Gold-Nano Blog / Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research News #6

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Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research News 

Originally Posted on 03/23/2018 @ 11:28 am

by Steven Warrenfeltz

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Gold nanoparticles offer a better way to treat cancer than today's methods, most notably 'traditional chemo and traditional radiation therapies.'

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When we think of today's traditional methods of treating cancer, we think "chemo and/or radiation therapies."

What else comes to mind when we think of today's traditional methods of treating cancer?

Answer: discomfort, pain, and mortality...This shouldn't be the case.

Medicine should heal, not hurt an individual, we need to get out of the 20th-century's ways of treating cancer, and start using 21st-century methods to treat cancer.

Gold Nanoparticles are inert, and research studies have proven that they can be made to only attack and kill cancer cells, so there are no life-threatening side-effects associated with this research.

Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research has repeatedly shown, in study after study, that it should be one of the 21st century's better ways of treating cancer.

Sounds too good to be true, right?  Read on, and you’ll find out it’s not.

In this report, you'll find summaries on all of the latest Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research.

Below is a glimpse into what you'll find in this issue:

  • World Renown Egyptian Scientist Advocates using Gold Nanoparticles over Chemotherapy for treating Cancer

  • Ultrasound and Gold nanoparticles help a chemotherapy drug do a better job at killing brain tumors

  • Researchers create biodegradable golden crystal nano-flowers

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Egyptian Scientist Advocates
using Gold Nanoparticles to
Replace Chemotherapy

The graphic used for this section 'BIOHAZARD CHEMOTHERAPY' sign underneath the 'red circle-backslash symbol' is an image of a Real Sign.

We shouldn't give people a 'biohazard' and call it medicine.

chemotherapy biohazard sign

The first study, in this report, is titled 'Chemotherapy must be replaced with gold-based nanoparticles.'

The title is a quote from a world-renowned scientist Mostafa El-Sayed.

Mostafa El-Sayed is an Egyptian chemical physicist, a leading nanoscience researcher, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a US National Medal of Science laureate.

He is also known for the spectroscopy rule named after him, the El-Sayed rule. - wikipedia

Below are Mostafa El-Sayed remark's about Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy has a disastrous side effect for cancer patients, as it does not only kill cancer cells, but also damages healthy cells and can lead to death. - Mostafa Al-Sayed

Mostafa El-Sayed made his comments at the Summit of Nanotechnology at the British University in Cairo.

He went on to say the following statement about using Gold Nanoparticles for treating cancer:

"treatment with gold-based nanoparticles is effective because as the gold nanoparticles react highly to light exposure, the temperature of the particles increases, completely killing the cancer cells that cannot be transferred to another place in the body." - Mostafa Al-Sayed

Mostafa El-Sayed's made
One Mistake in his Comments

Although, most of Mr. Al-Sayed's comments are true, near the end of the article it quotes him as saying the following:

"the effects of the gold treatment on human beings have not been shown yet." - Mostafa Al-Sayed

Currently, at least one clinical human trials are using gold nanoparticle cancer research.

The trials are being conducted at Mount Sinai Hospital, in New York City, it involves treating prostate cancer with gold nanoparticles, and so far it has reported very good results.

The video below was released, last August, by CBS-2 in New York City about this Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research - Human Trial.

Researchers Look To Gold To Help Combat Prostate Cancer - link to video above - CBS New York

See the article featuring 'Mostafa Al-Sayed' here: Chemotherapy must be replaced with gold-based nanoparticles: scientist

cancer research

Ultra-Sound & Gold Nanoparticles
Helps Chemotherapy
Do a Better Job

Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common form of brain cancer, and it's known as being the most deadly because of its aggressive growth.

Glioblastoma is traditionally treated with surgery (if operable) with chemo and/or radiation therapy.

However, treating this form of cancer with traditional chemotherapy doesn't work well at killing Glioblastoma because it isn't efficient at breaking the blood-brain barrier.

Chemotherapy drugs travel fine through the brain's blood vessels, however, they don't penetrate, very well, into brain tissue where the tumors sit.

This study was conducted because there is a desperate need to find a better way to deliver chemotherapeutics to the brain.

It's been proven, in clinical studies, that gold nanoparticles can easily pass through blood vessels without detection.

In this study, researchers attached a chemotherapy drug called Cisplatin to gold nanoparticles to help the drug pass through blood vessels to the brain tissue where the tumor sits.

In addition, researchers used targeted ultrasound waves to intensify the ability of gold nanoparticles to break the blood-brain barrier.

Researchers found that their tests demonstrated that the combination of the three factors greatly inhibited the growth of Glioblastoma (GBM) cells compared to traditional forms of therapy.

In their experiments, researchers introduced the Cisplatin coated gold nanoparticle into the bloodstream.

Then as the gold nanoparticles passed near the area of the brain tumor, targeted MRgFUS ultrasound waves helped move the gold nanoparticles from the bloodstream and into the brain tissue.

Results showed that the ultrasound helped the gold nanoparticles to release their chemotherapy drug payload to the cancer cells, killing them. 

'Click' this link, here, to see a graphic of how the process worked.

All of the information of this research study was collected from the 'Abstract' of the original published paper that was not fully released.

See the Abstract of the research here: Enhancing glioblastoma treatment using cisplatin-gold-nanoparticle conjugates and targeted delivery with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound - Science Direct

Creating Bio-Degradable
Golden Crystal Nano-Flowers

After it snows, most of us have experienced how hard it can be to see when the sun is out.

Snow's frozen crystals scatter light producing more light waves, making it harder to see when the sun is shining on it.

When we see this, we wince, or put on sunglasses because its hard to see with the light hitting our eyes at so many different angles, this occurrence is called 'snow-blindness.'

Snow & Sun

In this next study, the same principle is in effect with the tiny gold nano-flowers, however, light doesn't only bounce off these tiny gold crystal flowers, the light makes the nano-crystals resonate, creating heat that kills cancer cells.

However, the study wasn't conducted to see if the gold nano-flowers would kill cancer cells, although it is proven this study, the study was conducted to find a bio-compatible reducing agent for creating gold nano-crystals.

In many cases, when gold nano-crystals are engineered, a reducing agent is added to help the crystals form, however, the agent is often toxic and has to be removed before the nano-crystals can be used, which isn't always easy or precise.

In this study from the A*STAR Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, in Singapore, researchers use Starfruit juice as a reducing agent to engineer the crystals on the gold nanoparticles.

star fruit

The results were successful because not only did the starfruit juice create viable gold nano-flowers, starfruit juice is biodegradable.

The researchers also found that the gold nano-flowers and starfruit juice reducing agent completely killed the cancer cells, as seen here.

Furthermore, the study found out that juices high in vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, would work well as a reducing agent to engineer nano-crystals for medical research.

See the full article here: Flower-shaped gold nanocrystals for photothermal therapy - nano werk

One last thing...

Thank You for your Time.

Take Care & God Bless,


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