Gold-Nano Blog / Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research Report #8

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Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research Report

Originally Posted on 06/07/2018 @ 9:40 am EDT

by Steven Warrenfeltz

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For the last seven years, I've been informing people about the many ways gold nanoparticles offer a better way to treat cancer than today's methods.

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The Free Bullion Investment Guide is a little unusual to other guides because it is not only is for individuals interested in physical precious metals bullion.

This guide also advocates for Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research, and it gives to individuals who are battling cancer through donations to the Angel of Healing Cancer Fund.

Gold Nanoparticles in Cancer Research is designed to kill cancer cells without harming healthy tissues, therefore it does not have harmful side-effects.

This is the guide's eighth issue of the Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research Report, the name is slightly different from the last seven, but that's the only thing that's changed, it still brings you up-to-date on all the new Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research.

In this report, you'll find summaries on all of the latest Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research.

Below is a glimpse into what you'll find in this issue:

  • Bubble Blasting Cancer with Ultra Sound and Gold Nanoparticles

  • Exploding Gold NanoRods Destroy Retinoblastoma

  • Fast, Accurate, Low-Cost, Point-of-Care Gold Nano-Diagnostics

  • Gold Nano-Ayurvedic Medicine

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Bubble Blasting Cancer with
Ultra Sound and Gold Nanoparticles

After reading the title, you might be asking, "What's Bubble Blasting?"

The term 'Bubble Blasting' isn't mentioned in this article, but it is exactly what researchers from Oxford, Aarhus, and Monash did to kill cancer cells.

It is common knowledge among physicians who specialize in cancer (oncologists) that anti-cancer drugs are inefficient at penetrating cancer cells, which is why they administer them in large doses.

Most cancer drugs are administered to the whole body because they lack targeted delivery systems to reach cancer cells, in addition, when they reach cancer cells. they are often repelled by their defenses.

In this first study, researchers were well aware of the difficulties of getting cancer drugs to defeat a tumor's defenses.

They devised an ingenious way of delivering the drugs to cancer cells by creating a miniature gold nano 'war-head.'

In the study, researchers encapsulated anti-cancer drugs and micro-bubbles inside gold nano-cones.

They stated that they used 'nano gold' because of its ease of intrinsic imaging capabilities which gives the precious metal significant advantages as a material for biomedical applications.

The study was done 'in vitro' or 'outside of a living organism in a controlled setting.'

In the researcher's experiments, once the gold nanocones were observed around the tumor, ultrasound waves were used to attack the cancer cells.

The ultrasound waves were directed at the gold nanocones to make them heat up, bursting the micro-bubble inside each nanoparticle, which shot the anti-cancer drug into the tumor, breaking the tumor's defenses against the drug.

The results of their experiments were successful in killing cancer, and in the future, they intend to expand the scope of the research.

See the full article here: Bubbles and Ultrasound to Fight Cancer - Advanced Science News

cancer research

Exploding Gold NanoRods
Destroy Retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is a type of cancer that affects the retina, which is a thin membrane that lines the inside of the back of the eye.

Although this form of cancer is rare, sadly, it specifically only affects children under the age of five.

To date, the primary goal of the treatment has been to save the child's life, but not much care is centered around saving the child's eyesight.

But, now a group of researchers out of Canada have developed a way to save the child's life and eyesight with the help of lasers, and gold nanorods.

In this study, researchers coated gold nanorods with a thin molecule that helped them find the cancer cells that are inside the eye.

Once the gold nanorods collected in and around the cancer cells, a femtosecond pulse laser was directed onto them, which made them heat up and explode.

A femtosecond pulse laser emits optical pulses at a duration of one quadrillionth of a second (1/1,000,000,000,000,000).

The tiny explosions only killed the cancer cells and did not harm any healthy tissues surrounding the cancer cells.

Furthermore, after a single treatment, the research team found that the cancer cell's ability to survive dropped by 90%.

The researchers of this study did their experiments in a controlled environment outside of the body (in vitro), more research must be done in a living specimen (in vivo) to understand its viability.

Read the full article about this ground breaking research for a Rare Form of Childhood Cancer here: Lasering in on Retinoblastoma - Advanced Science News

Fast, Accurate, Low-Cost,
Point-of-Care Gold Nano-Diagnostics

Around the world, many developing countries don't have the medical infrastructure that those of us who live in modern societies often take for granted.

In those countries, low-cost, fast, and accurate diagnoses for disease don't exist.

That was until a European Union funded project called 'Nano4' developed a new way to bring this form of diagnosis to the front-lines of disease outbreaks.


Nano4's new diagnosis tool can find the presence of disease by using a color revelator, which chemically analyzes colors in a fluid to determine the concentrations of different substances.

In this case, the color revelator altered the properties of gold nanoparticle (probes) to detected microbes or genes that cause disease.

To date, Nano4 has tested diagnosis technology for the conditions of Zika, MRSA, and Salmonella.

In addition, they've been able to diagnose the following types of cancer using their diagnosis system, lung, colon, and leukemia.

Currently, Nano4 is ramping up production and is working to get the proper certifications to make the product widely available.

See the full article about the research here: A new point-of-need nanodiagnostic for better healthcare - PHYS.ORG

cancer research

Gold Nano-Ayurvedic

Dr. Kattesh Katti, a University of Missouri medical professor, brings together an ancient form of Indian Ayurvedic medicine and Gold Nanoparticles to research new 'non-harmful' ways to treat cancer.

Ayurvedic medicine originated in India more than 3,000 years ago, it uses compounds of herbs, and spices, to treat patients.

Dr. Katti's experiments involve treating prostate and breast cancer with his 'Gold Nano-Ayurvedic Medicine.'

The research works by attaching micro-nutrients derived from Ayurvedic herbs and spices to Gold Nanoparticles, before injecting them into a patient's body.

Results have shown that these compounds can kill cancer cells while helping the patient’s immune system improve to fight the disease.

I had the pleasure of speaking to Dr. Katti a few months ago, and he stated that he's conducting Human Trials, at a research facility in India, and he's seen very positive results with his research.

See the full article here: MU med school researcher plumbs potential of herbs in cancer fight - St. Louis Post-Dispatch

One last thing...

Thank You for your Time.

Take Care & God Bless,


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