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Found & Revealed
American Silver Eagles

Originally Posted on 08/24/2017

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Found and Revealed - American Silver Eagles

2014 American Silver Eagles

Last April, I wrote a blog post about this Coin World article: Millions of silver Eagles silver bullion coins struck outside Westpoint.

The article is about new information the U.S. Mint released in response to a Coin World FOIA request; in the article, I noticed discrepancies between the U.S. Mint’s mintage figures and the U.S. Treasury’s figures for the 2014 American Silver Eagle bullion coins.

In the FOIA response to Coin World, the U.S. Mint's mintage figures showed 13,531,000 more American Silver Eagle bullion coins than the U.S. Treasury's released mintage figures.

The chart below shows you the accounting problems.

2014 2015 2016
San Francisco 7,025,000 0 4,650,000
West Point 23,450,000 46,920,500 31,900,000
Philadelphia 0 79,640 1,151,500
U.S. Treasury / Coin World (FOIA)- ASE (BU) Mintage 30,475,000 47,000,140 37,701,500
U.S. Mint - ASE (BU) Mintage/Sales 44,006,000
Difference (-) 13,531,000 (+) 140 0

U.S. Mint Bullion Mintage Figures
screen-shot (April 20, 2017)

2017 - April 24th - US Mint 2014 Mintage Graphic


U.S. Mint: Bullion Mintage Figures

U.S. Treasury (FOIA): 2014 - 2017 American Silver Eagle Mintage Figures - (page 2)

I had tried to contact the U.S. Mint directly to clarify the differences in the information; however, I was unable to get through to anyone.

Consequently, Mel Kassenoff, an annual contributor to the World Coins Book, and I brainstormed on a FOIA request; I submitted it shortly thereafter to the U.S. Treasury.

Late last week, I received the following from the U.S. Mint’s representative, Michael White:

Please note that the 2014 mintage figures contained in the Mint's March 20, 2017 FOIA response were erroneous. 

The correct mintage number for 2014 is 44,006,000. 

Attached please find the U.S. Mint's American Eagle Silver Bullion coin mintage figures, broken down by facility, from 1986 through the present (July 21, 2017).

I hope that this information resolves any remaining questions you may have.


Michael White

United States Mint

Office of Corporate Communications

Mintage Figures by Facility

Along with the letter, Mr. Michael White provided a spreadsheet with the mintage figures for the American Silver Eagle bullion coins from each satellite U.S. Mint facilities: West Point, NY, Philadelphia, PA, San Francisco, CA. (some of the information has never been disclosed)

The U.S. Mint's satellite facility in San Francisco minted the first American Silver Eagles bullion coins in 1986 and continued to produce them there regularly through 1998.

The spreadsheet revealed that the West Point Mint minted American Silver Eagle bullion coins from 1988 through 1998.

The FOIA spreadsheet shows the exact mintage number of minted American Silver Eagles bullion coins from the San Francisco and West Point Mints during that time.

Below is a spreadsheet with the new mintage figures the U.S. Mint provided in the FOIA request with other already-known information.

1oz. American Eagle Silver 
Bullion Coins 
Mintage Figures

American Silver Eagle Mintage Figures by Facility

The biggest question that one may ask after viewing the mintage numbers by facility from 1988 - 1998 is;

How do you tell the difference between West Point and San Francisco American Silver Eagles?

That question is almost unanswerable because the bullion coin version of the American Silver Eagle does not have a Mint Mark that identifies where the coins was minted, unlike the proof and uncirculated versions of the coin.

However, the U.S. Mint was able to answer the question about the American Silver Eagles minted by the facility from 2011 to 2017 in these two Coin World articles.

Millions of American Eagle silver bullion coins struck at San Francisco, Philadelphia - Coin World

United States Mint releases updated details on 2015 silver American Eagle production - Coin World

After reading the information provided in the two articles, the question now is: Did the mint use the same tracking system for monster boxes since the start of the American Silver Eagle bullion coin program?

Plus, how many ASE monster boxes from 1988-1998 still exist with the identifying markings?

A Thank You goes out to Michael White at the U.S. Mint for providing the information he included in the FOIA request. I don't doubt that someone will contact him sometime in the future, asking many similar questions.


Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide.com - FOIA Opening Letter by Free Bullion Investment Guide on Scribd

Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide.com - FOIA Request Response by Free Bullion Investment Guide on Scribd

Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide.com - FOIA Request Mintage 1986 - Present by Free Bullion Investment Guide on Scribd

Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide.com - FOIA Request Mintage 1986 - Present, pg2 by Free Bullion Investment Guide on Scribd

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