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4th Quarter - 2011
Charts, Bullion News & Commentary

When investing in any market, a good way to judge price movement in the future is to learn from the past. 

Investing Guru - Peter Lynch once stated "Investing without research is like playing poker and never looking at the cards."

The charts and bullion news links on this page are largely devoted to the precious metals market during the 4th Quarter of 2011.

However, there are also articles about the general direction of the financial markets and current events that affected the market during the quarter.

All of the news links posted below were originally posted on the homepage during the 4th quarter of 2011.

Tiger King - TIGERKING Flip Up Small Safe with Biometric Lock $99.99

The charts below are provided courtesy

of www.stockcharts.com

Gold Price Chart - 4th qtr. 2011

Gold Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

gold 2011

Bullion News

Gold Prices

Gold's price in the 4th quarter of 2011 was in consolidation and searching for a bottom after Gold's price previously peaked in early September at 1923.70.

Gold Price Chart (Oct. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

twenty eleven gold

Bullion News

Apples of Gold - Customer Reviews - 4.9 stars

Silver Price Chart - 4th qtr. 2011

Silver Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

silver 2011

Bullion News

Silver Prices

In April of 2011, silver's price peaked at $49.82, five months before gold's price would peak above $1900 dollars.

Silver's price, like gold, collapsed right before the start of this 4th quarter.  

Once the quarter started the price of silver was consolidating and searching for resistance in finding a bottom price.

Silver Price Chart (Oct. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

quarter four silver chart

Bullion News

Platinum Price Chart - 4th qtr. 2011

Platinum Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

plat 4th quarter 2011

Bullion News

Platinum Prices

Platinum's spot price during the 4th quarter of 2011 followed the same chart pattern of gold and silver.

The precious metal's spot price was in consolidation and looking for positive resistance for a bottom price.

Platinum Price Chart (Oct. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

platinum chart

Bullion News


Palladium Price - 4th qtr. 2011

Palladium Price Chart (Jan. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

pall 4th quart 2011

Bullion News

Palladium Prices

Palladium's spot price, during the 4th quarter of 2011, found a bottom early in the quarter.  The price was volatile, however a uptrend was being established.

Palladium Price Chart (Oct. 1st, 2011 - Dec. 31st, 2011)

twenty eleven palladium

Bullion News

The charts above are provided by the courtesy of www.stockcharts.com.

4th Quarter - 2011
Bullion News & Commentary

The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.

The Headlines without links, had the link removed from its original source; the Headlines was kept on the page due to relevancy.

12/31/11 - Bullion News

US Funds - Is the Gold Super Cycle Still Intact? by Frank Holmes

Reuters - Gold's "death cross" signals more losses coming

Daily Wealth - How to Make a Safe 24% Gain in a Monetary Crisis

Commodity Online - 'Five factors affecting the gold price'

Business Insider - The Eurozone Crisis For Dummies

Market Anthropology - 2011 - So went Silver...

12/30/11 - Bullion News

Coin Update - Gold Achieves 11th Consecutive Annual Gain, Silver Falls 8%

MineWeb - Year end gold and silver price slump overdone?

Your Hedge - Why is Gold and Silver in Free Fall?

Mish's - Additional 2012 Predictions: Trade Wars, US Election, Precious Metals, Energy

Mint News Blog - Looking Ahead to 2012 US Mint Coins and Programs

Wealth Wire - Steve Jobs' Top 10 Life Lessons

Minyanville - Why Gold Is Still a Clear Buy

Daily Wealth - The Cheapest Way to Buy Silver

Commodity Online - Mad rush to sell gold in Japan despite lower prices

This is Money - How you can profit if 2012 is yet another winning year for gold

ZeroHedge - Foreigners Dump Record Amount Of US Treasurys In Past Month

12/29/11 - Bullion News

The Street - Canada's Buffett Bullish on Silver

The Gold Standard Now - Newton on gold: "Gentlemen... you must describe your unit."

ZeroHedge - Is Today's Market Pricing A Forthcoming Reactionary-QE By The Fed?

Wyatt Research - How to Safely Sell Your Gold


CoinNews - 2012 Gold and Silver Eagle Bullion Coins Launch January 3

Hard Asset INVESTOR - Precious Metals Monitor: History Says Gold Could Fall To $1268

12/28/11 - Bullion News

Daily Reckoning - Gold in the Next Calendar Year by Bill Bonner

ZeroHedge - Currency Wars Update

Gold-Speculator - LGMR: London Precious Metals Catch Up with Indian Slump, China Ban, Fall to 2-Week Low

ZeroHedge - EUR Plunges In Thin Market, Below 1.3000

VIDEO (05:09) : Perth Mint Bullion - How Silver is Mined

CoinUpdate - Major Gold Market Changes Coming in 2012

benzinga - Crumbling Confidence in Government and Banks Will Continue to Propel Precious Metals

Commodity Online - One good reason why Gold is just consolidating

CHARTS : Kitco - Wednesday's Analytical Charts for Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium

12/27/11 - Bullion News

SHTF plan - US Dollar Domination – Just Another Footnote In History

USA Today - James Rickards sees 'Currency Wars' destroying dollar

ArabianMoney - Plot uncovered to smuggle 100 tonnes of gold worth $5 billion into the UAE from an African state

SilverSeek - Why we are sticking with silver for 2012

Inside Futures - Gold & Silver futures both issue fresh sell signals

CHARTS : DailyFX - The US Dollar is Treading Water, Gold is nearing Key Support

VIDEO (05:23) : CNBC - Economist: "You can't ignore the fact that the world economy is in a frightful mess and with 99.9 percent certainty there will be a Recession"

Commodity Online - US Gold Eagle mint sales headed for a decline, Silver Eagle targets 40Moz

MineWeb - China should buy gold, the only safe haven - Central Bank research head

benzinga - Poll: Coin Dealers Predictions for 2012 Precious Metals Prices

Munknee - What is Money – Really – and Why Do We Need to Own Gold – Really?

12/26/11 - Bullion News

Mish's - Businesses Exit California and Illinois; Tax and Destroy Policies of Governors Quinn and Brown; Unemployment Rates By State

Market Watch - New year offers gold another shot at $2,000

nbc4i - Hookstown, PA: 2 Used Bucket Truck To Steal Copper, Police Say

12/24/11 - Bullion News

Money Morning - Three Reasons to Buy Gold Before 2012

VIDEO (28:06) : YouTube - Capital Account: Max Keiser, America runs the "Special Olympics for Financial Fraud"

Coin Update - Testing Mirrors at PCGS and NGC

Bloomberg - Fed Once-Secret Loan Crisis Data Compiled by Bloomberg Released to Public

12/23/11 - Bullion News

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: 2011 Year in Coins and the Outlook for 2012

MoneyNews - WSJ: Fed May Keep Rates Low Even Longer Than Thought

SafeHaven - Precious Metals 2012: Bullish and Bearish Arguments

The Telegraph - Will gold deliver another sparkling year in 2012?

Commodity Online - The biggest risk in gold investment is your mind

VIDEO (25:46) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report: Capitalism Without Capital?

12/22/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (14:01) : FNN - Jim Rogers 2012 global outlook

AUDIO (15:31) : MineWeb - How the gold market is placed going into 2012 - Adrian Day

Sovereign Investor - ECB, Welcome to the Money-Printing Club

VIDEO(s) : Your Hedge - Ann Barnhardt Discusses the MF Global Collapse with Peter Schiff & Max Keiser Discusses MF Global Scam

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: 2012 American Silver Eagles Available for Pre-Order

12/21/11 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - Silver Guru - Eric Sprott's Call for Silver Producers to Hold Back Metal Strikes Chord

Silver Doctors - Why Gold Has Lost its Luster - Daily Dose of MainStream Media Propaganda

ZeroHedge - Markets are Worse Than 2008

Commodity Online - Copper prices may drop due to possible decline in Chinese 'copper financing'

Wealth Wire - Dollar Strength is Good for Gold?

VIDEO (15:00) : Mish's - $30 Billion Fund Manager Makes Case for Being Totally on Sidelines in Treasuries and German Bonds

Resource Investor - The Economy in 2012 & Its Implications for Gold

VIDEO (06:06) : CNBC - Despite Volatile Performance, Gold to Test Record High in 2012: Analyst

MineWeb - Gold the protector as democracies move towards totalitarianism

12/20/11 - Bullion News

Investment Rarities - Ted Butler; Silver Short Position Update

VIDEO (48:42) : Paper Money Collapse - Detlev Schlichter addresses the Adam Smith Institute

VIDEO (04:08) : Fox Business - Interview with David Morgan about the Current Gold Market Decline

VIDEO (28:04) : YouTube - Capital Account: Mish on Malfunctioning Bureaucrats, Gold's Recent Decline and Chinese Chicken Feet!

CMI Gold & Silver - America the Beautiful 5-oz silver coins mid-January, maybe

Silver Doctors - Does Gold's 120 Year Price Chart Predict Dollar Hyperinflation in 2014?

Commodity Online -If you know this Gold-Euro connection, you won't panic every time price falls

Spiegel Online - A Currency Crisis Debate; 'The Euro-Zone Bailout Programs Must Be Stopped'

Casey Research - Look for an Entrance, Not an Exit

Perth Mint Bullion - Has Gold's Uptrend Been Broken?

12/19/11 - Bullion News

Forbes - The Death Certificate Of The Paper Dollar

Financial Sense - Don’t Panic About Gold

The Golden Truth - Gold vs. The 200 Day Moving Average

Free Gold Money Report - More Deficits, More Debt

benzinga - Take Your Pick: 2012 Gold, $2000 or $1300?

VIDEO (28:18) : YouTube (Future Money Trends Interview) - SILVER ANALYSIS W/ DAVID MORGAN '$60 SILVER AND $2,500 GOLD FOR 2012'

Charleston Voice - Silver's Price Backwardation is 'Scary' and 'Frightening' - Pointing to Disappearing Supplies

Investment News - Gold's allure dimming as deflation fears grow

VIDEO (02:24) : Perth Mint Bullion - The Science Of Gold

12/18/11 - Bullion News

The Daily Courier - Burglar makes off with rare coins, silver bars and $80,000 in cash from Sedona residence

The Nation - Commodity prices retreat on global economy strains

12/17/11 - Bullion News

Financial Sense – What Triggered Gold’s Decline? The Paper Gold Market vs. the Physical Gold Market

Coin News – Gold, Silver Rise Friday but Plunge on Week, US Mint Bullion Coins Surge

Munknee – These Charts Say It All: GOLD Is STILL a BUY

Wall St Cheat Sheet – Will Moving Averages Deter Gold Investors?

Commodity Online – Gold: How to Invest in it Safely

MineWeb – Why gold has been Falling

12/16/11 - Bullion News

The Street – Gold's Rally Will Be Short Lived

Gold-Speculator – Gold And Silver Seasonal Trends

Summary & VIDEO (04:15) : Wealth Wire – Jim Rogers: "Don't Make This Terrible Mistake"

AUDIO (10:16) : YouTube – Ellis Martin Report with Jim Sinclair December 16 2011

Money Morning – A More Profitable Investment Than Gold?

CHARTS : Kitco – Friday's Analytical Charts for Gold, Silver and Platinum and Palladium

Market Watch – Silver’s a bargain under $30, but watch volatility

Daily Reckoning – Gold Are You In Or Out?

SafeHaven – Learn Elliott Wave Analysis -- Free

12/15/11 - Bullion News

AUDIO (23:12) : FSN – David Morgan’s Precious Metals Smash Down Report

GoldSeek – Negative Lease Rates the Ticking Gold Time Bomb

Commodity Online – 'Gold’s price fall reflect dollar, global economic outlook'

VIDEO (28:04) : YouTube – Capital Account: Gold sinking, Dollar rising - are we facing a Financial Crisis worse than 2008?

WealthWire – 4 Reasons Why Silver Should be in Your Portfolio

The Gold Report – Balancing Small Silver with Big Payoffs: David Morgan

Financial Sense – Silver Survivalism

Daily Reckoning – Gold Down 5 Per Cent: Thank You Mr Market! VIDEO (10:16) : Silver Seek – Silver Guru - Eric Sprott Interviewed by James West about Silver Price Suppression

ZeroHedge – As Negative Gold Lease Rates Collapse, The Gold Sell Off Is Likely Coming To An End

Coin Update – Americans Are Their Own Worst Enemies

Silver Coins Today – Eagles Top US Mint Silver Coin Weekly Sales, Commemoratives Gain

Fast Markets – Technical Analysis - Palladium - Chart deteriorates as MACD swings lower

12/14/11 - Bullion News

AUDIO (15:53) : MineWeb – Interview with Silver Guru - David Morgan; Significant seasonal strength in Q1 2012 for silver, gold "Unlikely"

VIDEO (04:35) : Fox Business – Will Gold, Oil Continue Their Slide?

VIDEO (28:05) : YouTube – Capital Account: Chris Martenson on the Money System and Exponential Resource Depletion

Rick Ackerman – A Devastating Dollar Short-Squeeze Is Gathering Steam

Summary & VIDEO (11:07) : ZeroHedge – Kyle Bass On Rehypothecation And Other Keynesian Endgame Scenarios

USA Watchdog – Is the Gold Bull Really Dead?

DailyFX – Crude Oil to Re-Join Gold, Silver in Selloff as Risk Aversion Continues

Money Morning – Is This the Gold Buying Dip You’ve Waited For?

Market Watch – The gold bugs are throwing in the towel

Commodity Online – Why invest in silver and gold? What's in that?

The Globe and Mail – In euro crisis, it’s all about the fine print

Hard Asset INVESTOR – Bullion Stacks Up Better Than Coins For Gold Investors

12/13/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:46) : Max Keiser – Keiser Report: World Currency War I & Max Interviews Austrian School Economist - Detlev Schlichter about elastic money and financial crises

Bloomberg – Dollar Rises After Fed Keeps Low-Rates Pledge; Euro Falls to 11-Month Low

AUDIO (19:19) : FSN – Interview with “Ranting” Andy Hoffman–The Latest Gold Takedown

CNBC – Euro May Keep Falling, Dragging Down Rest of Market

Rick Ackerman – Be Very Afraid of Europe’s ‘Re-Hypothecators’

Commodity Online – Gold breaks below the triangle, downside risk increases

Gallup – Poll: In U.S., Fear of Big Government at Near-Record Level

Business Insider – A German Janitor Just Made The Discovery Of The Century

Casey Research – Gold: Supply Crunch? What Supply Crunch?

Inside Futures – Crude Oil, Gold Prices Look to Fed Rate Decision for Guidance

Ludwig Von Mises Institute – Will Nickels and Pennies Soon Disappear?

MineWeb – Chinese still buying gold big time -huge imports in October

Jim Sinclair's MindSet – 12/12 News wrap

12/12/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:45) : Rick Ackerman – Max Keiser's Market Commentary and an Interview with Rick Ackerman

Daily Reckoning – Changing Views on Growth and Economic Recovery

Market Watch – American privilege rots an empire from within

VIDEO (04:38) : CNBC – Gold's Purchasing Power Rising 'Dramatically'

Wall St Cheat Sheet – Global Factors Hitting Gold and Silver

Money Morning – Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Gold to a Banker

The Gold Standard Now – Bank of England Economists: A Gold-Exchange Standard Works Better

Money Morning – How to Buy Gold and Silver

IIFL – Fund Manager Recommends That Investors Allocate 10 - 20% of Their Portfolio to Gold

Bloomberg – No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps

examiner – Counterfeit Chinese coins shaking up metals markets

VIDEO (02:26) & Article : ABC News (USA) – Forgotten Treasure: Library Janitor Discovers Silver Coin Cache

12/11/11 - Bullion News

DailyFX – Dollar Moves Higher as EU Fails to Impress With IMF

Summary & VIDEO (07:37) : reason.tv – Why Government Spending Simply does not work

Summary & VIDEO (04:27) : The Golden Truth – Silver Investors Will Make A Lot Of Money

Daily Wealth – A Self-Made Millionaire's Guide to Dealing with Debt

Bullion Bulls Canada – The Land of Anti-Gold Propaganda

12/10/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:45) : Max Keiser - Keiser Report – Gold-for-Bonds & Debts-for-What?!

321gold - Corzine doesn't read 321gold

IBTimes Gold - You Can't Print More Gold by Frank Holmes

ZeroHedge - The Gold "Rehypothecation" Unwind Begins: HSBC Sues MF Global Over Disputed Ownership Of Physical Gold

VIDEO (05:38) : Yahoo Finance - Time to Position for a Strong Dollar?

12/09/11 - Bullion News

Casey Research - Pullbacks in Perspective

GoldSeek - Are Central, Commercial Banks Lending or Selling Gold?

Fox Business - How to Invest in Precious Metals

AUDIO (03:31) : The Telegraph - Gold v Platinum 2012

Elliot Wave - Gold: "Resting" Before the Next Big Run?

Perth Mint Bullion Blog - Will Silver Break Through $50 An Ounce In 2012?

VIDEO (23:49) : YouTube - Ellis Martin Report with Jim Sinclair

Inside Futures - A Lower Euro And Recession In The Euro Zone

The Globe and Mail - Jim Rogers: Abolish the Fed, buy commodities, short stocks

VIDEO (61:44) : Rick Ackerman - Rick's Commentary on the Financial Markets, Charting Technical Analysis and Why the Euro hasn't Collapsed

SmartMoney - Tired of Turbulence, Pros Seek Alternatives

VIDEO (04:31) : WealthCycles - Why we don't need the Penny Anymore...

Wyatt Research - Why Baby Boomers Make Me Buy Gold

MoneyNews - USA Today: Own Physical Gold as Meltdown Protection

12/08/11 - Bullion News

Article & VIDEO (05:32) : Mish's - Europe Moves Towards Abyss

SafeHaven - Buying Silver Is Like Buying Gold At $554 Today

ZeroHedge - Watch Corzine's MF Global Testimony Live

DailyFX - Euro Collapses After European Central Bank Cuts Rates

Financial Sense - Hugo Salinas-Price: What Every Politician Needs to Know About Silver

The Gold Report - How to Make Money in a 'Fugly' Stock Market: Bob Moriarty

MINING - The Japanese are melting down the family jewels… gold exports reach 95 tonnes, most since 1985

12/07/11 - Bullion News

benzinga - How To Position Yourself For The Future: Step 1 - Financial Security by Chris Martenson

Article & VIDEO (07:17) : ZeroHedge - Marc Faber: "I Have A Very Special Stock Tip For You. The Symbol Is G-O-L-D"

Wealth Daily - Jim Rogers Vaporizes Fed

Ludwig Von Mises Institute - The Risk of Sovereign Debt

The Golden Truth - Austrian Economics vs. Keynes

MoneyWeek - Why haven't gold stocks gone up with the gold price?

VIDEO (06:46) : Market Watch - MF Global's Collapse Ripples Into Farm Country

Mish's - Europe's Ass Backwards Plan to Stimulate Lending

Commodity Online - ‘Caution to copper bulls and bears’

GoldCore - New Independent Research: Gold Is Crucial Diversification - Hedge Against Monetary and Systemic Risk

321gold - We’ve Been Down This Path Before

Commodity Online - What the record weakness in Gold-Platinum ratio means for gold and platinum

12/06/11 - Bullion News

AUDIO (18:22) : MineWeb - Interview with Silver Guru Eric Sprott - Silver producers being held hostage

Bloomberg - The Long Shadow of German Hyperinflation: Echoes

Article & VIDEO (05:26) : MoneyNews - Jim Rogers: US Falling Into 'Deeper Trouble,' Faces 2013 Depression

MINING - Marc Faber, Jim Rogers not selling gold, but it’s not all good news for bullion

ZeroHedge - ‘Gold For Bonds’ in Japan as Bond Buyers Get Gold Coins - May Enhance Returns 5.9 Times

CNN Money - Sears and CME Group threaten to leave Illinois

PDF : World Gold Council - Gold as a strategic asset for European investors

Commodity Online - Ten solid reasons to buy gold bullion coins

Bloomberg - Carmakers’ $7B Platinum Bill Shrinking Glut

12/05/11 - Bullion News

Casey Research - It’s Time to Think in Terms of Gold

VIDEO (05:22) : CNBC - Where is Gold Market Going?

The Golden Truth - MF Global And The Truth About Our Entire System

Resource Investor - Gold’s 4th Wave Consolidation Nears Completion

Examiner - Gold, silver are excellent investments again

Yahoo Finance - Gold Scams To Watch Out For

DailyFX - Gold Correlations Point to Further Risk, Dollar Gains, Gold Losses Ahead

Perth Mint Blog - 2012 Australian Platypus Launched Today

Reuters - "Merkozy" under pressure to agree to budget master-plan

ZeroHedge - The Latest Rumor: Fed To Fund IMF, Bypassing Congressional Refusal Of European Bailout

Gold and Silver Blog - Gold Bullion Coin Sales Plunge 63% In November and 20% YTD – Have Americans Given Up On Gold?

Motor Authority - German Artist Creates Gold Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Model Valued At $4.7 Million

12/04/11 - Bullion News

Minot Daily News - Follow the Money

Altoona Mirror - As gold prices rise, so do jewelry thefts

Commodity Online - Is a Gold parabolic blow-off long due?

Silver Coins Today - Silver Eagle Bullion Coin Sales in November Rank Last in 2011

12/03/11 - Bullion News

Coin Update - 2012 Chinese Gold and Silver Panda Coins

Daily Wealth - Another Reason Silver Prices Could Roar Higher

Article & VIDEO (05:23) : ABC News (USA) - If Laws Change, 'Penny Hoarders' Could Cash in on Thousands of Dollars

SafeHaven - This Past Week in Gold

AUDIO (22:59) : FSN - Interview with Gary Wagner-The Goldforecast.com

MineWeb - Gold:silver ratio to fall and potentially explosive move ahead for gold: Chen Lin

12/02/11 - Bullion News

CityWire - Chart of the Day: gold, the only true precious metal

VIDEO (66:54) : YouTube - Hedge Fund Founder Kyle Bass Explains in Panel Presentation Our Current Economic Woes [*Important Bullion Investing Quote @(47:30 - 47:55)]

Financial Sense - Gold versus CDs - A Comparison

Wall Street Journal - When Gold Buyers Overpay

Yahoo Finance - 5 Best Bets For Buying Gold

Ludwig Von Mises Institute - Explaining Central Banks' Gold Purchases

The Golden Truth - You CAN'T be Serious (about the US Jobs Numbers)

Daily Reckoning - Why Liquidity Solutions for Solvency Problems Won’t Work

Mining Weekly - Coeur would mull holding silver over cash, says CEO

Bloomberg - Palladium Set for 12% Weekly Gain, Most in Year; Beats Gold

VIDEO (20:33) : YouTube - Silver Market Update and Commentary

VIDEO (07:52) : The Daily Show - America's Next TARP Model

MineWeb - Silver investors - on the horns of a dilemma

CMI Gold & Silver - Eurozone meltdown averted; real problem not recognized

12/01/11 - Bullion News


Reuters - U.S. government under threat as cheapest borrower

CNBC - Hedge Funds Dump Stocks for Gold and staples

Go Long or Short - Silver & Gold Chart Analysis

SafeHaven - Ben Bernanke Beats Deflationists Into Submission With His Money Stick

The Source (WSJ) - Investors in Gold Rush

The Daily Gold - Perpetual QE Without the Billboard

AUDIO (20:02) : FSN - Kerry Lutz and Andy Hoffman discuss the breakdown of fiat money

Reuters - Morgan Stanley says prefers gold, silver in 2012 as economy slows

AUDIO (19:44) : MineWeb - Gold, Europe and the possibility of a euro break up

Investment Rarities - TILL DEBT DO US PART by Jim Cook

The Guardian - Mervyn King warns banks to build up reserves as eurozone crisis intensifies

VIDEO (15:06) : Casey Research - Milos Dedovic discusses living through hyperinflation in Yugoslavia and provides some perspective on the US debt situation and its trajectory

11/30/11 - Bullion News

Whiskey and Gunpowder - Leaping Toward the Keynesian Dream

Daily Wealth - How the "Big Money" Could Push Silver 54% Higher in 2012

VIDEO (09:13) : YouTube - The Silver Market and Inflation

CoinNews - US Mint Sales: Annual Sets, Un-circulated Silver Eagle and Commemoratives Lead


VIDEO (02:18) : FOX Business - Central Bank Movement Boost Markets, Inflation will be the Ultimate result

Sovereign Investor - Gold is the winner in these uncertain economic times

Index Universe - Schiff: Fed Will Debase Dollar Till It Can’t

MoneyWeek - Get ready – we’re close to another buying opportunity for gold

DailyFX - Commodity Currencies Surge on Coordinated Central Bank Intervention

Investment Rarities - Silver's Long-Term Market Outlook by Silver Guru - Ted Butler

Fast Markets - Analysis; Gold In limbo within the triangle

CNBC - Central Banks in Joint Action to Boost Liquidity to Markets

Money Morning - It's Time to Overhaul the Fed

MineWeb - Is gold just a safe haven or will it re-enter the monetary system?

11/29/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:48) : Max Keiser - Kleptocrats Go for Gold & Max talks to Mark O’Byrne of Goldcore.com

MINING - The past couple weeks have been a somewhat trying time for precious metal investors

Royal Canadian Mint - Royal Canadian Mint ETR Begins Trading on TSX

Wyatt Research - Warren Buffett's Father on Gold

Munknee - What Do Gold Measurements “Troy” Ounce and “Karat” Really Mean?

Wealth Manager - Gold may hit $3,000 if US devalues dollar

VIDEO (07:24) : CNBC - Jim Rogers; Don't Sell Your Gold

Fast Markets - Gold consolidates snap rally but caution reigns

VIDEOs (16:22) : Business Insider - CRAMER: 'We Are In DEFCON 3, Two Stages Away From A Financial Collapse So Huge It's Hard To Get Your Mind Around'

Commodity Online - Silver trading is starting a possible downtrend channel

Article & VIDEO (06:12) : Mish's - Ron Paul on a Return to the Gold Standard (When and How); The Dangerous Competing Idea for the IMF to Create the Standards for International Money

Coin Update - US Mint Products, Early Commemorative Coins, NYINC & FUN

11/28/11 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - Interview with John Williams of Shadow-Stats; 2014 Hyperinflation Warning, Preserve Value with Gold

Reuters - Speculators cut net gold length, add copper shorts

Market Watch - Gold ends higher on euro zone optimism


321gold - Gold Buyers Guide: How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off by Peter Schiff

Les Echos - The Dollar’s Long Tail; a short history of "dead" currencies

MineWeb - Gold equities, bullion provide safe passage through uncharted waters

Inside Futures - Silver - Where Is The Rally?

The Gold Standard Now - Walter Williams: "Our founders feared fiat money"

Bloomberg - Dealers See Fed Buying $545B Mortgage Bonds

The Telegraph - Should the Fed save Europe from disaster?

The Golden Truth - The Stench From MF Global Gets Worse - Should James Giddens (Bankruptcy Trustee) Recuse Himself?

American Thinker - Federal Reserve Shenanigans

CoinWeek - Coin Grading – Practice Your Grading Skills

11/27/11 - Bullion News

Commodity Online - 'Think about silver before investing'

Daily Reckoning - Banking Crisis Anatomy


AUDIO (04:55) : YouTube - Interview - Jim Rogers: "In A Sudden Crisis Gold & Silver May be All People Can Think of"

11/26/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:23) : YouTube - Silver Market Update & Commentary

Calculated Risk - Unofficial Problem Bank list increases to 980 institutions

ZeroHedge - Why Did The Fed Inject Banks With A Record Amount Of "Other" Cash In The Past Week?

New York Times - OpEd; Why We Spend, Why They Save

MineWeb - Gold and the Eurozone: A better protector than most realise

SafeHaven - Gold Thoughts

Standard-Examiner - $200K safe theft leaves lasting impact

11/25/11 - Bullion News

Daily Reckoning - Fulfilling Empty Promises by Turning on the Printing Press

Bloomberg - Gold Drops as Investors turn to the Dollar

Perth Mint Blog - Evolution Of The Koala

DailyFX - The Super Committee Represents the U.S. Debt Problem in a Nutshell

Business Insider - The Clearest Sign Yet That Europe Has Entered A Dangerous New Phase

Commodity Online - Jim Rogers: Owning silver means you profit whether the economy tanks or not

11/24/11 - Bullion News

AUDIO (09:35) : MineWeb - Uncertain times for markets make for nervous gold investors

Daily Wealth - What's the Point of Investing?

VIDEO (04:26) : BBC - Illegal gold rush sees Colombia's drug barons cash in

11/23/11 - Bullion News

Free Gold Money Report - The Myths and Reality of Gold Confiscation

VIDEO (05:50) : Max Keiser - Max Keiser on Europe’s Brave New Debt

AUDIO (23:46) : FSN - Bix Weir talks about gold and silver manipulation

PDF : U.S. Global Investors - The Gold Triple Play; Volatility, Currencies & Europe by Frank Holmes

DailyFX - Crude Oil, Gold Likely to Fall as Euro Debt Crisis Touches Germany

Commodity Online - Copper weakens as China PMI shrinks the most in 32 months

Perth Mint Blog - Koala Now Set For January Launch

CNBC - Decline in Commodities Is 'Artificial': Jim Rogers

CoinNews - 2011 Proof American Silver Eagle Sold Out

CNN Money - Federal Reserve minutes reveal debate among members

11/22/11 - Bullion News

Investment Rarities - Jim Cook interviews Silver Guru - Ted Bulter

Business Insider - Gold Is Still A Safe Haven, But It's Being Distorted By The Fed

CoinWeek - The Gold Bullion Market from a Coin Dealer’s Perspective

CoinNews - US Mint Likely to Lower Collector Gold Coin Prices

Real Clear Politics - Alice in Liberal Land by Thomas Sowell

SafeHaven - Keith Neumeyer: The Silver Market Lacks Integrity

CHARTS : Kitco - Tuesday's Analytical Charts for Gold, Silver and Platinum and Palladium

Examiner - Timetable for collapse?

VIDEO (07:15) : CNBC - Holding Gold is Strategic: Analyst

Money Morning - China Changing the Global Gold Market

321gold - The two prerequisites for hyperinflation

Business Insider - Awesome Money Facts

11/21/11 - Bullion News

CNBC - Cramer Bullish on Bullion

Nasdaq - Does the Gold Price Make Sense?

Forbes - Comex Gold Hammered Lower Amid Bearish "Outside Markets;" More Near-Term Chart Damage Inflicted

The Source (WSJ) - The Inflationary Consequences of ECB Bond Buying

Rick Ackerman - An Economist Loonier, Even, than Krugman?

Wall Street Pit - Buffett Worried About Europe’s Common Currency

Commodity Online - When gold and silver could re-emerge as money

Daily Gold - Near-Term Bear Market Outlook for Gold and Silver

VIDEO (09:09) : YouTube - Banks; Imminent Collapse?

American Thinker - The Tipping Point and the Crossroads

Wealth Daily - Proof that Gold ETFs Are a Fraud

Reuters - Gold falls as dollar firms, fear sweeps markets

11/20/11 - Bullion News

SafeHaven - The Beauty Of Symmetry

VIDEO (06:13) : ZeroHedge - Kyle Bass Destroys The Ponzi-Prone Debt Sustainability Arguments Of The Status Quo...And Why Germany Can't Save The World

Syracuse - Despite price dip, plenty of people are selling their gold in Central New York

St. Louis Today - Younger investors find gold alluring

Business Insider - Why Gold Has 1-3 More Years Left Of Beating The Market

Investment Rarities - Jim Cook; Watching the M-2 money supply

Sovereign Investor - 5 More Reasons to Buy Gold on Dips!

11/19/11 - Bullion News

DailyFX - Gold Posts Largest Decline Since September - Is It Time To Buy?

VIDEO (24:28) : YouTube - BBC Hard Talk - Full Interview with Hedge Fund Manager; Kyle Bass

Coin Update - Online Coin Photography

Silver Coins Today - 2012 Britannia Silver Bullion Coin Now Available

Hard Assets INVESTOR - Kevin Kerr Says If Italy Goes, The Euro Goes

Daily Reckoning - Goldman Sachs Facts

11/18/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (06:56) : YouTube - Silver Guru David Morgan Live On Fox

Citizen Economists - Guide to the Eurozone crisis

Yahoo Finance - What's the Next Crisis After Europe? BMG's Nick Barisheff Suggests That It's Time for Pension Funds and Institutional Investors to Allocate to Precious Metals Bullion

VIDEO (09:47) : RT America - Jim Rickards "Monetary System a Race Between SDR and Gold"

Gold Made Simple News - Gold price consolidating from ‘box’ to ‘box’

Financial Sense - Gold Housing Ratio Falls to Historic Low

Statesman - Coin marketer agrees to pay $5 million in deceptive marketing case

Diamonds - Silver Prices to Rise in 2012

SHTF plan - Warning From Wall Street Broker: “The Entire System Has Been Utterly Destroyed”; Recommends “ALL customers Withdraw From All of the Markets”

DailyFX - Crude Oil to Refocus on EU Debt Crisis, Gold Following Dollar’s Lead

Commodity Online - Silver scrap supply to rise 10% in 2011

AUDIO (02:50) : BBC - "Only massive debt restructuring can save EU" Kyle Bass - Hedgefund manager

IDIVIDI - Central bank gold buying at 40-year high: FT

Perth Mint Blog - Global Gold Demand Up 6% In Third Quarter 2011 – World Gold Council

11/17/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (25:56) : The Keiser Report - Interview Mike ‘Mish’ Shedlock about the European debt crisis and the MF Global missing funds crisis.

The Golden Truth - The Situation Developing With Comex Silver Could Get Interesting...

iStock Analyst - South Africa's Incredibly Shrinking Gold Production by Frank Holmes

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Gold and Silver Sink in Market Sell Off

VIDEO (02:39) : ZeroHedge - Watch Nigel Farage Dance On The Euro's Grave

Mish's - LME Warehouses in US Overloaded with Copper, Zinc, Aluminum, Steel because of Economic Downturn

321gold - Accumulate Gold

Commodity Online - What if the US dollar is 100% backed by gold and silver? by Jason Hommel

Perth Mint Blog - Sydney Gold Symposium Roundup

MineWeb - Gold and the Eurozone - what happens when the Euro fails?

Forbes - Is GLD Really As Good As Gold?

Article & VIDEO (04:05) : CMI Gold & Silver - We're All Speculators

Commodity Online - Copper surplus soars on slowdown in China consumption

11/16/11 - Bullion News

Rick Ackerman - When Deceptions End, So Will Europe’s Experiment

CoinNews - Gold Declines on Dollar Strength and Easing Inflation

Business Insider - What $15,033,607,255,920.32 in US debt looks like...

Reading Eagle - Baby sitter charged with stealing more than $8,000 in sterling silver

US News - Ron Paul: Federal Reserve is Like Drug Addiction

Market Watch - Gold is the only winner from the euro crisis; Europe’s choices: Chaotic Breakup or Mass Inflation

Daily Reckoning - Goldman to the Rescue!

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: Grading Service Guidelines and Clarification on Bullion Coin in 25th Anniversary Silver Eagle Sets

CNBC - Chicago Fed's Evans: Take a Chance With More Stimulus

11/15/11 - Bullion News

Financial Post - Could Europe’s gold solve the debt crisis?

ZeroHedge - Paulson Sells Gold ETF – Buys Physical Bullion? Soros Not Gold Bearish

Wall St. Cheat Sheet - Here’s Why Goldman Sachs is Staying Long Gold

NuWire Investors - Investors Feel Copper Fever

Bullion Bulls Canada - U.S. Savings-Rate Drop Shrieks Disaster

11/14/11 - Bullion News

Bloomberg - James Rickard's book "Currency Wars" - Bernanke Bludgeons China With Inflation as Currency War Intensifies

Financial Sense - The World Is Drowning in Debt, and Europe Laces On Concrete Boots

AUDIO (04:19) : ABC News (Australia) - Italy banker condemns excessive risk culture

Perth Mint Blog - Silver And Platinum Bullion Coin Sell Outs

ZeroHedge - Ron Paul: "It Is Estimated That US Banks Have Over A Trillion Dollars Tied Up At-Risk With German And French Banks"

GoldSeek - Physical gold to trump ETFs by 500% in 2011 hears Dubai conference

Money Morning - Crop-Killing Drought to Push Food Inflation Even Higher

The Telegraph - Gold demand doubles amid economic gloom and frozen interest rates

MINING - Indians switch to bars and coins as festival jewellery sales plummet 25 – 30%

Daily Reckoning - Gold: The Market Has Already Decided

Business Insider - Before Monday Comes, You Must Read This Interview With The Head Of The Bundesbank (Germany's Central Bank)

11/13/11 - Bullion News

DailyFX - Gold Outlook Hinges on U.S. Dollar Strength, Geopolitical Tensions

VIDEO (23:00) : Max Keiser - On the Edge; Interview with Charles Hugh Smith about the Global Economic Meltdown

11/12/11 - Bullion News

Daily Wealth - The Gold Investor's Biggest Risk

PDF : SafeHaven - Continental Capital Advisors, LLC; The Financial Crisis Ahead

VIDEO (03:40) : Mish's - "I Want You All Fired" Yet Another Fantastic Video from Nigel Farage, Speaking to European Parliament

Daily Reckoning - Beta Investing: How to Grow and Maintain Family Wealth by Bill Bonner

11/11/11 - Bullion News

Coin News - American Silver Eagle 25th Anniversary Set Photos, Latest Values

Journal Star - Woman goes to prison for chocolate coin scheme

Market Watch - New gold bugs are young and restless

Financial Sense - A Beginner’s Guide to the European Debt Crisis

Jim Sinclair's MindSet - Notes From Underground: Bini Smash Resigns From ECB Executive Board … What’s It All About?

TIME - Italy's crisis: Endgame for the euro?

VIDEO (02:31) : ABC News (Australia) - Comedy duo - Clarke and Dawe on Europe

11/10/11 - Bullion News

Article & VIDEO (02:21) : SFTF plan - Fake Silver and Gold Flood Global Markets; 100,000 Coins From A Single Counterfeiter!

VIDEO (06:12) : D.A.F. (Germany) - Gold expert James Turk: "Gold is still under value"

Silver Coins Today - America the Beautiful 5 Ounce Silver Coin Sales Update

Daily Reckoning - When Money is No Longer Money

SafeHaven - The Beginning of the End of Fiat Money

Mish's - France, the New Elephant in the Room

Investment Rarities - PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN by Jim Cook

VIDEO (05:03) : Fox Business - The Government’s Skewed Statistics

Financial Sense - The Great Historical Mistake

Yahoo Finance - Getting Into The Gold Market

Market Anthropology - "Buckle Up", Says Silver

DailyFX - Crude Oil to Correct Higher With S&P 500, Gold Still Watching Bernanke

ABC News (Australia) - Break-up of eurozone flagged as crisis deepens

Inside Futures - Silver - Still Marking Time

11/09/11 - Bullion News

Perth Mint Blog - Beware Counterfeit Bars And Coins

Article & VIDEO (09:16) : USA Watchdog - Sovereign Debt is Everybody’s Problem

VIDEO (05:35) : YouTube - Jim Rogers talks about the Commodities Markets

IBTimes - Gold Prices Slip on Worsening Eurozone Debt Crisis

Gold Made Simple News - Swiss create high-tech 24k gold fabric as gold price continues to rise

VIDEO (04:50) : CNBC - Jim Rickards, "Currency Wars" author, discusses which country is the biggest offender to currency manipulation

SafeHaven - Gold Rebuilds the Wall of Worry

11/08/11 - Bullion News

IdahoStatesman.com - Gold rush doubles Idaho firm’s sales to U.S Mint

Fast Markets - US GOLD - Comex gold trades sideways as cautious traders eye European news

VIDEO (03:57) : CNBC - Bullion Breakout?

Daily Reckoning - Printing Money to Combat a Global Depression

VIDEO (06:15) : Fox Business - Philadelphia Federal Reserve President Charles Plosser: Europe is Biggest Threat to U.S. Economy

Commodity Online - US banks have huge exposure to European debt market

Article & VIDEO (07:00) : SHTFplan - Marc Faber: They Can Postpone the Endgame For Five or Ten Years

Numismaster - Special Factors Buffet Morgan Prices

Bullion Bulls Canada - Silver: The People’s Money

The Gold Report - Richard Maybury: The War that Will Kill the Dollar

US Funds - 3 Drivers, 2 Months, 1 Gold Rally? by Frank Holmes

ZeroHedge - US Mint Gold Coin Data And Research Casts Doubt On "Gold Bubble"

Real Clear Politics - Numbers Games by Thomas Sowell

Wall Street Journal - Gold Dealer Accused of "Bait and Switch"

MineWeb - The big debate: gold equities or bullion?

VIDEO (04:26) : Market Watch - Better Prices in Store for Platinum and Palladium

11/07/11 - Bullion News

Fast Markets - Technical Analysis - Silver - Struggling on the upside

Dollar Collapse - And You Thought the Real Estate Bust Was Over

Mining.com - Gold, a hedge against the financial predators of our society

Wall St Cheat Sheet - The Euro Mess Brings Out the Best in Gold

Jim Sinclair's Mind Set - Last Man Standing Will be Gold

ZeroHedge - China Takes Advantage Of September Price Drop; Imports Record Amount Of Gold

PMBG Blog - Benefits of Gold IRA Rollover

Mish's - History Suggests Greece Will Freeze Bank Deposits, Exit Euro by Christmas; Spain and Portugal to Follow Next Year; What's the Rational Thing to Do?


Kitco - P.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Ends Sharply Higher on Safe-Haven Demand Amid Italian Debt Concerns

SilverSeek - The Dollar is Done - Deal with It - By Jason Hommel, Silver Stock Report

News-Antique - Jar filled with $20 Double Eagle gold coins expected to raise £80,000 for heirs of Jewish refugees

Market Watch - Gold futures climb to top $1,780 an ounce

USA Watchdog - Denial, Delusion and MSM Disinformation

Business Insider - Here's What Thomas Jefferson Thought About Banks

11/06/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (09:12) : ZeroHedge - Presenting Jim Grant's Greatest Hits (On Money, Banking, Gold And The Fed)

Business Insider - Desperate G20 Asked Germany To Pledge Its Gold For EFSF Rescue Fund, And Germany Said No

Examiner - Gold price to hit $2000/oz in the near future

The Telegraph - Curb spending and cut taxes, McDonald's chief warns

Montgomery Advertiser - When the outlook is bleak, gold performs

VIDEO (04:19) : ABC News (Australia) - Greece 'under surveillance' for next decade

Commodity Online - Jim Rogers: Eurozone deal for Greece not to save Europe

CoinNews - eBay Halts American Silver Eagle 25th Anniversary Set Auctions

11/05/11 - Bullion News

Article & VIDEO (04:03) : Contrary Investing - Hugh Hendry Channels Irony and Paradox in His Latest Financial Outlook

PHOTOS : IBTimes - 10 Biggest Gold Mines in the World

Arabian Money - Gold heading into the $2,000s says Jim Sinclair

CashMoneyLife - Investing in Gold? Know the Tax Implications

Howe Street - Italian Bond Yields and Spreads at Euro-Record High; Massive and Growing 2-10 Inversion a Sign of Pending Portuguese Implosion

11/04/11 - Bullion News

Business Line - Silver: Invest with caution as market is in surplus

Business Week - The Family That Sells Gold to the Government

Financial Sense - Platinum and Palladium Should Not Be Forgotten

Coin News - UK Royal Mint Reveals 2012 Britannia Silver Bullion Coin

DailyFX - US Dollar Falters at Support, Hinting Deeper Losses Likely Ahead

Commodity Online - How are silver coins produced in a mint?

ZeroHedge - Because Central Banks Just Aren't Enough: G-20 Will Ask IMF To Print Reserve Currency

CityWire - Chart of the Day: HSBC gold vaults filling up fast

KPHO (AZ) - Fraud ring passes off cheap metal for gold

VIDEO (07:10) : USA Watchdog - Weekly News Wrap-Up 11.4.11

11/03/11 - Bullion News

AUDIO (14:51) : FSN - Kerry Lutz interviews Jason Hamlin about gold and silver prices

Commodity Online - US Mint's gold bullion coin sales at lowest level in October

VIDEO (05:30) : Yahoo Finance - To Hell With What the Fed Says, “Inflation Is Already Here”: Mike Pento

Wyatt Research - What Will Really Kill the Dollar

The Market Oracle - Look at the U.S. Postal Service and see the future of the Federal Government

Mish's - ECB Cuts Rate .25 to 1.25% in Surprise Move; Draghi Says Exit of Any Nation From Euro ‘Not in the Treaty’; Half-Truths and Blatant Lies; Case for Gold

Perth Mint Blog - Australia, France… Wherever You Are, Demand For Physical Gold And Silver Is Soaring

CoinWeek - Goldline Executives Accused of Theft and Fraud in a 19-Count Criminal Complaint

Royal Canadian Mint - Royal Canadian Mint Leads The Pack Once Again in Krause Publications’ 2012 Coin Of The Year Award With Seven Nominations

The Daily Gold - Precious Metals Sentiment

David Morgan's Blog - Gold ready to attack prior highs in the 1900’s

Wall St Cheat Sheet - The Growing Need for Precious Metals as Insurance

11/02/11 - Bullion News

Ludwig von Mises Institute - Will the Latest Plan "Fix" the Eurozone?

VIDEO (04:32) : Fox Business - Investor Jim Rogers Has Gloomy Outlook for U.S. Markets

Wall St Cheat Sheet - Gold and Silver Jump After Bernanke and Einhorn Speak

AUDIO (19:29) : FSN - Interview with Bob Chapman

The Guardian - Gold rises on deepening euro zone crisis

Business Insider - The Truth About The Amazing Gold Market Of India

Financial Sense - Chinese Silver Investment Going Parabolic

Nasdaq - Much Ado with Gold: Why Platinum is Changing the Investment Mindset

Business Week - Top Gold Forecasters See Rally to Record by March: Commodities

11/01/11 - Bullion News

VIDEO (03:23) & Article : ABC News (USA) - Goldline Execs Charged With Fraud

The Golden Truth - The U.S. Banking System Is More Leveraged Now Than In 2008

MineWeb - Greek referendum call hits gold and silver - but for how long?

VIDEO (05:12) : Reuters - Greece faces meltdown after bailout vote bombshell

VIDEO : Wealth Cycles - Mike Maloney; The Magic Formula of Currency Creation is Taxes

SafeHaven - The Zombie Club of Nations by Michael Pento

Daily Reckoning - Gold, Silver, and the New Opium Wars

321gold - Gold & Silver Currency Tactics

Commodity Online - Why copper, platinum and silver look appealing now

Got Gold Report - Japan Delivers Gold and Silver Buying Op?

10/31/11 - Bullion News

Investment Rarities - THE GREAT UNTRUTH by Jim Cook

AUDIO (68:54) : Library of Economics & Liberty - Conversation with Nicholas Wapshott, author of Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics

Commodity Online - Buy silver not gold now

Wall St Cheat Sheet - Gold & Silver Hit by the Yen

HardAssets - Podcast: Uncertainty Over Euro Debt Fix Good For Gold & Silver

Business Insider - CHART OF THE DAY: Why John Paulson Says There's No Gold Bubble

AUDIO (05:19) : ABC News (Australia) - Former US Securities and Exchange Commission head says still worse to come

321gold - Euro Bailouts - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Money Control - MCX Gold, Silver may decline today

Nasdaq - 'Fear Index' Likely to Fuel Gold Acquisition and Prices

MineWeb - CIBC lowers silver price guidance and silver stocks

The Telegraph - Treasure of Benghazi bank vault raided

Rick Ackerman - How America Lost Its Way

10/30/11 - Bullion News

The Market Oracle - U.S. Debt Day of Reckoning Is Coming, Despite Universal Blindness of the Masses

The Telegraph - Central banks top up gold reserves

San Francisco Chronicle - This Day in History; 25 years ago - 1st Silver Eagles Minted at San Francisco Mint

VIDEO (03:53) : Mish's - Treaty of Debt - An Eye Opening Video on the ESM Bailout Mechanism

10/29/11 - Bullion News


Toronto Sun - Survivalists fear currency crash

MineWeb - Gold climbs as EU debt deal sinks dollar

Resource Investor - Platinum – Where from Here?

GoldSeek - Greek Gouge

10/28/11 - Bullion News

Article & AUDIO (43:46) : Chris Martenson - Eric Janszen: We Are Witnessing The Death of the Dollar (audio at bottom of article)

VIDEO (02:58) : Fox Business - New Fears Inflation Will Slow Economic Recovery; Michael Pento on the risks of inflation.

Business Insider - Ben Davies Presents One Chart That Is Extremely Bullish For Gold

DailyFX - US Dollar Poised to Fall Further Ahead of Critical NFPs, ECB Decision

American Thinker - Euro zone deal II

PDF : The Silver Institute - Silver News; October Edition

CMI Gold & Silver (Bills Blog) - Gold bubble a long way off

Bullion Bulls Canada - ‘D-Day’ Near For GLD

CNW (Canada) - Royal Canadian Mint Announces Offering of New Gold Investment Product

Kitco - Bullish Bent For Participants In Gold Survey

MineWeb - Gold price to continue to rise through this year and next - but beware H2 2013

Mish's - Shanghai Homeowners Smash Showroom in Protest of Falling Prices; Developer Warns on Price Drops; "Twilight Zone" of Phony Accounting and Shadow Money

Free Gold Money Report - Currency Wars; James Turk review's Jim Rickards' new book

AUDIO (26:32) : FSN - Interview with Martin Armstrong

NuWire Investor - Gold Fever Stoked by Chinese, Indian Buying

10/27/11 - Bullion News

CoinNews - 25th Anniversary American Silver Eagle Set Sold Out

ZeroHedge - Foreigners Sell Second Largest Amount Of US Bonds Ever In Past Week, Record $93 Billion In US Paper Sold In Past 2 Months

GoldSeek - A Golden Mistake Worth Repeating

Financial Sense - Martin Armstrong: The Entire Global Monetary System Needs to be Revised

CoinNews - American Silver Eagle 25th Anniversary Set - Now Available

Kitco - Central Bank Gold Buying Likely To Continue—WGC Official

AUDIO (13:04) : MineWeb - Gold-Forecaster founder, Julian Phillips looks at the likely implications of the ongoing European crisis on the gold market and the longer term outlook for the yellow metal

VIDEO (02:46) & Article : ABC News (USA) - Confessions of a Gold Scammer

AUDIO (07:26) : FSN - Understand how the Precious Metals Markets can get Manipulated, and How You Can Beat the Manipulators

Bloomberg - EU Sets 50% Greek Writedown, $1.4T in Rescue Fund

MoneyWeek - The eurozone crisis isn’t nearly over: stay defensive

USA Watchdog - Unknown Territory

10/26/11 - Bullion News

Forbes - Gold To Rise On Fiat Currency Crisis, Negative Real Interest Rates, Money Printing

GoldSeek - Nine blows against the gold price suppression scheme

David Morgan's Blog - The Eurozone Wags the Gold & Silver Dog

VIDEO (04:23) : YouTube - Perth Mint; Making of the One Metric Ton Gold Coin

IBTimes - World's First One Metric Ton Gold Coin

MoneyWeek - Gold and the 144-day moving average

Article & VIDEO (14:30) - Greenspan: Why European Union Is Doomed to Fail

VIDEO (03:35) : Market Watch - Gold and Stocks Return to Historical Trading Form

Hard Assets - Gold an Insurance Policy more than a Safe Haven

Daily Reckoning - Government has No Solutions; Let the Free Market Work to find the Solutions

Read the Ticker - Felix Zulauf, USD least ugly currency

Whiskey and Gunpowder - It’s The Central Banks, You Dumb Kids

Financial Sense - Stack Attack on Gold

Business Insider - Here's Why Gold Prices Jumped Tuesday

Yahoo Finance - Getting Into The Gold Market

10/25/11 - Bullion News

Bloomberg - Coins to Credit Cards, a Short History of Money

AUDIO (12:25) : FSN - Interview with Greg McCoach

MoneyNews - IMF Considering Participation in EU Bailout Fund

Money Morning - The Market's Next 1,000-Point Move

Investment Rarities - SILVER FEARS by Jim Cook

VIDEO (06:55) : Gold Made Simple News - Detlev Schlichter on Sky News: We are getting close to the collapse of paper money

VIDEO (02:13) & Article : Fox Business - Exclusive Sneak Peek: 'Gold Rush' Family Hocks Everything to Strike it Rich, But Is It Worth It?

CNBC - Eurozone Setback Sends Gold Futures Surging

Commodity Online - Is gold firming for a rally as US faces another downgrade?

Business Insider - Consumer Confidence Is At An All-Time Non-Recession Low

Reuters - Gold surges as U.S. consumers turn gloomy

VIDEO (15:00) : Meet the Press - Ron Paul gives his points of view on Government

Financial Sense - The Real Contagion Risk; How Europe's Credit Contagion Will Spread to the US Treasury Market by Chris Martenson

Dollar Collapse - What Would Happen if Goldman Sachs Disappeared?

New York Times - It’s All Connected: An Overview of the Euro Crisis

Market Oracle - Assessing the Damage of the European Banking Crisis

Commodity Online - Palladium market uncertainty to end as Russia to stop stockpile sales

10/24/11 - Bullion News

MineWeb - Camping it up in gold and silver

VIDEO (02:26) : ABC News (Australia) - Clarke and Dawe on the economy

Resource Investor - Speculators Further Reduce Long Positions

The Source (WSJ) - EU Tensions Between Euro-Ins and Euro-Outs

Market Watch - Citi raises it's Gold & Silver Forcast

ZeroHedge - Head Of China Sovereign Wealth Fund Voices Displeasure With China's Debt Slaves, Calls Europeans "Lazy" And "Entitled"

Commodity Online - Silver: What next for industrial, investment demands?

MoneyWeek - The latest EU summit won’t save the eurozone

VIDEO (03:25) : MoneyShow - How Much Debt Can France Handle?

DailyFX - US Dollar May Face Deeper Losses Before Rebound as S&P 500 Gains

Market Watch - Gold bugs bruised but buoyant (again)

Perth Mint Blog - Silver Bars Back In Stock

Gold Made Simple News - Survey finds nearly 40% in the UK prefer gold to cash, but 22% think gold has decreased over the decade…

MineWeb - GATA gold/silver suppression spat with Jeff Christian getting personal

10/23/11 - Bullion News

Business Insider - CHART: A Gut-Wrenching Year For Silver

SafeHaven - The Eurozone Wags the Gold and Silver Dog

VIDEO (32:48) : Kitco - The Great Silver Debate - Is the Silver Market Manipulated?

Commodity Online - Gold: The illusion of safe haven

Daily Mail (UK) - Eurozone on an knife edge amid fresh squabbling, but British banks off the hook over a rescue deal

Business Insider - Bombshell Report Says Eurozone Meeting Is Filled With Despair, As German-French Relations Collapse

VIDEO (01:13) & Article : CNBC - Art Cashin: Friday's Rally a 'Stay of Execution'

10/22/11 - Bullion News

DailyFX - US Dollar Volatility Rides on New Stimulus, Euro Troubles, 3Q GDP

Financial Sense - The Gold Picture in Three Time Frames

Coin Update - 2012 Gold Sovereign Features New Rendition of St. George Slaying the Dragon

Business Insider - Monster Prediction From BofA: Another US Debt Downgrade Is Coming In Just A Few Weeks

VIDEO (04:44) : Fox Business - Lou Dobbs; Can Europe’s Sovereign Debt Crisis be Resolved?

azfamily - West Valley man fights USPS over missing gold coins

10/21/11 - Bullion News

The Gold Report - Silver Summit Report: Three Investment Approaches to the Volatile Metal

Yorkshire Post (UK) - Silver may have role in cancer fight

SafeHaven - Gold

mlive - Investing in gold on the rise in Jackson and elsewhere, but financial advisers urge caution

GoldSeek - Algorithms, Bullion and Criminals: The ABC’s of Understanding Precious Metal

The Daily Gold - Why Declines in Gold Do Not Change the Bullish Outlook at the Moment

Nasdaq - Why U.S. Dollars Will Not Be Used as Fire-Starter

Motley Fool - Why I Was Completely Wrong About Gold

MineWeb - India's gold and silver imports jump 80% to $31.1bn over six months

The Australian - Central banks keeping gold in their vaults

Market Anthropology - Hyperinflation! no not really...

GoldSeek - US Money Supply Surges Surges 33% in 4 Months – Global Money Supply to Lead to Gold $10,000/oz?

Commodity Online - Gold in narrow downtrend channel, could mimic 2008 oil crash

the west.au - Perth Mint makes most of golden opportunity

CMI Gold and Silver (Bill's Blog) - Large Commercials take bullish gold and silver positions

VIDEO (05:55) : BreakOut - Euro: The New Market Indicator

Daily Reckoning (Australia) - What the Bond Market is Telling You

Townhall - Copper prices fall 6 percent on demand worries

VIDEO (02:54) : The Street - Gold Prices Will Double on Fear and Love - Frank Holmes

10/20/11 - Bullion News

Financial Sense - The Five Myths of Silver Investing

ZeroHedge - Student Loan Bubble To Exceed $1 Trillion: "It's Going To Create A Generation Of Wage Slavery" And Another Taxpayer Bailout

VIDEO (21:57) : Pragmatic Capitalism - AN ENTREPRENEUR’S THREE SECRETS TO SUCCESS interview with Successful Entrepreneur David Gilmour

Resource Investor - Dr. Copper says S&P 500 Poised for Pullback

NuWire Investor - Weak Euro Hurts Gold

SilverSeek - Analysts still don’t get the silver price link to monetary inflation

SafeHaven - Inflation Worrying People Less, But Shouldn't Be

Business Insider - The Clinton Administration Was Terrified About What Would Happen If It Paid Off The Entire National Debt

CoinWeek - The Coin Analyst: The European Crisis Helps to Create a New Normal in Precious Metals

MineWeb - Gold drifting with all markets on the defensive

Investment News - Flag pattern says gold about to flag

Bullion Bulls Canada - Preemptive Strike Against Precious Metals Nears End

Gaston Gazette - Business banking on gold and silver bucks

10/19/11 - Bullion News

Hard Assets - World Gold Council's Managing Director - Jason Toussaint: Access To Gold Continues To Get Easier For Investors

Financial Sense - Strong Correlation Between “Misery Index” and Gold Demand

The Source (WSJ Blog) - Dollar’s Safe Haven Mantle Has Started to Slip

Wall St Cheat Sheet - Bank of England Ramps Up Quantitative Easing

Bloomberg - Top Income in U.S. Is...Gasp!...Wash. D.C. Area

Business Week - Silver Bear Market Seen Ending on Europe Crisis: Commodities

Reuters - U.S. cracks down on commodity traders; will it stick?

Market Oracle - Robert Prechter Goes "behind the scenes" on the Federal Reserve

CHARTS : Kitco - Wednesday's Analytical Charts for Gold, Silver and Platinum and Palladium

Perth Mint Blog - Neighborhood Cat Reveals “What’s Next” for Silver

VIDEO (04:11) : CNBC - Investing in Platinum

Market Watch - Fed's Rosengren: Too-big-to-fail alive and well

DailyFX - US Dollar, Major Currencies Held Hostage by Indecisive Risk Appetite

MineWeb - Gold could test $1500 but then bounce to trade as high as $3400 - CitiFX

Munknee - History Says Silver Could Become the Next 10-Bagger Investment! Here’s Why

Record Net - Con men find their marks

Top News (India) - Gold demand to be strong in India in October, analyst

10/18/11 - Bullion News

AUDIO (13:15) : FSN - Kerry Lutz talks about the proper way to purchase gold and silver bullion

David Morgan's Blog - The S&P 500 is Getting Close to a Top

The Telegraph - Mervyn King: time 'running out' to solve world economy crisis

IBTimes - Three Reasons Why Some Analysts are Predicting Lower Prices ahead for Gold and Silver

Numismaster - World Money Supplies Explode

The Globe and Mail - Precious Metals Guru - Eric Sprott makes a bet on a different kind of bank

CMI Gold & Silver - Is there any gold in Fort Knox?

VIDEO (03:13) & Article : KABC - Gold prospectors head for Angeles National Forest hills

Chris Martenson - Gold and Economic Decline

China Daily - Trading of gold in yuan makes glittering debut

Investment Rarities - The European Black Hole

Sun Sentinel - South Florida gold-buying fundraisers net cash for good causes

10/17/11 - Bullion News

Market Oracle - Will Weak Bank Earnings Force Investors into Gold?

Financial Sense - The Truth and Financial Meltdown

VIDEO (04:04) : CNBC - RMB Denominated Gold Contract

AUDIO (14:15) : FSN - Gold Newswire - Interview with Bob Chapman

Daily Wealth - A Crazy Situation in Metal MORE PRECIOUS than Gold

Motley Fool - Get Your Dividend in Bullion Instead of Cash

NuWire Investor - Downsides to Investing in Gold

Perth Mint Blog - Koala Delayed By All Out Kookaburra Production

Market Watch - Dollar gains as hopes for Europe dim

MineWeb - Russia, Thailand and Bolivia buy more gold, Philippines and Sri Lanka sell some

Market Anthropology - the HeadRisk Horseman

CMI Gold & Silver - 15 Most Impenetrable Bank Vaults

Commodity Online - Gold may fall to $1450 on wedge and decreasing volume

The Economist - 40 TRILLION

MineWeb - Gold could go lower than anyone expects but then set for incredible opportunity

Pittsburgh Tribune - Investment scams ride coattails of gold rush

Affiliate Ad

10/16/11 - Bullion News

Canada Free Press - Money and Guns -The Tools of Absolute Power

Bloomberg - Hong Kong Starts Trading Bullion in Yuan to Tap ‘Triple Demand’

VIDEO (05:59) : Wealth Daily - FlashBack; Greg McCoach was featured on CNBC back in 2007 and was asked his opinion on gold prices. At the time, gold was currently trading for $637/ounce.

News Ok - Taking Stock: Does the Patriot Act allow access to a safe-deposit box?

NoozHawk - Harris Sherline: Thinking About the Value of Money, for What It’s Worth

Seattle Times - Seven common investment scams to avoid

Commodity Online - Gold coins 'still popular' despite high prices

CNBC - US to Experience Stagflation Worse Than 1970s: Jim Rogers

10/15/11 - Bullion News

DailyFX - US Dollar Likely to Fall Further as Markets Dangerously Complacent

Reuters - Gold to reclaim record highs in 2012 - fund manager

philly.com - Silver thieves pinch old hospital X-rays

Munknee - Is Gold On Its Way to $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 or Even Higher? These Analysts Think So

Numismaster - What's Weakness in Silver Telling Us?

Economic Times - Gold traders turn most bullish in 3 months after rout

10/14/11 - Bullion News

Financial Sense - Silver on the Verge of Another Breakout

DailyFX - Gold Eyes G-20 Meetings in Paris for Direction

SafeHaven - Inflation on Demand and Along the 'Continuum'

MineWeb - Gold building a base above $1650

Interview with Silver Guru - David Morgan; Gold and silver legal tender in Utah-On the Edge with Max Keiser

Market Watch - U.S. deficit holds basically steady at $1.29 Trillion

IBTimes - Gold, Gold, Gold… What about Silver?

Nasdaq - Gold to Top $2,000 on Central Bank Buying: Chart of the Day

VIDEO (15:01) & Article : CNBC - US to Play 'Very Major Role' In Helping Europe: Geithner

Commodity Online - Silver fails to live up to high expectations, but outlook positive

MineWeb - Gold to silver ratio could be set to decline again

10/13/11 - Bullion News

The Telegraph - S&P downgrades Spain

SafeHaven - Gold Vs. Miners: The Wrong Question, Part I

Politico - Lackluster economy could lead to next gold rush

Wyatt Research - Copper Selloff Potentially Good News For Silver

GoldNews - Bloomberg News, a Federal Reserve Apologist?

ZeroHedge - Dollar Printing Uses 9.7 Tons Of Ink Per Day, And Other Fast Facts About The US Dollar

David Morgan's Blog - Will the S&P 500 & Gold Make Up Their Minds Already

VIDEO (10:31) & Article : Chris Martenson - Big Trouble Brewing

CNBC - Return to Gold Standard? Why Price Would Hit $10,000

AUDIO (14:49) : Financial Survival Network - Interview with Mickey Fulp about Platinum and Gold prices and the price relationships between the two Precious Metals

IBTimes - Gold Prices Ease on Rising Dollar, Slowing Chinese Economy

msn Money - Precious metals: 'The time to accumulate is now'

Business Insider - Art Cashin Offers A Huge Lesson On Weimar Hyperinflation, And The Roots Of Today's Crisis

CoinNews - 2011 American Silver Eagle Anniversary Set Scheduled

VIDEO (05:02) : BreakOut - Technical Snapshot: Dollar, Euro, Crude Oil, Gold, Copper

Market Anthropology - EKG of A Crash

ABC News (Australia) - Quick guide to the Greek debt crisis

10/12/11 - Bullion News

Bloomberg - Gold Eclipses Cocaine as Drug Lords Follow Billionaires in Mining Colombia

Market Oracle - Euroland and The Gold, Silver Price Rebound

Mish's - Unprecedented Drop in Port Traffic: A Sobering Omen for Holiday Sales or Should we Listen to Analysts?

RTT News - Fed Minutes Detail Dissent, Talk Of QE3

Coin Update - Higher Inflation Coming Within A Month

Market Watch - Fed minutes show doubts economy will improve

IBTimes - Spot Gold Flat; Asia's Physical Demand Underpins

GoldSeek - Gold During Times of Turmoil by Frank Holmes

NuWire Investor - Tips for Selling Gold

Bullion Vault - Gold Bullion Hits Oct. High, ECB "May Print Euros" to Bail Itself Out, Euro Collapse "Could Destroy Global Financial System"

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The Real Story Behind the Fed’s “Soft Landing” Narrative - Mises Institute

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