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4th Quarter - 2016
Charts, Bullion News & Commentary

This page was created to help you better understand how the precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, and palladium) and the U.S. Dollar prices moved during this quarter.

On this page, you'll first find 3-year, 1-year, and quarterly charts for each of the precious metals and the U.S. Dollar.

Below the charts, is a list of blog posts made by this guide during the quarter.

Under the Blog posts, you will find Bullion News Headlines from the 4th Quarter of 2016.

Every news headline was originally posted on this guide's homepage.

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The charts below are provided by the courtesy of


U.S. Dollar

4th Quarter of 2016 - U.S. Dollar

Quarterly Chart

usdx 4th quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

4th Quarter of 2016 - U.S. Dollar

1-Year Chart

usdx 4th quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

4th Quarter of 2016 - U.S. Dollar

3-Year Chart

usdx 4th quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

Bullion News

Price Charts

4th Quarter of 2016 - Gold Price

Quarterly Chart

gold 4th quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Gold Price

1-Year Chart

gold 4th quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

4th Quarter of 2016 - Gold Price

3-Year Chart

gold 4th quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

Bullion News

SD Bullion
SD Bullion - 4.8 star Customer Reviews

Price Charts

4th Quarter of 2016 - Silver Price

Quarterly Chart

silver 4th quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Silver Price

1-Year Chart

silver 4th quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Silver Price

3-Year Chart

silver 4th quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

Price Charts

4th Quarter of 2016 - Platinum Price

Quarterly Chart

platinum 4th quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Platinum Price

1-Year Chart

platinum 4th quarter 2016 - 1year chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Platinum Price

3-Year Chart

platinum 4th quarter 2016 - 3year chart

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Price Charts

4th Quarter of 2016 - Palladium Price

Quarterly Chart

palladium 4th quarter 2016 - quarterly chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Palladium Price

1-Year Chart

palladium 4th quarter 2016 - 1 year chart

Bullion News

4th Quarter of 2016 - Palladium Price

3-Year Chart

palladium 4th quarter 2016 - 3 year chart

The charts above are provided by the courtesy of www.stockcharts.com.

4th Qtr of 2016
Blog Posts

Gold, Silver & the U.S. Dollar

October 2nd - Gold, Silver & the U.S. Dollar - Friday’s Job Report should finally tell us which way they will move. (Plus…) Bullion Market Review & Weekly Out-Look

Gold, Silver & the U.S. Dollar

October 9th - Gold, Silver & the U.S. Dollar - What Happened Last Week? and The Answers... + Bullion Market Review & Weekly Out-Look

The US Budge Deficit

October 17th - The US Budge Deficit & Gold (plus) Gold, Silver and the US Dollar Review and Weekly Outlook

Gold, Silver, and the U.S. Dollar

October 23rd - Gold, Silver, and the U.S. Dollar - Weekly Review & Outlook 10/17-28/2016

Politics is in Control this Week

October 30th - Politics is in Control this Week (plus) Gold, Silver, and the US Dollar - Review and Weekly Outlook

Expect Volatility

November 6th - Expect Volatility in Precious Metals before and after the U.S. Elections (plus) Gold, Silver, and the US Dollar - Review and Weekly Outlook

The Pendulum Swings

November 13th - The Pendulum Swings (plus) Gold, Silver, and the US Dollar - Review and Weekly Outlook

December Dips

November 20th - December Dips - Gold & Silver Market Analysis

An in-depth look at How and Why Gold (and Silver) have Moved Every December in the Precious Metals Bear Market

Trumps QE

November 27th - Trump's QE

Trump’s QE is not like the Quantitative Easing of the past, but it’s having the same effect on today’s markets.

Mixed Signals

December 4th - Mixed Signals are in the Gold and Silver Markets


December 11th - 'Magic' - What Markets Traders hear when the Fed Speaks (plus) Gold & Silver Weekly Review and Outlook

bull and bear

December 19th - Gold, Silver, and the U.S. Dollar Review & Outlook for the Rest of 2016

See the Guide's Blog Posts Here

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

4th Quarter - 2016
Bullion News & Commentary

The Quarterly News starts with the end of the quarter articles, first.

The Headlines without links, had the link removed from its original source; the Headlines was kept on the page due to relevancy.

12/30/2016 - Bullion News

FINANZ und WIRTSCHAFT - William White: Central Banks Cannot Reverse - 'Easy money may not work in the way you want it to work in terms of stimulating demand. And it may have a lot of very unpleasant side effects' says William White, former chief economist of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel.

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - A New Look at NYSE Margin Debt and the Market

Energy & Resource Digest - China’s Secret Crisis

GOLD NANOTECHNOLOGY : CANCER RESEARCH : Purdue University - Noble Metals as Vehicles for Drug Delivery and Targeting in Human Cancers

BARRON'S - Gold Gains 8.5% In 2016, Silver Up 15.7%

India Today - 'Black wealth' in real estate, gold and silver next on govt radar

sify - Bigger gold discounts as demand falls in India

tweet : GIF Rudy Haverstein - "TARP was paid back."

12/29/2016 - Bullion News

U.S. Global Investors - Gold Technically Oversold, Ready for a Price Reversal

Sunshine Profits - Gold’s Performance in 2016

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - 3 Things: Records Are Records For A Reason

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Listener Questions Answered Part 1

GOLD NANOTECHNOLOGY : MEDICAL RESEARCH : iDropNews- New Device Can Detect Cancer and Other Diseases Just By Analyzing Your Breath

MunKnee - Gold Measurements: What Do the Terms “Karat” & “Troy Ounce” Actually Mean?

Reuters - U.S. goods trade deficit widens; labor market near full strength

Business Insider - Trump's pick for budget chief loves gold and bitcoin

Korea Bizwire - Gold Smuggling Soars, Using “Classic Tricks”

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Britons Hoard Cash as Economic Uncertainties Prompt Caution

Mises Institute - Top Ten Most-Read Mises Wire Articles in 2016

12/28/2016 - Bullion News

DiMartino Booth - Year End Outlook: Will Investors Get Hustled by the Pros in 2017?

Numismatic News - Bullion Mardi Gras starts in January

Bullion Vault - Gold, Keynes & Yellen

tweet : CHART : SamRo - “…chasing the rally is akin to picking up nickels in front of a steam roller.”

CHARTS : The Deviant Investor - A New Dow High?

Notes from Underground - Notes From Underground: Setting the Tone For the New Year

CHARTS : Econimica - When This Bubble Pops...Don't Expect to See Markets Collapse...

Personal Identity - Top 10 Surprising Uses for Valuable Materials

CARTOONS : Hedgeye - 7 Cartoons Capture Everything An Investor Needs to Know Post-Election

12/27/2016 - Bullion News

Mish Talk - Financial Times, Barron’s Tout Death of Gold - When the pall bearers and grave diggers start dancing on gold’s grave, it’s usually a good time to buy.

CHARTS : Bloomberg - Gold Miners Are Running Out of Metal: Five Charts Explaining Why

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Safe Haven - Changes in Gold's Price Direction...

CHART : Bloomberg - Americans’ Market Sentiment Jumps Most Since Dot-com Boom: Chart

AUDIO : Sovereign Man - How can anyone trust these people?

PIMCO - The New Cold Currency War

VIDEO : The New Yorker - The Silver Thief

WND - My Farewell Column by Thomas Sowell

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12/26/2016 - Bullion News

Value Walk - Pension Fund Red Ink – Check Out Your State

Coin World - Bears March Across New Year’s First Quarter Dollar Launch

Numismatic News - Britain Marks Britannia Anniversaries

GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - December 23, 2016

Wolf Street - Bundesbank Hauls its Gold back from New York & Paris Faster than Planned

Juggling Dynamite - Rising foreclosures in Alberta: a cautionary tale for indebted Canada

BullionStar - China’s Gold Market Opens Up To Boost RMB Internationalization

Korea Herald - Customs bust biggest scale of gold bullion smuggling

12/24 & 12/25/2016 - Bullion News

"Have a Very Merry Christmas!"

12/23/2016 - Bullion News

BARRON'S - Where Will Platinum, Palladium Prices Go In 2017?

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Gold Posts Longest Run of Weekly Losses in More Than a Decade

tweet : CHART : Tom McClellan - 8-year cycle in gold prices is due any second now.

FAKE BULLION ALERT : CTVnews Winnipeg - Police warn of counterfeit gold bars making rounds in Winnipeg

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - 2016 Year-End Bull/Bear Debate

CHARTS : Econimica - When the Horse is Dead, the Whip Won't Help! It's Time to Dismount & Acknowledge Growth is Dead

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - Are American Consumers Taking On Too Much Debt?

McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Stocks Too High? Bullishness Higher Than 2000 & 2007

Coin World - ‘Coin Heist’ at the Philadelphia Mint? It’s only a Netflix movie

12/22/2016 - Bullion News

ABCNews - Bernie Madoff Sleuth Harry Markopolos Warns of 3 New Ponzi Scams

Wolf Street - Red Flag on Recession Crops up in NY Fed’s Coincident Economic Index

tweet : CHART : BondZilla - Repeat with Me: the Bigger the Government, the Lower the Growth. Again...

Economic Calendar - Global platinum production to rise marginally to 2020

Mining Weekly - Global platinum production to rise marginally to 2020

Energy & Capital - Gold ETF Outflow Breaks Records

GoldReporter.de - Russia: 199 tons of gold since January bought (google translation link)

COUNTERFEIT SILVER COINS : Coin World - Fake 1872 Seated Liberty dollar is one of the more deceptive pieces

Numismatic News - Medieval Islamic gold coin found in Israel

12/21/2016 - Bullion News

The Speculative Investor - How the Fundamental Backdrop Could Turn Bullish for Gold

tweet : CHART : Ghost Trader M.D. - $SPX spread vs. $GLD widest since March 2000

UPROXX - Police Identified A Suspect In The Gold Bucket Heist And The Story Somehow Got Even Better

CNBC - CFTC orders Goldman Sachs to pay $120 million penalty for rate manipulation

Coin World - What’s the difference between Burnished and Uncirculated for silver American Eagles?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - Technically Speaking: Christmas Cheer or Excessive Exuberance?

tweet : Bespoke - Here's a stat that might freak some bulls out:

FoxNews - Man sentenced for selling counterfeits of century-old coins

12/20/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - Gold Longs Continue to be Cut Ahead of Year-End

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : GoldSeek - Gold: The Wait For Inauguration Day

INFOGRAPHIC : ValueWalk - Overview Of The Global Gold Market

Daily Reckoning - The Trump Bump vs. Gold vs. Yellen’s Keynesian Analysis

The Sovereign Investor - Cash Confiscation and the Case for Gold

FAKE GOLD SCAM : ARLnow (Virginia) - ACPD Warns of ‘Fake Gold’ Scam

Market Watch - Here’s why China’s currency outflows are much larger than they appear

Coin World - Great Britain’s Royal Mint plans platinum investment products in 2017

MishTalk - GM Inventories Highest in 8 Years, Multiple Plant Shutdowns Coming

CARTOON : AutoNews - Making A List and Checking it Twice

12/19/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Northman Trader - Caution: Protection Required

tweet : CHART : Nick - Real Assets vs. Financial Assets

Reuters - Gold outlook is hostage to uncertain Trump and India: Russell

Casey Research - Why This Rally Won’t Last

Wolf Street - How Will Homebuyers Swallow these Mortgage Rates?

The Guardian - Chaos in Venezuela as Nicolas Maduro flip-flops on currency withdrawal

Reuters - As yuan weakens, Chinese rush to open foreign currency accounts

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Whack-A-Market

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - 75 Years of How Americans Spend Their Money

GOLD NANO-TECHNOLOGY : PHYS.org - Nanoparticle-based method shows promise in DNA vaccine delivery

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12/18/2016 - Bullion News

CHART : Dana Lyons - A Lowly New High

tweet : CHART : Tom McClellan - If You Own Gold, You Really Own the Yen

GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - December 16, 2016

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Greed Is Back – Making Bubbles Great Again

U.S. Global Investors - All Eyes on Silver Price Manipulation Case

Carl Menger Center - The Bullard Flip Flop Continues

Sputnik News - Japan Overtakes China as Biggest Overseas US Debt Holder as Renminbi Drops

World Mint News - North American Release of Silver Krugerrand Delayed Due to Shipment Damage

12/16/2016 - Bullion News

tweet : TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : McClellan Financial - How the Euro and the U.S. Dollar's Movement Correlates with Gold

Numismatic News - Why metals will rise in 2017

COMEX We Have a Problem - "When Gold Goes Above 1430 we Whack it" - UBS Precious Metals Trader

AUDIO : Money Markets Exchange - Precious Metals Pull Back As Janet Yellen Talks Tough about Trump & Her Plans

Carl Menger Center - Takeaways From The FOMC Meeting

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Sugar Plum Fairies

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Up, Up & Away

TABLE : Reuters - Delinquency rates rose at 5 major U.S. banks in November

Fox Business - Fed has 8 biggest US banks shift loss burden to investors

GOLD NANO-TECHNOLOGY : BBC - Gold nanoparticles may help treat sight loss, study says

12/15/2016 - Bullion News

Wolf Street - Yellen Speaks, Yields Spike, Mortgage Rates Jump, Oil Plunges: But Why?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - 3 Things: What’s Driving Rates, Trade & Fantasy Girl

CHART : Econimica - American Federal Debt and What America Has to Show for It...N' More

GOLD NANOTECH : EMBOpress - Next‐generation nanotech meds

CNBC - Peter Boockvar "I cannot warn enough that this rise in rates is happening when the world has never been more overlevered"

Sunshine Profits - Fed Hike Pushes Gold Down

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Trumpo-Stocko-Mania! Let’s Party like it’s 1929

CoinWeek - Royal Mint, Platinum Investment Council Announce New Investment Products

12/13/2016 - Bullion News

Mish Talk - Saxo Bank CIO Bets on Weaker Dollar, Cites Blowout Equity Bubble

DiMartino Booth - The Federal Reserve and the Destruction of the American Dream

Federal Reserve - Dec. 14th - Rate Increase - Press Release

tweet : POLL : Merrill Matter - A View of How Many Believe in the Fed's 'Magic'

BGASC Blog - Chinese Central Bank Adds No Gold To Reserves in November

12/12/2016 - Bullion News

U.S. Global Investors - Inflationary Expectations in 2017 Keep the Polish on Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Inside Futures - Wavering on Gold

Bloomberg - Hedging Is an Afterthought for Traders With S&P 500 Near Record

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - Bullish Or Bearish? What The Charts Say

Perth Mint Blog - 1oz Gold Bullion Rooster Coin Sells Out

Hussman Funds - Economic Fancies and Basic Arithmetic

Gavekal Capital - Higher Interest Rates Will Probably Slow Housing in 1H17

My Budget 360 - Welcome back debt! Total household debt rose by $63 billion last quarter pushing total household debt to $12.35 trillion. More than half of the debt increase came through auto loans

CHARTS : Doug Short - Brace Yourself: Our Latest Look at Student Debt

Market Watch - ECB's Weidmann says Italy may rescue banks: report

BullionStar - NOVEMBER: Gold Price Down, Chinese Demand Strong Despite Import Curbs

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12/11/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : Bloomberg - What's Behind Gold's Slump? an Interview with Frank Holmes

DiMartino Booth - Commercial Real Estate: From Towers of Gold to Pillars of Salt

Dallas News - Dallas Police and Fire Pension Board ends run on the bank, stops $154M in withdrawals

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Global Paradigm Shift; Economy: Fact and Fiction

CHARTS : McClellan Financial - Bonds and Gold in Unusual Correlation

McAlvany Weekly Commentary - We Are Being Made Beggars For Our Own Money!

The Non-Dollar Report - The December 6 “Buy” Signal on Gold

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - The Trump Train Continues To Roll

Hedgeye - What We're Watching In 'The Week Ahead'

321 energy - Did Anyone Actually Read Don Quixote?

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - Descend Into The World’s Deepest Gold Mine

12/09/2016 - Bullion News

Sprott Money - CASE CLOSED: The Fact of Bullion Bank Gold and Silver Price Manipulation - Craig Hemke

CHARTS : Business Insider - ALBERT EDWARDS: Here's 'one of the scariest charts I have seen for a very long time'

VIDEO : DiMartino Booth - Will Public Pensions be Trump’s Biggest Challenge?

BGASC Blog - Perth Mint Silver Sales Pass 2015’s Record

FAKE BULLION ALERT : Global News - Police seize fake gold, platinum following Saskatchewan traffic stop

The Corner - Draghi Outwits Markets With A Half-Way Tapering

SRSrocco Report - Peak Silver & Continued Supply Deficits Warn Of Future Higher Prices

BullionStar - Gold In London & Hong Kong Is Used To Settle COMEX Futures by Koos Jansen

GoldBroker - Chinese Gold Reserves for November

The Deviant Investor - Gold Versus Dollar Devaluations

DailyMail - Can I take one of these home? Prince Charles is shown Bank of England's vaults where 400,000 gold bars worth £100BILLION are stored

12/07/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Commodities Countdown - Gold Gets Tricky

VIDEO : Reuters - Italy readying state bailout for Monte dei Paschi bank: sources

The Felder Report - U.S. Corporate Valuations Have Now Matched Their Dotcom Bubble Peak

Michael Lebowitz - Mind Games

CNN Money - Fear & Greed Index

Bank of International Settlements - Monetary policy has been stretched to its limits

Value Walk - 'EMOTION'

Juggling Dynamite - Danielle Park--Why Debt Is A Four Letter Word

BGASC - American Gold Buffalo Coin Sale Surge in November

CHARTS : Econimica - What Does Record US Public Treasury Demand Signify?

Project Syndicate - India’s Demonetization Disaster

SILVER NANO : OZY - How Nanotech Bandages Could Supercharge First Aid

12/06/2016 - Bullion News

Market Watch - Gold appetite hit a 5-year high in November as prices tumbled

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Nifty Charts - GOLD Trend Update

Sunshine Profits - Italian Referendum and Gold

CoinWorld - Gold American Eagle bullion just had its best sales month since July 2015

The Sovereign Investor - Inflation: Blowing Up the Dollar

The Non-Dollar Report - Canadian Real Estate > Bubble? What Bubble?

Zero Hedge - The Dramatic Impact Of Surging Rates On Housing And Refis In One Chart

mybudget360 - California is land to the $100k minimum wage state worker: 220,000 highly-compensated state employees cost the public $35 billion

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Interest rates only done this two times in 35-years!

The Sovereign Man - The biggest gold heist of all time

GoldCore - New ‘Shariah Gold Standard’ – Gold Platform Meets The Standard

Sputnik News - Precious Metal's Slide: Russia, China Jump at Golden Opportunity

12/05/2016 - Bullion News

Hussman Funds - Complacency and the Fat Left Tail

Mish Talk - Euro Reversal: Major Top for US Dollar? What’s Going On?

Econimica - The World's Only Hope is Bankruptcy & Reorginization...Otherwise, Worst Case Scenarios Are In Play

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Techi America - Nanotechnology ‘Green’ Approach to Treating Liver Cancer

Bloomberg - Greenspan’s Irrational Exuberance Looks Entrenched, 20 Years On

South China Morning Post - Gold price forecast to soar 50 per cent up next year amid euro-zone uncertainties

Reuters - New Islamic finance guidance on gold emphasises real deal

livemint - State Bank of India (SBI), to tie-up with MMTC to sell gold coins

tweet : NIRP Umbrella - What the Dollar is Worth

12/04/2016 - Bullion News

SRSrocco Report - Investors Push Gold Eagle Sales To Record High & Commentary On Precious Metals Sentiment

Bloomberg - Euro Touches 20-Month Low as Renzi Concedes Referendum Defeat

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The Trumpian Revolution

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Kimble Charting - Stock/Bond Ratio back at 2007 highs, different results this time?

Cobden Centre - Does the Divisia monetary gauge help to define what money is?

The Speculative Investor - Every central bank wants a weaker US$

AP - Venezuela to issue larger bill as currency continues to melt

Peak Prosperity - The Weighted Average Cost Of Capital

U.S. Global Investors - Modi’s Demonetization Is a Cure Worse Than the Disease by Frank Holmes

BullionStar - Debunking GFMS’ Gold Demand Statistics by Koos Jansen

Wealth Daily - 5 Things Every Investor Should Know About Bitcoin

12/02/2016 - Bullion News

tweet : CHART : Jesse Felder - Absent From Trump Rally in Stocks? A.- Insider Buying

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - 3 Things: Exuberance, Small Caps, 6% Realities

BARRON's - Investors Piled Into Stocks, Lowered Their Cash Holdings To 16-Month Low In November

ValueWalk - As Subprime Auto Loan Delinquencies Spike, Parallels And Differences With 2008 Housing Crisis Linger

Casey Research - If This Happens, Italy’s Banking System Becomes “Insolvent”

Perth Mint Bullion - Why the kilo Koala provides more bang for your buck!

Reuters - Venezuela currency weakens 10 percent in three days on black market

VIDEO : Bloomberg - China's Central Bank Is Facing a Major New Headache

FEE - The Indian Government's $100 Billion Heist

CoinTelegraph - U.S. Federal Court Approves IRS Collection of Coinbase User Database

12/01/2016 - Bullion News

Deccan Chronicle (India) - Nellore: Jewellery traders worried over Income Tax raids

Market Watch - Some 6 million Americans are delinquent with auto loans and it’s going to get worse

Cobden Centre - Why inflation is Not About General Increases in Prices

Reuters - DoubleLine's Gundlach says Trump rallies seem to be 'losing steam'

MINING - Gold's 2016 rally was built on sand

Market Watch - Fed’s Kaplan says central bank must take wait-and-see approach to Trump policies

Economic Calendar - ECB’s Draghi: Options Will Be Assessed At December’s Meeting

Reuters - Italian banks hold nearly a third of euro zone's bad loans - ECB

INFOGRAPHIC : SAXO Group - Italy Referendum: What a 'No' vote could mean

The Deviant Investor - Silver Prices & Interest Rates

FEE - Is Government Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

CoinWeek - 2016 American Eagle 1 Oz Silver Uncirculated Coin Available December 1

11/30/2016 - Bullion News

CoinWorld - Mint ending production of 2016 American Eagle, American Buffalo bullion coins

Advisor Perspectives - Irrational Exuberance : A New Look NYSE Margin Debt and the Market

Michael Lebowitz - A Narrative for Every Season

BGASC Blog - Physical Gold and Silver vs. Paper Gold and Silver

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - GOLD: Bear Market

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Drunk

Market Watch - Fed’s Powell says case for interest-rate hike has strengthened over the past few weeks

Dr. Ed's Blog - We Are All Populists Now

CoinTelegraph - India Dreams Of Cashless Society As Demonetization Nightmare Unfolds

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - India Suddenly Goes Almost Completely Cashless

VIDEO : Juggling Dynamite - Canadian credit boomerang coming full circle

VIDEO : YouTube - Video of Man Stealing Bucket of gold flakes valued at $1.6 million from truck

11/29/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Street - Why Gold's Lost Sheen Should Be Temporary

Sure Money - Trump Will Actually Be Good for Gold – Here’s Why

Kitco - Multiple Factors Rekindle Equities Rally and Mixed Precious Metals Pricing

Bank of International Settlements (BIS) - The banking industry: struggling to move on - Prudential authorities need to complete the financial reforms without delay, notably Basel III, to resist the pressure to dilute standards and to redouble efforts to repair balance sheets (Guide Note: Basel III told banks to start adding Gold to their asset portfolios, few have heeded this advice)

PDF : Bank of International Settlements (BIS) - Basel III

Bonner & Partners - Gold Edition: Real Money and Why You Need It Now

Mining Weekly - Platinum supply under extreme pressure – Dunne

tweet : CHART : Michael Lebowitz - A simple model of Monetary Policy

Variable Opposition - The Public Debt - GDP Growth Gap

CoinDesk - 1,000-Year-Old Royal Mint Will Soon Launch Blockchain Gold Trading

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Trumponomics and the Sure Return of Inflation

Market Watch - Here’s why Indians are angry about the rupee ban

Carl Menger Center - To Really “Make America Great Again,” End the Fed! by Ron Paul

Free Bullion Investment Guide Blog

11/28/2016 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Bounces from 9-1/2-Month Low

FAKE BULLION ALERT : Silveready - BUSTED...Ebay Fake Silver Dollar Sellers

Market Watch - Bernanke tells Fed officials to clam up

Business Insider - The World Could Be About to Run Low on Dollars

Stock House - What you need to know before investing in bullion

CHARTS : Energy & Capital - Putin's Gold Gimmick

CHARTS : Lance Roberts - The Long-Term (Return on) Investing Myth

Coin World - $30 million in counterfeit notes: Secret Service makes its largest seizure ever

News Letter - Tragic fate of gold-laden SS Laurentic recalled century after sinking

11/27/2016 - Bullion News

Numismatic News - Gold Coins Now Hitting Melting Pot

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Safe Haven - Gold is Oversold but Broken

SILVER NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Impact Journal - Silver Nanoparticles Enhance the Sensitivity of Temozolomide on Human Glioma Cells

AUDIO : Financial Sense - What Would the U.S. Look Like if it Defaulted on its Debt?

Hussman Funds - More Blowoff than Breakout

VIDEO : CRUSH IT - Crushing $40,000 GOLD BAR with Big Hydraulic Press!

BullionStar - Q1 – Q3 2016 China Net Gold Import Hits 905 Tonnes

Sure Money - This “Black Friday” Play Is A Retail Disaster

11/25/2016 - Bullion News

Viable Opposition - What is Tobin's Q Telling About Stock Market Valuations?

Financial Sense - Dollar Strength Warrants Caution On U.S. Equities

The Felder Report - Bonds Haven’t Even Begun Pricing In ‘Trumpflation’ Yet

GEFIRA - Did the Bank of Japan prevent the US bond market from imploding?

DiMartino Booth - Federal Reserve Meeting Minutes: Stronger than Oak

Reuters - Investment focus: Is this the 'Great Rotation'? Some banks think so

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - How Much Government Debt Rests Upon Your Shoulders?

True Wealth - Why You Need More of this Unpopular, No-Yielding Asset

11/23/2016 - Bullion News

Tocqueville - Trump's Victory: What Does it Mean for Gold?
by John Hathaway

VIDEO : CNBC - Peter Boockvar, The Lindsey Group chief market analyst, weighs in on the current state of the markets, and whether the bond bubble will burst

tweet : Stock Cats - Even the Financial Media seems Confused over its Own Narratives

tweet : Jesse Felder - Stock Buybacks Fall to the Lowest Level in nearly 3 years

CoinWorld - Britain’s Royal Mint is Offering a New Beast in Silver and Gold

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Happy Thanksgiving!

11/22/2016 - Bullion News

Market Watch - Potential Gold-Import Ban by India Could Be Biggest Bombshell since Nixon "Shock"

VIDEO : Kitco - Peter Hug - Kitco's Global Trading Director - Gives His Thoughts on the Gold Market

Yahoo News - Five ways Indians are dodging 'black money' crackdown

The Sovereign Investor - The Answer to Rising Inflation

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - Technically Speaking: Welcome To The “Melt Up”

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - Shrinking Volume - Holiday Trading or Lack of Participation?

Reuters - Euro zone nations turn to hedge funds to meet borrowing needs

BGASC Blog - 153 Tons of Gold Withdrawn From the Shanghai Gold Exchange in October

CoinWorld - What factors are driving Russia’s years-long gold buying spree?

CoinDesk - IRS Effort to Access Coinbase Records Could Take Months

The Guardian - French man discovers gold coins and bars worth €3.5m in inherited house

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11/21/2016 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Climbs from 9-Month Low; US Bullion Coins Advance

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Why the Federal Reserve Must Become the World's 'Dealer of Last Resort'

South China Morning Post - Chinese firms a ‘growing force’ for London Metal Exchange

Zero Hedge - Dallas Mayor Admits Police Pension Pushing City Toward "Fan Blades Of Municipal Bankruptcy"

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : KnowRidge - Tiny Gold Particles Could Be the Key to Develop Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

Wolf Street - The Credit Bubble Peak was Marked by “Totally Crazy Lending.”

CMI Gold & Silver - Modi paper money cancellation crushes gold

Energy & Capital - Gold is Selling for $2,800 an Ounce in India

CATO Institute - The IRS Believes All Bitcoin Users are Tax Cheats

BlufftonToday - 5 Paths to Smarter Gold Investment

11/20/2016 - Bullion News

Investment U - What Share Buybacks Tell Us About the Fate of Our Economy

tweet : Tuur Demeester - Steve Eisman: "Europe is Screwed"

GoldReporter - Gold: Short position of "commercials" falls to 8-month low

Sunshine Profits - Gold Declines after Yellen’s Testimony

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Gold Punished by Dollar’s Rally as Silver Nears Bear Market

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Digital Journal - Researchers Create Therapy To Curb Chemotherapy Toxicity As Talcum Powder Lawsuit Numbers Rise

Gainesville Coins - U.S. Mint to Put 2016 Silver Eagles on Hold

World Mint News - Mexico: Libertad Mintages Break Numerous Records in 2016

Bullion Vault - Total 2016 Silver Demand Hits Record High

Hedgeye - What We're Watching In 'The Week Ahead'

Sputnik News - Dollar Danger: US Currency Threatens to Destabilize Global Economy

Financial Sense - Are We Months or Years From a US Recession?

11/18/2016 - Bullion News

Market Watch - What’s in store for Gold, Oil and Industrial Commodities under President Trump

AUDIO : Money Metals Exchange - Michael Pento Exclusive: Trump Honeymoon Won’t Last, 2017 Crash Likely

Zero Hedge - Raoul Pal Warns "Trump Will See A Recession In 2017"

Numismatic News - Buy the Gold Price Dip...

Business Insider - If Steve Bannon is serious, Trump's infrastructure plan doesn't sound good for 'Real' Growth

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - A Long-Term Look at Inflation

Carl Menger Center - The War on Cash in India

tweet : POLL : Hedgeye - If you had to buy one investment and hold it for 1-year which would you choose?

BullionStar - Synthetic Gold Leasing: More Details Regarding The “Precious Metals” On Chinese Commercial Bank Balance Sheets.

SLIDESHOW : U.S. Global Investors - Explore the World’s Top 12 Gold Producing Companies

11/17/2016 - Bullion News

Cobden Centre - The Looming Bubble in Long-Term Debt

Energy and Capital - Trump, the Fed, and Gold

Bloomberg - Gold Option Traders Bet Post-Election Slump Isn’t Over: Chart

FAKE GOLD : WJTV (Mississippi) - Man arrested for having 16 pounds of fake gold jewelry

Reuters - Fed's Bullard: Would be surprise if Fed didn't hike rates in December

Market Watch - Here’s one reason why the Fed might not hike interest rates in December

CHARTS : Lance Roberts - 3 Things: Retail Sales, Ignorance & Return Reality

Forbes - '$100K Minimum Wage' For 220,000 Highly-Compensated California Public Employees Costs Taxpayers $35B

Washington Post - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. running $34 billion deficit

Reuters - Europe at risk of collapse; France, Germany must lead - French PM

Coin Telegraph - Bitcoin Bull Run Alert: Italy to Begin Banking Bail-In

Fox News - Farmer's field yields hoard of English Civil War coins

11/16/2016 - Bullion News

DiMartino Booth - Inflation 101: Prep School for Preppers

VIDEO : Daily Reckoning - Rickards: World's Wealth At Risk?

CoinWorld - Queen's Beasts Secondary Market Prices Too High

Market Anthropology - Clear & Present Danger

Zero Hedge - Mortgage Applications Crash 30% As Borrowing Rates Surge

Seeking Alpha - Commercial Real Estate: A Red Flag?

Casey Research - Why the “Bond King” Has Never Been More Bearish

LiveMint - Gold traders on edge as PM Modi fights ‘black money’

KGW - How to Verify Authenticity of Precious Metal bars

BullionStar - Dear US Mint, We Gave You The FOIA Funds, Now Give Us The Fort Knox Audit Documents!

The Sun - Groupon accused of ‘conning shoppers by flogging fake gold jewellery’

11/15/2016 - Bullion News

CHART : Hedgeye - Be Careful Out There, Volatility Risk Is Rising

SAXO Group - Buckle up for a bumpy ride as Trump poses problems for the Fed

CHART : tweet : Steen Jakobsen - What Does the Future Look Like for the U.S. Dollar

CoinWeek - Gold Markets Report – Gold Fights Against a Strong Dollar

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Lance Roberts - The Great Divide

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Rebound; Fort Moultrie 5 oz. Bullion Coin Debuts

Reuters - U.S. inflation expectations flat, low in October: NY Fed survey

Bloomberg - How Trump Could Spell Trouble for the Fed

11/13/2016 - Bullion News

CHARTS : McClellan Financial - The Market, Under a New President

Dana Lyons - Traders Breathe Unprecedented Sigh Of Relief Following Election

Mises Institute - The Looming Bubble in Long-Term Debt

FEE - What Is Cronyism and Why Is It a Cancer?

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : AZO NANO - Gold Nanoparticles Engineered to Deliver Two Lethal Shots to Cancer
- "Gold is precious in more than one way. We have used tiny gold nanoparticles loaded with targeted drugs to kill cancer cells in the laboratory. Our long term goal is to design new treatments for cancer patients based on this promising approach."

CoinWorld - How the Mint makes 3-inch-wide dies, like the ones for the America the Beautiful 5-ounce silver coins

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Jim Rickards on the "The Road to Ruin"

The New York Times - With Trump in Power, the Fed Gets Ready for a Reckoning

The New York Times - Crowds Line Up at India’s Banks to Exchange Banned Rupee Notes

GOLD & SILVER NANO : Nature World News - Team With a Midas Touch: Silver Nanoparticles Turned to Gold and Vice Versa by IIT Team

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11/11/2016 - Bullion News

Hedgeye - Happy Veteran's Day

Value Walk - Here’s A Smarter Way To Buy Precious Metals In Volatile Times

Market Watch - Trump rally to be followed by 11% stock-market tumble, forecasts Tom DeMark

Eric Cinnamond - “Trumpflation” and Opportunities in Activism

Reuters - Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari declines to say when he believes the Fed should next raise rates

GOLD NANO : AZO Nano - Researchers Use Highly Conductive Gold Nanoparticle to Develop World’s Tiniest Optical Cavity

Wealth Daily - Gold Gets Oversold in "Trump Rally"

Sunshine Profits - Japanese Tales of Common Insanity and Gold

True Wealth - Here’s how Islamic investors might ignite the gold bull market

Perth Mint Blog - 2017 Silver Kangaroo set for success after sales of 2016 coin leap past 11 million

11/10/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - What Gold did After Trump's Surprise Victory

Bullion Vault - Making Gold Great Again

Reuters - Trump victory spurs physical gold buying in Europe

CHARTS : Econimica - Birth Dearth, Demographics, and Population Change Driving America's Economics, Politics, & Federal Reserve Interest Rate Policy

GoldMoney - Perilous government finances

VIDEO : CNBC - Greenspan: Entitlement growth unsustainable

GOLD NANO : Seeker - Gold 'DNA Nanowires' Could Power Genetic Computers

BAWERK - Toward a New World Order?

Zero Hedge - Gold Price Skyrockets In India After Currency Ban

Zee News (India) - Meet Anil Bokil, the man behind Modi's decision to demonetise Rs 500, Rs 1,000 currency notes

CHART : Perth Mint Blog - Monthly Sales – October 2016

11/09/2016 - Bullion News

Bullion Vault - Doug Casey's Thought for the Gold Market ~ Gold $3000

Non-Dollar Report - Palladium Shines

Business Insider - Economist's are Getting Nervous about the Fed's Future

CoinWorld - Gold skyrockets, then falls back to earth, in wake of Donald Trump victory over Hillary Clinton

VIDEO : CNBC - Peter Boockvar - Question is how markets respond to higher interest rates

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Greenspan Sees Bond Yields Climbing as High as 5 Percent Again

11/07/2016 - Bullion News

AUDIO : The Korelin Report - This is what a bull trap looks like

PLATA - A Reversal in the Trend of International Reserves by Hugo Salinas Price

VIDEO : Hedgeye - Rickards: ‘Jamie Dimon Should Be On A Chain Gang’

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : The Sun - Tiny GOLD particles ‘armed with disease-busting drugs DESTROY cancer cells’

Casey Research - Only a Fool Would Ignore These Major Red Flags

Coin Update - New Zealand: 2017-Dated “Kiwi” Gold and Silver Bullion Coins Unveiled

TSI - Update on the Comex fear-mongering

Bloomberg - Gold's Sittin' on Shaky Ground

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11/06/2016 - Bullion News

The Washington Post - Venezuela’s Currency is Dying "This has been the result of a government that has spent more than it could borrow, and has borrowed more than it could probably pay back."

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The Only Game in Town - How Central Banks Are Running the Economy

Market Watch - ‘Turmoil around election’ could change Fed’s thinking on interest rate hike, Lockhart says

Gainesville Coins - British Gold Sovereign Turns 200

FAKE BULLION ALERT : CoinWorld - Fake $10 Gold Pulled from Proxibid Auction

The Street - Stock Market Liquidity Indicator Turns Negative for First Time Since 2009

Bloomberg - Hedge Funds Are Hiding Out in Gold

Bloomberg - Buffett’s Cash Soars to Record as Operating Profit Edges Higher

11/03/2016 - Bullion News

Casey Research - Why Gold Will Jump at Least 7% After Election Day

DiMartino Booth - The Federal Reserve to Pensions: Suspend Disbelief Indefinitely

VIDEO : Santelli Exchange - Game 7, bottom of the 10th for central banks

CoinWorld - U.S. Mint more than doubles American Eagle silver bullion sales in October

CHART : tweet : Dan Popescu - China and Russia Official Gold Purchases/Sales - 2015 vs 2016

CoinNews - Australian 2017 Dragon & Phoenix 1oz Silver Bullion Coin Released

VIDEO : CNBC - "Assets Need to be Re-Priced" - Richard Fisher, Former Dallas Fed President

Hedgeye - Central Bank Blowup? Buy Gold

CHARTS : Econimica - What the World Looks Like "x-Africa"

GOLD NANO : Digital Journal - Growing Gold Sharpened with a Sewing Machine

11/02/2016 - Bullion News

Forbes - What 2016 Proves About How Gold Prices Work

FAKE BULLION ALERT : Delaware State News - Delaware Couple Accused of Selling Fake Gold

CHART : McClellan Financial - Gold’s 13-1/2 Month Cycle Low

VIDEO : Santelli - Almost doesn't matter what the Fed wants to do

Market Watch - The Restaurant Recession has Arrived

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Connecting the Dots - 11/2/16

VIDEO : Daily Reckoning - Jim Rickards: The Next Step Will Be Financial Repression

Bloomberg - Fed Gives Subtle Nod on December Hike

11/01/2016 - Bullion News

Numismatic News - Gold Eagles’ October Surprise

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Don't Ignore this Chart - Gold Makes A One Month High

VIDEO : SAXO Group - Risk aversion over US election may support gold

Reuters - Gold at 1-month high as U.S. election jitters intensify

XinhauNet (China) - Insane Debt : The IMF estimates..."China's non-financial debts at 153.4 trillion yuan (22.7 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2015, accounting for 220.4 percent of GDP"

The New York Times - Was Alan Greenspan Motivated by Politics More Than Economics?

Project Syndicate - Central Banks and the Revenge of Politics

The Sovereign Investor - Inflation: The Most Dangerous Chinese Export

Macleans - Canada’s housing bubble makes America’s look tiny

CoinWorld - Will the United States Mint resume its redemption of mutilated coins?

PRnewswire - JM Bullion Recognized as One of the Best Places to Work in America

10/31/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : Santelli Exchange - RUSH to CASH : Rick Santelli interviews Charles Biderman of TrimTabs Investment Research

The Deviant Investor - The Titanic Sinks on Election Day

Zero Hedge - U.S. Trucking Companies Slash Fleets Amid "Tepid Shipping Demand"

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Nano Werk - mRNA Selective Drug Release from Nanoparticles

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Decline in October; US Mint Bullion Sales Surge

Bloomberg - Hyper-Inflation : Venezuelans Give Up on Counting Piles of Cash and Start Weighing Them

BullionStar - Gold Is Going To Play A Role In A New Monetary System. Interview Koos Jansen by ‘Dutch Financial Times’

Reuters - Shanghai signs Dubai as 1st foreign exchange to use its gold fix for futures products


10/28/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - McClellan Summation Indexes Show Dangerous Conditions

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Robin Griffiths: Global Economy Slowing, Risks Increasing & David Morgan discusses the Gold & Silver Markets

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - Prices Are Skyrocketing, But Only For Things You Actually Need

Daily Wealth - A Massive Change in Precious Metals You Need to See

MineWeb - Platinum bulls look past price slump to bet on supply crunch

Numismatic News - Perth Releases 2017 Bullion Coins

10/27/2016 - Bullion News

The Economist - Who’s Scary Now?

Dana Lyons - Small Stocks Threaten Breakdown – Can They Hang On?
Guide Note: The Russell 2000 'Small-Cap Index' is a Leading Indicator for the broader market.

Stock Traders Daily - Longer Term Support Has Already Begun to break in the Russell 2000: IWM, UWM, TWM

Business Insider - Investors are fleeing stock funds at the fastest pace in over 5 years

Mish Talk - Real GDP Increases 2.9% Led by Exports; Expect Revisions

Bloomberg - The World Is Out of Weapons

VIDEO : Hedgeye - Americans Face ‘Highest Cost of Living In History’

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - Home Ownership Rate At Another Interim Low

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Trajectory of Venezuelan Hyperinflation Looks Familiar

SMM - Royal Mint Bullion launches 2017 Lunar Year of the Rooster bullion coins

CoinNews - Canadian 2017 $20 Coin Depicts Whale in 3D

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10/26/2016 - Bullion News

MineWeb - Where next for gold? - Will the move in US interest rates trigger a reversal for gold?

DiMartino Booth - Global Trade: Fading to Black

Sputnik News - ECB President Draghi Cautiously Advocates Ultra-Low Rates as Costs Mount

Market Watch - Bank of England, economists likely got it wrong about U.K.’s post-Brexit growth outlook

Reuters - Austria joins ultra-long bond foray with first 70-year issue

Business Insider - A handful of giant investors have the fate of the bond market in their hands

The Deviant Investor - Silver Prices in an Exponential Financial System

Advancing Time - China, Real Reform Or Just Spinning Its Wheels?

Zero Hedge - Bitcoin Soars As China Launches Crackdown On Wealth-Management Products

CARTOON : Hedgeye - FALL

Market Watch - Corporate Insiders have Little Appetite for Their Own Stocks this Month

10/25/2016 - Bullion News

PLATA - Hugo Salinas Price - How I Became a Gold-Bug

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - Gold Recovering Short Term - New Oversold PMO BUY Signal Encouraging

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Hit 3-Week Highs

Sputnik News - No Data, No Fed Hike? US Authorities Seek to Regulate $13.6-Trn Gov. Bond Market

Numismatic News - Silver Buyers Need Trucks

CHARTS : NFTRH - The Current Message of Yield Curves: Inflation or Deflation?

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - Consumer Confidence Declines in October After Back-to-Back Gains

Leveraged Loan - Amid Investor Demand, Second-Lien Leveraged Loan Issuance Takes Off

WolfStreet - How the Ballooning “Pension Crisis” Will Impact the Economy

Gainesville Coins - Mintages Raised for Chinese Silver, Gold Panda Coins

10/24/2016 - Bullion News

Zero Hedge - Paul Volcker Explains Why The Fed Can't Raise Rates

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Mixed; US Mint Bullion Coins Advance

Bloomberg - Mobius Says Gold Will Gain in 2017 as Fed Goes Slow on Hikes

Econimica - Why Africa's Growth Does Not Add Up to Global Growth

The Telegraph - Inflation: next year's ticking time bomb

Reuters - Italy's front line in fight to save banks: a storage room

The Felder Report - A Real Conversation About The Markets

GoldBroker - Gold is near the 2011 highs in many currencies

International Man - The Elimination of Reason

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10/23/2016 - Bullion News

Business Insider - Economists Never Imagined Negative Interest Rates — Now They're Rewriting Textbooks

Hussman Funds - The Illusion that "Old Measures No Longer Apply"

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Approaching the Peak

Sputnik News - As US Corporate Debt Soars, Earnings Suggest Dim Outlook on Growth

MINING - South African union reaches tentative wage deals with platinum trio

Market Watch - Fed’s Williams says gradual rate hikes needed with economy in ‘good shape’

BullionStar - Central Bank Austria Claims To Have Audited Gold at BOE. Refuses To Release Audit Reports & Gold Bar List by Koos Jansen

Business Recorder - Russian gold reserves edge up to 49.6mn oz as of Oct. 1

Durango Herald - Dollar coins still aren’t on a roll

10/21/2016 - Bullion News

SAXO Group - Commodities pause as the Dollar Rises

Kitco - U.S. Dollar Weakness Will Be Key For Gold’s Recovery Next Week

GOLD FRAUD : New York Daily News - Con artists posing as handymen trick victims out of $250G using fake bags of gold

GoldSeek - COT Gold, Silver and US Dollar Index Report - October 21, 2016

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : UMass Lowell - Researcher Uses Nanomedicine for Breast Cancer Treatment

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - "Real" Negative

CoinWorld - World Bullion Coins in 2017

World Mint News - Isle of Man: Final Gold Christmas Angel Issued

CoinWorld - Are you aware that India has its own gold bullion coin program?

CARTOON : Hedgeye - Yellen's Bottom

10/20/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Trading Floor - The Gold Exodus is Showing Signs of Fading

Dimartino Booth - Global Debt Investors: The Silence of the Lambs

Sputnik News - Federal Reserve Sees Pickup in Wages, Workers Don't

CHART : Sunshine Profits - Speculators Close Gold Positions

High Yield Bond - The Incredible Expanding High-Yield Overvaluation - Only on the brink of the massive price collapse of the Great Recession in 2008 has the high-yield market ever been as overvalued as it currently is

GoldReporter - From Switzerland: China doubled gold imports in September

Econimica - Why Exporters Are in Double Trouble

The Felder Report - Remembering The Impetus Of “Irrational Exuberance” As We Approach Its 20th Anniversary

Money Control - India, Japan platinum demand to be strong in 2017: PGI

Mises - The Fed Thinks It Can Use the "Natural" Interest Rate to Fine-Tune the Economy

Platts - Zero wedge: Shrinking margins and increased regulation leaves ‘restrained optimism’ for gold

10/19/2016 - Bullion News

24/7 Wall St. - Saudis, China Dump Treasuries; Foreign Central Banks Liquidate a Record $346 Billion in US Paper

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - A Long-Term Look at Inflation

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : King One Eye - A Hot Trio of Gold Charts

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : nanowerk - Gold Nanoparticles could be the Key to Developing a Treatment for Pancreatic Cancer

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - $20 Trillion in Debt, Who Cares!? Just Numbers On A Screen

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Bullion Desk - PLATINUM TODAY – Prices appear to have finally found some support

CARTOON : Hedgeye - No Worries?

SRSrocco Report - Silver Eagle Demand Returns With A Vengeance As Political & Economic Turmoil Increases

BullionStar - The Great Physical Gold Supply & Demand Illusion

Notes from Underground - Janet Yellen’s Speech Scared The Halloween Out of Me

VIDEO : Perth Mint Blog - The Perth Mint – leading the world in precious metals

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - What is a Stock Chart?

10/18/2016 - Bullion News

24/7 WallSt. - Inflation Reaches Fed Target Range, If You Look Closely

Advisor Perspectives - Inflation: An X-Ray View of the Components

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - SPY: Toppy

The Telegraph - Want to know why central bankers can't solve the world's problems? Read a book

GOLD NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : figShare - Gold Nanoparticle Reprograms Pancreatic Tumor Microenvironment and Inhibits Tumor Growth

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : The Bullion Desk - PLATINUM TODAY – Is a price rebound possible?

Bloomberg - Goldman Says U.S. Bondholders Risk a $1.1 Trillion Hit if Rates Spike

Reuters - Deutsche Bank to pay $38 million in U.S. silver price-fixing case

The Deviant Investor - Silver, Debt, and Deficits – From an Election Year Perspective

Nevada Appeal - John R. Bullis: Investments in gold

FEE - The Free Market Wins against Discrimination

10/17/2016 - Bullion News

Tocqueville - Gold Strategy Investor Letter - Third Quarter 2016 Review & Outlook

Hussman Funds - Calm Before the Storm

Econimica - The Greatest Bubble Ever...& The Federal Reserve Can't See It?!?

CoinNews - Gold, Silver Edge Higher; US Bullion Coins Log Wide Gains

Market Watch - BOJ’s Kuroda relaxes his tone on additional easing

Zero Hedge - Restaurant Industry In Gloom As Number Of Americans Eating Out Tumbles

Money Metals Exchange - How Will the Election Outcome Impact Precious Metals?

VIDEO : CNBC - Santelli Exchange: Obstacles to growth

Casey Research - Former Goldman Insider Says Price of Gold Could Double

FEE - Ludwig von Mises, the Academic

Bloomberg - The Cashless Society Is a Creepy Fantasy

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10/16/2016 - Bullion News

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Don Coxe: World Awash in Crises – Get Prepared

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Market Anthropology - Connecting the Dots

Value Walk - Indian Gold Jewelry Sales Set to Hit a Four-Year High

Casey Research - Forget The Fed…Here’s the Key Interest Rate You Need to Be Watching

The Felder Report - Why ‘Passive Investing’ Is An Oxymoron

VIDEO : GoldSeek - Gold Technicals

INFOGRAPHIC : Visual Capitalist - The Oil Market is Bigger Than All Metal Markets Combined

Market Watch - Fed’s Yellen sees benefits in letting inflation exceed central bank’s 2% target

AUDIO : Peak Prosperity - Wolf Richter: The Economy Is Cracking Under Too Much Debt

10/14/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli and Peter Boockvar, The Lindsey Group Chief Market Analyst Discusses the Latest Reads on the Economy

Bloomberg - U.S. Deficit Up for First Time Since 2009 on Spending Surge

DiMartino Booth - The Beer Goggles Stock Market

Sputnik News - Fed Stalemate: How Either Keeping or Raising Rates Leads to Recession

Market Watch - A recession is coming — so hide in gold, says influential investor Raoul Pal

Forbes - Three Reasons To Be Bullish On Gold

MineWeb - The tangible and intangible factors will support the gold price

10/13/2016 - Bullion News

Boock Report - All You Need to Know about the Possibility of a November Interest Rate Hike - 'Cold November Rain'

FAKE BULLION ALERT : CoinWorld - Concerned about the authenticity of precious metals bars you may own? - Platinum PAMP Suisse bar counterfeited along with packaging

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Commodities Countdown - Gold Is Sliding Sideways, What's Next?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Business Insider - Get ready for a 'severe fall' in the stock market, HSBC says

tweet : CHART : Tom McClellan - Gold & Federal Deficits

GOLD NANO TECH : CANCER RESEARCH : Dovepress - Increased radiosensitivity of colorectal tumors with intra-tumoral injection of low dose of gold nanoparticles

CoinNews - Gold Edges 0.3% Higher; US Mint Gold Coins Rise

Energy & Capital - Is the Gold Bull Market Over?

FEE - A Tale of Two Gold Standards

CoinWeek - Chinese Pandas – Setting the Bar High in Shenyang

Bullion Vault - Gold Trade Reporting Coming to London 2017

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10/11/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - Gold Puts Up a Fight Against Rising Dollar

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Almanac Trader - Gold’s pullback could last until after Election Day

Numismatic News - Morgan dollars more than just silver

Perth Mint Blog - NEW Close-up view of the 2017 Australian Kookaburra Silver Bullion Coin

GoldReporter - India's official gold imports far below last year

The Deviant Investor - How Much Gold and Silver Do You Need For Retirement?

The Deviant Investor - How Much Gold and Silver Do You Need For Retirement?

Reuters - Fed's Evans sees benefits to overshooting inflation target

Bloomberg - U.S. Consumer Debt Stings as Delinquency Chances Increase

CHART : Advisor Perspectives - Long-Term Trends in Employment by Age Group

Investment U - How Language Dictates Your Savings Habits

10/10/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : Decision Point - Downside Potential for Gold - it is desirable that the support at 1200 be able to hold.

CHART : Business Insider - The market looks eerily similar to the days right before the 1987 crash

Yahoo - Banks ponder the meaning of life as Deutsche agonizes

Bloomberg - Goldman Sachs’s Cohn Calls Central Banks an ‘Ineffective Cartel’

GOLD & SILVER NANO TECH : PHYS - Team turns nanorods into multistate switches with an electron beam

The Telegraph - China must wean itself off debt addiction if it is to avoid financial calamity, warns IMF chief

Econimica - The Era of Population & Economic Growth Has Ceased...New Normal Goal s/b Minimal Contraction, Not Growth

CHART : FEE - The "Evil" of Capitalism, in One Chart

10/09/2016 - Bullion News

CoinNews - Gold Logs Worst Week in 3 Years; US Mint Bullion Sales Best Since January

BAWERK - Do our money managers really believe this will end well?

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : GoldSeek - Bull Markets Have Corrections

AUDIO : Financial Sense - Money Never Sleeps and the Great Reflation

Hussman Funds - Overvaluation, Deteriorating Market Action, and Coordinated Exit

Bloomberg - One of Jeffrey Gundlach's Favorite Recession Indicators Just Got Triggered

Numismatic News - Bitcoins are Not Money?

10/07/2016 - Bullion News

VIDEO : Bloomberg - The Inevitable Monetary Future Explained >>> Understanding Why Everyone Should Own Precious Metals

VIDEO : Fox Business - Layfield Report CEO John Layfield and former Dallas Fed Advisor Danielle DiMartino Booth weigh in on September jobs numbers.

The Felder Report - Never Say ‘Never’ When It Comes To The Financial Markets

GOLD NANO : BREAST CANCER RESEARCH : CSIRO - Effect of Modification Protocols on the Effectiveness of Gold Nanoparticles as Drug Delivery Vehicles for Killing of Breast Cancer Cells*

Market Watch - Jobs report doesn’t shift timing for Fed rate-hike expectations

Deviant Investor - Inflation – The Simple Explanation is Theft

International Man - Doug Casey: Why the Euro Is a Doomed Currency

10/06/2016 - Bullion News

Market Watch - Forget ‘too big to fail’ — the new concern is banks too weak to survive

The Telegraph - Global debt hits all-time high of $152 trillion as IMF warns of world-wide economic stagnation

Reuters - ECB taper talk spooks euro zone bond markets

The Deccan Chroicle - The Federal Reserve Pulls Down the Gold Price

Dr. Ed's Blog - Just Say No!

VIDEO : CNBC - Schiff: In this market, 'everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die'

VIDEO : Bloomberg - Fed Hike Shouldn’t Shake Faith in Gold, Says Mining Chief

True Wealth - Jim Rogers on the dangers of making money, and of debt – lessons for forever

Kitco - An Insider’s Take on Gold Manipulation Case

Reuters - UBS is dismissed in U.S. silver lawsuit, other claims narrowed

The CoinTelegraph - Federal Reserve Begins Study on Digital Payments and Blockchain Technology

10/05/2016 - Bullion News

DiMartino Booth - The Overlords of Finance

VIDEO : CNBC - Rick Santelli and Peter Schiff discuss the moves in the gold market.

VIDEO : SAXO Group - Will gold drop further?

GoldReporter.de - Fed gold stocks down: 25 tonnes for Germany?

INFOGRAPHIC : CoinWorld - 2016 American Eagle silver bullion monthly sales continue to lag 2015 and 2014

CHART : Perth Mint Blog - Monthly Sales – September 2016

AUDIO : McAlvany Weekly Commentary - Is Deutche Bank the Next Lehman?

Advisor Perspectives - The Financial Plight of White Working Class Males

10/04/2016 - Bullion News

TECHNICAL ANALYSIS : SAXO Group - Gold back below $1,300/oz as confidence fades - From a technical perspective, however, the downside risk – initially to $1,280 and more importantly $1,250/oz (38.2% of the December to July rally) – can not be ruled out. For the market to have enough momentum to break $1,380/oz, a correction was needed.

AUDIO : The Korelin Report - George Gero - Managing Director RBC Wealth Management - A close look at the gold market domestically and internationally

AUDIO : Thinking Out Loud - Central Banks Rush to Gold

CNBC - This ‘Bubble Blind’ Fed is Going to Trigger another Brutal Recession by Michael Pinto

Bloomberg - Gold Drops Below $1,300 to Lowest Since June on Fed Rate Concern

SILVER NANO : CANCER RESEARCH : Dove Press - Silver Nano-Particles Outperform Gold Nano-Particles in Radio-Sensitizing

Financial Sense - The End of Dollar Dominance?

MINING - Platinum price back in triple digits’

ValueWalk - Bill Gross: Financial Markets Are Becoming ‘A Vegas Casino’

CHARTS : Advisor Perspectives - Is the Stock Market Cheap?

Q-Costa Rica - One Of The World’s Greatest Treasures Believed Buried In Cocos Island

10/03/2016 - Bullion News

Hussman Funds - Sizing Up the Bubble

tweet : Michael Lebowitz - Deep Thoughts : The Fed and buying Stocks...

Reuters - September U.S. auto sales down 0.5 percent even as discounts rise

WolfStreet - Restaurant Industry, Leading Indicator of US Economy Sours, Bankruptcies Pile up

VIDEO : Hedgeye - Steiner: Deutsche Bank’s $50 Trillion Problem

VIDEO : Visual Capitalist - How Much Money Have Humans Created?

The Speculative Investor - Inflation has always been about theft

VIDEO : Perth Mint Blog - NEW Close-up look at the 2017 Australian Kangaroo Gold Bullion Coin

CHART : Market Realist - How a Firmer Dollar Played on Precious Metals

Sputnik News - Gold in the Alps: Billionaires Store Wealth in Ex-Swiss Army Bunkers

Energy & Capital - Solar's Secret Metal Outpaces Supply

Market Watch - Oct. 3-7 Economic Calendar

10/02/2016 - Bullion News

The Barrel - Gold market rife with rumors of likely LBMA partner to increase transparency

AUDIO : Financial Sense - The Only Game in Town

The Telegraph - Chinese authorities need to guard against bad debt crisis

Sify finance - Gold buying picks up ahead of India's festive season, China holiday

Silver Coins Today - 2016 American Silver Eagle Sales in September

Reuters - Blind Fed: Fed's Kaplan scours for signs of economy overheating, finds nothing

True Wealth - 3 investment lessons from the House of Cards

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