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May 2024
Monthly Newsletter

This Newsletter was originally sent to subscribers on May 5th.

Blog Post made on May 12th


I hope you and your family are doing well.

Thank you for subscribing to receive this newsletter from the
Free Bullion Investment Guide.

Updates to the Guide...

I am still in the middle of updating the whole guide. I've been doing a comprehensive overhaul of the guide, focusing on preserving the good and eliminating and rewriting the bad aspects.

All updated pages have an "updated date" above the title on each page, and most of the images on these pages will enlarge when you click them.

Here are the latest group of pages that have been updated or rewritten.

Latest Updated pages:

1 oz Australian Kookaburra silver bullion coin

1 kilo Australian Koala silver bullion coin

1 oz. Australian Koala silver bullion coin

10 kilo Australian Lunar silver bullion coin

1 kilo Australian Lunar silver bullion coin

5 oz Australian Lunar silver bullion coin

2 oz Australian Lunar silver bullion coin

1 oz Australian Lunar silver bullion coin

1/2 oz Australian Lunar silver bullion coin

Since mid-April, I've been updating the Cancer Awareness Ribbons and Months page, which is the largest page on the guide; it's not done yet but should be soon.

Lastly, the U.S. Bullion coin mintage figures were updated yesterday. 

My Take on the Markets

Fundamental Analysis

The Federal Reserve is facing a losing battle.

The Federal Reserve hasn't stopped inflation by raising the Federal Funds rate to 5.33%, which is a clear indication that U.S. inflation data is outdated, as seen here.

On top of that, the market is so backward that every time bad news comes out, the markets go higher because traders expect the Federal Reserve to lower rates to increase economic growth.

However, the Fed can't lower rates because it will fuel more inflation.  In addition, the Federal Reserve doesn't have accurate numbers on inflation, so they don't know how much higher to temporarily raise
rates to stop inflation, as Paul Volcker (edit) did in the early 1980s.

For Gold and Silver, all the above is good for them to move higher. I often say, "Uncertainty is Gold and Silver's best friend," and so is higher inflation, a failing economy, Wars, College riots, and a pending Presidential Election.  "Cats and Dogs living together, mass hysteria." (Bill Murray, Ghostbusters). Well, it's not that bad yet, but if you listen to some in the media, it sounds like it.

Technical Analysis

In the last newsletter, I stated there wasn't much to show you in the charts because it was right after Gold and Silver had just shot up in price. Well, now that a month has passed, I'll share with you what I am seeing in the charts. 

First, I found that gold and silver are trading in rising channels.  When I find channels in price charts, I like to use a technical analysis tool called Andrew's Pitchfork, named after Alan Andrews, who developed it. 

In each of the charts below, I've identified the Pitchforks, and as you can see, the "Median Line" is repeatedly confirmed.  Furthermore, when the price of an asset goes near support or resistance in a pitchfork, a reversal happens. (click charts to enlarge)

Charts provided courtesy of

I expect Gold and Silver to be trading inside these Pitchforks for a while, but in the immediate future, bull flags have formed in the charts of both precious metals, as shown in the charts below. 

The bull flags are positive patterns; however, fundamentals will likely determine how much higher gold and silver's future moves to the upside will be. (click charts to enlarge)

Charts provided courtesy of

Note: If there happens to be a Large Broad-Market Correction or Crash in the next four weeks, gold and silver have always, and likely will again, drastically fall in price as traders scramble for liquidity and will sell anything to find it. 

April's Best Articles

All articles were originally posted on the Homepage of the Free-Bullion-Investment-Guide)

Gold's Wild Rally Isn't Over Yet - Daily Wealth

Wisconsin grants precious metal bullion tax exemption - Coin World

Silver Breakout Adds To Massively Bullish Price Pattern! - Kimble Charting Solutions

4 Key Factors to Consider When Hedging Against Inflation -

CHART: US Inflation Rate Rises More Than Expected - Trading Economics

CHARTS: Bitcoin Matching Gold's Footsteps - McClellan Financial

Gold Is on the Rise and Reaches All-Time High - Sprott

GRAPHIC: Where Does One U.S. Tax Dollar Go? - Visual Capitalist

Gold is the cornerstone of stability as government debt rises out of control - Kitco

Destination TEOTWAWKI - Economic Prism

Fixing FDR's Biggest Blunder: From Gold Standard To Fiat Folly And Back Zero Hedge

Charted: The Value Gap Between the Gold Price and Gold Miners - Visual Capitalist

Nanoparticle Cancer Research
Drinking Tiny Gold Crystals May Help With MS Vision Problems - WebMD

Dentistry school receives $8M to study oral cancer treatments - Washington Square News

Bullion Dealers and other Affiliated Retailers


Bullion Vault - Vault Storage Broker

GoldBroker - Precious Metals Dealer/Vault Storage

Money Metals Exchange

OneGold - Vault Storage Broker

SD Bullion


The Royal Mint 

The Royal Canadian Mint

Universal Coin

Vaulted - Precious Metals Dealer/Vault Storage

Walmart - 2024 American Silver Eagles from Top Dealers

Tractor Supply Co.

Express Gold Cash

Home Depot - Home Safes

KellyCo. Metal Detectors

Rexing - Monitoring Cameras 

RPNB safes

TigerKing Safes

Fast Growing Trees

Survival Frog - Survival Equipment

The Home Security Superstore

Trading View - Interactive Investment Charts

One Last Thing...

Did you know that life can be eternal?

No matter what age you are, no matter where you are in life, the best thing you can do is get your heart and soul right with God ~ Jesus Christ, the son of God. 

- For God so Loved the World that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Jesus shed his perfect blood as the perfect sacrifice for mankind's sin, so that you could be forgiven of sin. Submit to him, ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, and you'll be free of the sins in your past.

You are not perfect after that; you are "born again" and try not to sin, and when you do, you ask Jesus to forgive you, and through his perfect blood sacrifice, he does.

Three days after Jesus died on the cross, he was resurrected to give everyone who believes in him eternal life; This is the blessing behind Easter.

Learn about Jesus Christ and how he died and defeated eternal death through his resurrection so that you to can have eternal life - here.  

Talk to Jesus, Pray to him like you would your best friend, and you'll see him move mountains in your life.  Remember to end your prayers with "in Jesus name, Amen" because there is power in his name.

Until next month, Thank you for your time and for your support.

Take Care & God Bless,
Steven Warrenfeltz

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Bullion News on the Homepage

February 2025



Refiner page


Heraeus Refiner page


Johnson Matthey Refiner page

Johnson Matthey

Engelhard Refiner page

Silver Engelhard Round

Gold & Silver Chinese Panda

Gold Pandas

2025 30gram Chinese Gold Panda Bullion Coin - Reverse Side

Silver Panda

2025 30gram Chinese Silver Panda Bullion Coin - Reverse Side

Gold Buying Guide

Gold Buying Guide

The Perth Mint & Australian Bullion

The Perth Mint and Australian Bullion

The Royal Mint &
United Kingdom Bullion Coins

Royal Mint - The Original Maker

Archangel Raphael
The Angel of Healing

Archangel Raphael ~ The Angel of Healing

Cancer Awareness Information & Resources

Cancer Awareness Month Ribbon with FBIG Gold-Nano Logo

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Best News

The 3 Most Popular Reads of 2024 - U.S. Global Investors

Gold vs. Stocks and Bonds - Sprott

What Is a Spot Rate and How It Is Used in Trading? - FXopen

Fifty Years of U.S. Gold Re-Legalization - Numismatic News

Charts: 2010-2025 Actual average price vs analysts’ forecast average - LBMA

5 Best Books on Sound Money in 2025 - Money Metals Exchange

These Extreme Setups Could Send Platinum and Palladium Soaring - Daily Wealth

(.pdf) Report: MKS PAMP 2025 Precious Metals Forcasts - MKS

How Inflation Destroys Civilization -

Reducing Spending Now: The Key to Growth, Not Austerity - Quoth the Raven

Three Coin Collecting Scams to Avoid - CoinWeek

Speculators Are Giving Up On Silver. Why This Is Great News For Long Term Silver Investors - Investing Haven

Swiss Gold Exports to US Surged Last Month on Trump Tariff Fears - Bloomberg (msn)

UK faces gold shortage as traders send $82B to New York in anticipation of Trump tariffs - New York Post (msn)

LBMA Launches Gold Bar Integrity (GBI) Database - LBMA

Gold Nanoparticle Cancer Research

Sona Nanotech – A Year in Review 2024 - Sona Nanotech

Gold Nanoparticles Enhance Cancer Treatment Accuracy - AZoNano

New Nanosystem Offers Precision Targeting and Therapy for Tongue Cancer - AZoNano (msn)

Sona Nanotech's THT Cancer Therapy Preclinical Efficacy Studies Published In Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal - INN

All Articles were Originally Posted on the Homepage