10 Signs the Paper Gold Crash Has Unleashed a Global Run on Physical Gold and Silver

Casey Research - Physical Gold vs. Paper Gold: The Ultimate Disconnect

VIDEO (12:31) : Bloomberg - Ron Paul on Gold: No One Knows Value; I'm Buying

International Man - An Avalanche of New Regulations You Need to Know About

04/22/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : U.S. Global Investors - Gold Buyers Get Physical As Coin and Jewelry Sales Surge by Frank Holmes

AUDIO (23:49) : Elliot Wave - Q&A: Robert Prechter on the Fed, Inflation, Gold and More

SafeHaven - Is Gold a Disappointing 'Safe Haven'?

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price now 8% higher than the lows last week as the Swiss prepare for a referendum banning central bank gold sales

Market Watch - Gold gains for third session, reclaims $1,400

Money Morning - These Commodities Traders are Hoarding Copper for the Ultimate Profit Play

VIDEO (01:40) : Bloomberg - Gold Market: Who's Buying, Selling and Holding?

VIDEO (02:49) : CNBC - Santelli: Are We Rewriting Economic History?

04/21/13 - Bullion News

CPI Financial - Precious Metals Report: Reasons to be cheerful...

VIDEO (06:20) & Article : BNN - Gold slide flashes warning signs for global economy

MoneyWeek - MoneyWeek roundup: Why we're hanging on to our gold

South China Morning Post - Mainland Chinese shoppers invest billions in gold

MINING - Swiss to vote on whether their central bank can sell gold reserves

04/20/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Plunge on Week; US Gold Bullion Coins on Fire

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Edge Trader Plus - To Central Bankers: You Are Golden Toast On A Silver Spoon

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Are the Gold Haters Getting it Terribly Wrong?

AUDIO (22:06) : Ellis Martin - Ellis Martin Report with David Morgan--Satisfaction and Opportunity in Chaotic

Seeking Alpha - World Physical Gold Demand Goes Parabolic

The Globe and Mail - Where eight renowned investors think commodity prices are going Frank Giustra say's “If I am wrong, if this gold bull market is over, I will stand in the centre of Robson Square and I will sing Patsy Cline’s "So Wrong" wearing ladies’ underwear.”

Summary & VIDEO (01:44) : Bloomberg - Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society Runs Out of Gold... Importing from Switzerland and London

The New York Times - Part-Timer's Want More Work But Can't Find It

VIDEO (42:32) : YouTube - The Secret World Of Gold - Full & Complete Program

Great Falls Tribune - Baseball's Jackie Robinson inspired us all

04/19/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold gains on physical demand, tracks euro's gains

Silver Coins Today - Sales Spring for 2013 Bullion and Proof Silver Eagle Coins

MND - 10 Signs The Takedown Of Paper Gold Has Unleashed An Unprecedented Global Run On Physical Gold And Silver

The Telegraph - Speculative traders caused gold to crash, says WGC

ETF Guide - Dr. Copper is Sick and Here’s Why It’s a Problem

Business Insider - JIM RICKARDS: Here's The Difference Between 'Paper' Gold And 'Physical' Gold

VIDEO (04:35) : Bloomberg - China Has `Enormous' Appetite for Gold

The Hindu - Gold makes the vanishing act

Gold Made Simple - Ron Paul on the price drop: weak holders had to get out, and the strong holders are back and buying

My Budget 360 - US households are tapped out on debt: While US households are forced to eat austerity measures financial institutions load up on debt and purchase assets at rock bottom prices

Armstrong Economics - Inflation v Deflation

Bloomberg - Paulson Tells Clients Central Bank Purchases to Back Gold

MoneyWeb - Krugerrand demand skyrockets

04/18/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold gains on weak U.S. factory data, rising physical demand

China Daily - No winner in competitive currency devaluation says Yi Gang, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Acting Man - Gold – What We Like and What We Don’t Like

Deviant Investor - Score: Banksters Two, Gold & Silver Zero

Dollar Collapse - For Gold, Friday’s COT Report Is Huge

MineWeb - Gold’s sell off, physical strength

Daily Wealth - Incompetence

Peak Prosperity - Unintended Consequences Are Increasing World Demand for Gold

SLIDESHOW : Business Insider - JIM RICKARDS: Here's How To Trade In A World Of Currency Wars And Potential Collapse

Futures Magazine - Gold crash leads to unprecedented physical demand

Financial Sense - What Is Pushing Down the Gold Price?

CoinNews - U.S. Mint at San Francisco, Coining Press Room

U.S. Global Investors - Four Important Facts to Remember About Gold by Frank Holmes

04/17/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold drops after IMF cuts global growth forecast, dollar gains

The New York Times - Japanese See Gold as Hedge Against Stocks and Yen

VIDEO (06:30) : Bloomberg - Gold Price Drop Not Based on Fundamentals, Catherine Raw, fund manager at BlackRock Inc. Says

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Is This the End of the Bull Market in Gold and Silver?

VIDEO (06:44) & Article : The Age - Golden times for Perth Mint

VIDEO (07:40) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : CNBC - Cramer: Will Gold Turnaround?

Gold and Silver Blog - Physical Demand For Gold and Silver Skyrockets – Gold Bullion Coin Sales Highest Since December 2009

Futures Magazine - Cyprus finance minister sees gold sale within next months

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Gold and Silver as a Macro Sign Post

AUDIO (36:37) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Record Gold Sell-off, How and Why

VIDEO (40:58) : Sprott Mgmt - Eric Sprott at Mines and Money Hong Kong 2013

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Stock Market Speculative Advance Nears End

GulfNews - Gold in short supply in Dubai

VIDEO (03:50) : CoinWeek - CoinWeek’s David Lisot with Fox Business News Host Stuart Varney on Golds Biggest Pullback in 30 Years

The Telegraph - Fed and Bank of Japan caused gold crash

Summary & VIDEO (11:44) : MINING - Gold price fall to be probed by market regulators

CitizensVoice - Man charged with selling counterfeit gold, silver

Wall St Daily - What Would You Ask Investing Legend, Jim Rogers?

04/16/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold rebounds amid bottom fishing, U.S. data supports

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Peak Prosperity - This Gold Slam is a Massive Wealth Transfer from Our Pockets to the Banks by Chris Martenson

National Interest - The Meaning of Gold's Plummet

Merk Investments - Merk Gold and Currency Outlook

Daily Resource Hunter - Gold Bears Won’t Have The Last Laugh, Here’s Why…

SilverSeek - The Price Smash – Who, What, How and Why? by Ted Butler

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - What Inflation Means to You: Inside the Consumer Price Index

Numismaster - Physical Bullion Demand on Fire

VIDEO (01:44) : CNN Money - Behind the scenes of a gold dealer

Casey Research - Gold: Fear vs. Greed – and Taxes

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Market Anthropology - Relatively Speaking...

VIDEO (02:00) : Bloomberg - Miners Margins Feel Pinch From Gold Price Drop

MineWeb - What will a collapsing gold price do to gold production?

ZeroHedge - Why Is Gold Crashing?

Daily Reckoning - Bring on the Gold Correction by Bill Bonner

Sovereign Investor - Don’t Sell Your Gold!

Wealth Daily - Cyprus Gold Bullion Sale

04/15/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Inside Futures - Where to Buy Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price suffers its third 25+% drop since the bull market started in 2001

Mish's Blog - Gold, Silver Hammered; End of the Precious Metals Bull Market? What's Next?

Deviant Investor - Silver – A Bipolar Roller Coaster

AUDIO (53:09) : Peak Prosperity - Mike Maloney: Today's Low Gold & Silver Prices Are Not Realistic

NewsMax - Investor Jim Rogers Says Gold Needs Correction, Isn’t Buying Yet

People's Daily Online - Low bullion prices lure shoppers

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Market Anthropology - Just Before the Crash

Market Watch - Gold plummets, but not at jewelry store

Edge Trader Plus - The Cyprus-ization Of Precious Metals

GulfNews - Purchasing goes up as gold drops

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Futures Magazine - How the gold market was crashed

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Gold Consolidation Formation Breaks Down

04/13/13 - Bullion News

CPI Financial - Precious Metals Report: Gold under pressure

VIDEO (08:13) : McalvanyFinancial - Why is Gold and Silver pulling back? Whats next?

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Plunge in Weekly Loss; US Bullion Coins Surge

AUDIO (05:38) : Bloomberg - Faber: Gold Isn't Down as Much as Apple

CEO.CA - What Should Gold Investors Do?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Acting Man - Gold Breaks Support – What Now?

Wall Street Pit - Who is Holding All Those U.S. Dollars?

The Globe and Mail - Reports of bullion sale in Cyprus send gold plunging

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Edge Trader Plus - Gold And Silver – Bullish Hopes In Bear Market, Trend Wins

04/12/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHART : Kitco - Gold Pounded Below Major Psychological Support at $1,500, as Long-Term Chart Damage Now Begins to Set In

VIDEO (13:39) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Traders - Friday Precious Metals Melt-Down.... How to Manage It

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Daily Gold - Silver is Following its 1970s Pattern

VIDEO (05:43) : CNBC - Metals Meltdown: Gold In Bear Market

Market Watch - Why gold and silver are in the dumps

Bullion Vault - How to Avoid Fake Gold Bars & Coins

VIDEO (04:33) : Bloomberg - Gold Plunges...

Daily Mail - 30 SECOND GUIDE: Who has the most bullion stashed in their gold reserves?

Coin Update - Latest Isle of Man “Cat” Crown Launched

BBC - Portugal and Ireland to be given more bailout repayment time

Burton Mail - Silver coins treasure hoard found on farm

04/11/13 - Bullion News

TF Metals Report - Unencumbered GoLD

Kitco - Where are the Stops? - Thursday, April 11: Gold and Silver

Merk Investments - Fed Exit? What Exit? Gold & Dollar Implications

Gains, Pains & Capital - Why Lie About Inflation? Because It Covers Up Bigger Lies

Deviant Investor - A Tipping Point In The Financial System – Part 2

Consumerist - Brooklyn Grandma Finds $100K In Safety Deposit Box, But Can’t Keep It

VIDEO (02:12) : Sound Money Campaign - The Power to Create Money

ZeroHedge - Cyprus Denies Gold Sale

Dollar Collapse - Welcome to the Currency War, Part 7: The Zero Sum Game

INVEZZ - Daily Forex Outlook: Yen (JPY) Extends Slide vs. Greenback (USD) on Fed Minutes

Profit Confidential - U.S. Dollar to Become Next Japanese Yen?

MoneyNews - James Rickards: ‘Gold Never Changes Its Value,’ Currencies Do

Wall Street Pit - Beware of Parabolic Stock Charts

VIDEO (02:47) : CNBC - Bitcoin: 'Be Careful Where You Put Your Dough' Warns Santelli

Forbes - Bitcoin or Gold: Which is More Fiat-Proof?

04/10/13 - Bullion News

Article : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : MoneyWeek - There’s life in gold yet

VIDEO (04:43) : CNBC - Time to Go For the Gold?

Mish's Blog - Fools in Cyprus to Sell Gold, Hike Corporate Taxes to Finance Small Part of Bailout

MineWeb - Sprott Asset Management's John Embry discusses how he sees the current global financial situation ending and why he likes both gold and silver

Money Watch - Fed caught flat-footed by lousy hiring figures

VIDEO (22:00) : Gordon T Long - Macro Analytics - Something For Nothing Societies w/ Ty Andros

PCWorld - Of Bitcoins and e-bullion: The sad history of virtual currency

Moneda De Plata - Of bubbles and Bitcoins by Hugo Salinas Price

AUDIO (35:48) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Japanese Currency Attack: Welcome to the Next World War

Resource Investor - Gold record high in yen sees rush to sell jewelry, buy coins and bars

Spiegel - Harvard Economist: 'The Crisis Isn't Over in the US or Europe'

Gains, Pain & Capital - Why Are Central Banks Buying Gold?

VIDEO (06:14) : Bloomberg - Gold Tumbles After Release of Fed Minutes

ANALYSIS : CHART : Advisor Perspectives - Chained CPI Versus the Standard CPI: Breaking Down the Numbers

The Blaze - The Major Budget Issue Both Parties Are Getting Very Wrong

04/09/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Transportation-Industrial Stocks Ratio Hints at Higher Precious Metals Prices

Kitco - Where are the Stops? - Tuesday, April 9: Gold and Silver

CHARTS : GoldSilverWorlds - Jim Rickards: Gold Is Always Rallying Somewhere

VIDEO (03:25) : Bloomberg - Hayman Capital Management Managing Partner and Principal Kyle Bass : I'd Much Rather Own Gold Than Paper

Midas Letter - Gold, Silver Prices Seen Rising on Global Stimulus

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price rises 1% on the day as it nears $1590 – back above crucial 700 day moving average

AUDIO (01:15) : YouTube - Eric Sprott - A Rude Awakening In Metals

The New York Times - America’s Most Profitable Export Is Cash

Article & VIDEO (04:44) : Mish's Blog - Euro-Skepticism was Thatcher’s Most Relevant Legacy; Had Europe Only Listened

ZeroHedge - The Day The Government Seized Americans' Gold - April 5th 1933

CMI Gold and Silver - IMF head praises BoJ’s monetary revolution

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

04/08/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold prices slide as investors take profits from U.S. jobs report rally

CHART : ZeroHedge - 80% Chance Of 40% Silver Short Squeeze

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : GoldSilverWorlds - Silver Sentiment Reaches Extreme Levels

Market Watch - Palladium’s poised for a 22% gain by the end of 2014: Capital Economics

Inside Investing Daily - This is Not a Rally...It's a Credit Bubble of Epic Proportions

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Prometheus Market Insight - Monetary Data Continue to Reflect Structural Economic Weakness

VIDEO (10:12) : BNN - John Embry: Gold Price Manipulation – On the Rise?

Deviant Investor - Dirty Harry to World Savers “You’ve Got To Ask Yourself… – Do You Feel Lucky?

BD Daily - How the US Herds the ‘Sheep’ Away from the Gold Market

SGT Report - Bash-and-Buy Soros at it again !!

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price dips at start of the week as gold priced in Yen moves 9% higher in just three days

Article & VIDEO (25:01) : SafeHaven - Japan: A New Currency War Front

VIDEO (03:00) : CNBC - Will BOJ Buying Sink Yen?; Interview with Axel Merk

China Daily - Australia eyes conclusion of FTA talks with China

Bloomberg - Trust in Gold Not Bernanke as U.S. States Promote Bullion

AdvisorOne - After Stockton, Economist Sees More Pain in California and Beyond

MineWeb - New Dubai gold and PM refinery to be one of world’s largest

04/07/13 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Markets Correcting...Metals In Limbo

MineWeb - Gold to remain in demand medium to long term - Commerzbank

VIDEO (13:50) : Max Keiser - David Morgan & Max Keiser talk SILVER

Seeking Alpha - Dismal Labor Report Gives Precious Metals Markets New Life

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : SafeHaven - Gold - Are We There Yet?

CPI Financial - Precious Metals Report: Gold showing little resistance to price weakness

South China Morning Post - China looking at direct yuan trade with Aussie dollar

Market Watch - Krugman-Stockman TV debate fizzles

The Telegraph - Bear market for gold still gleams tantalizingly thanks to money-printing

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold-Eagle - Is Panic Selling Marking A Bear Market Bottom In Precious Metals And The Miners?

South China Morning Post - China looking at direct yuan trade with Aussie dollar

Forbes - Protecting Yourself From Japanese Insanity

Digital Journal - 400-year-old treasure found at shipwreck site in Gulf of Mexico

04/06/13 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Jump Friday, but Fall on Week; US Bullion Coins Robust

Trader Dan's Market Views - Hedge Funds Target Silver

Christian Science Monitor - Americans pile into silver, gold coins

Market Watch - Why gold fell this week and what to do next

telegram - Treasure hunters finding trouble, in Santa Fe, NM

Mish's Blog - Canada Unexpectedly Sheds 54,500 Jobs in March; Worst Job Loss in 4 Years; Canadian Dollar Tumbles

Economic Collapse News - 10 wise ways to spend your tax refund this year

The Daily Mail - Inside the real-life panic rooms of the rich and famous: Hidden chambers behind fireplaces, bookcases and inside a wardrobe

04/05/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold prices gain as weak U.S. jobs numbers quash talk of Fed move

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Sunshine Profits - Gold Price Breakout & Breakdown

VIDEO (02:16) : CNBC - Santelli: 'Pipe's Broken' & 'Debt Lasts Forever'

MetalMiner - US Palladium, Gold Prices Support Monthly Index as Silver Looks Weaker

Kitco - Where are the Stops? Friday, April 5: Gold and Silver

Silver-Coin-Investor - Tungsten Silver? Or More Salt in the Open Wound?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : 321gold - Gold Battlefield Technical Update

VIDEO (56:48) : The Big Picture - Stockman, Orszag in Budget Battle Royale

Summary & VIDEO(s) : ZeroHedge - George Soros Warns "Central Banks Are Creating Financial Instability"

CoinNews - 2013 American Eagle Bullion Coins Robust in First Quarter Sales

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Ahead of the Herd - Buying Dead Flowers

CHART : GoldandSilverWorlds - Yen Gold On Fire Today

My Budget 360 - The un-American savings rate: Americans savings rate heads to a record low. Americans saving about 2 percent per year and the near extinct pension

VIDEO (04:22) : BizAsiaAmerica - Jim Rickards on the EU Economic Crisis

XINHAUNEWS - U.S. Fed hints monetary stimulus to continue

Perth Mint Bullion - US Survey Backs Perth Mint Findings On Customer Attitudes To Gold

ZeroHedge - "Don’t Rush For Gold" - What A Real Hard Currency Mine Looks Like

04/04/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold prices inch up on fears of weak U.S. jobs report

Kitco - Where are the Stops? Thursday, April 4: Gold and Silver

Seeking Alpha - Sell Your Gold And Silver Now

MineWeb - Mine production hits record but jewellery fabrication drops - GFMS

ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - Labor Force Participation Rate Since 1987: Some Eerie Demographic Trends

AUDIO (31:04) : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - About this week’s show: The Fed – watch what they DO and not what they SAY, Equities and Real Estate – new bull market?, Gold and Silver – New York’s negative bias

INFO~GRAPHIC : Wealth Wire - America's Debt Visualized

Numismaster - Bullion Palladium, No? Collector, Yes

VIDEO (04:59) : CNBC - El-Erian: Three Things Cyprus Tells Us About Europe (Full Interview)

Reuters - BOJ to pump $1.4 trillion into economy in unprecedented stimulus

Deviant Investor - A Tipping Point In The Financial System

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gold Made Simple - Gold price back down to the bottom of its 2 year trading range

CoinNews - US Mint Sales: Proof Coins Best, Proof Silver Eagle Tops 400K

FX Empire - Is it possible for Silver to touch 50$ in 2013?

The Epoch Times - Demand for Gold Mixed - Calculating the true cost of mining gold

Seeking Alpha - Ace In The Hole - Another Way To Play The Silver And Gold Card

VIDEO (00:28) : BBC - Ton of gold bullion hidden in car on Swiss border

04/03/13 - Bullion News

ANALYSIS : CHART : Rick Ackerman - Gold Close to Trashing a Key Support

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Trader Dan's Market Views - Gold, Crude Oil and Copper Break Down

Barron's - Emerging Markets: Embracing the Gold Standard?

Seeking Alpha - U.S. Mint Sales For March: U.S. On Pace To Use All Domestic Mine Production For Silver Eagles

MineWeb - The gold bear market and the importance of investment - CPM

The Gold Report - David Stockman: Welcome to Irrational Exuberance 2.0

Daily Reckoning - Reading The Dow v. Gold Ratio, Part II

Casey Research - Doug Casey: All Banks Are Bankrupt

The Daily Mail - Are you ready for a gold rush? Will money fears and tight supply spark a rise, or has the best been seen?

Business Standard - Acute shortage of gold in south India

China Daily - BRICS a force despite "ifs" and "buts"

Consumerist - Macy’s Plays April Fools’ Joke On Itself With Typo Marking Down $1,500 Necklace To $47

Catholic Online - Could the World's Entire Gold Supply be Melted into Cube, 67 Feet on All Sides?

BBC - Haruhiko Kuroda says Japan's debts are not sustainable

Daily Reckoning - He Is Risen! by Bill Bonner

04/02/13 - Bullion News

Investing - Gold prices fall as eurozone jobs data sparks profit taking

VIDEO (17:12) : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : The Technical Trader - April 2nd Trading Setups for Gold, Silver, Miners and SPX

Money Morning - With the White-Hot Demand for Coins, Why Are Silver Prices Falling?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Gordon T. Long - What OMF Means for GOLD

The Gold Report - Why Rick Rule Bought $280M of Platinum and Palladium

Casey Research - April Fools: Silver ETFs Signal Bears Are Wrong

Article & VIDEO (02:56 : KKCO NBC 11 - Beware of coin scams and misleading ads

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Trader Dan's Market Views - U S Dollar Remaining Firm

Daily Reckoning - Reading The Dow v. Gold Ratio, Part I

VIDEO (05:57) : Financial News Network - Eric Sprott’s silver lining to banking crises


Article & VIDEO (25:13) : Of Two Minds - Debt = Serfdom

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - Buy & Hold Gold: A Broken Strategy?

GoldSilverWorlds - The Great Disconnect Between Paper & Physical Silver

The Golden Truth - Death by 1000 Paper Cuts

VIDEO(s) : The Royal Mint - Top ten coin related videos

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